JohnCorby 98dff49a04 more
2022-08-15 23:20:46 -07:00

36 lines
881 B

using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using QSB.Messaging;
using QSB.Player;
using QSB.WorldSync;
using System.Threading;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QSB.AuthoritySync;
/// <summary>
/// helper implementation of the interface
/// </summary>
public abstract class AuthWorldObject<T> : WorldObject<T>, IAuthWorldObject
where T : MonoBehaviour
public uint Owner { get; set; }
public abstract bool CanOwn { get; }
public override void SendInitialState(uint to) =>
((IAuthWorldObject)this).SendMessage(new WorldObjectAuthMessage(Owner) { To = to });
public override async UniTask Init(CancellationToken ct) =>
QSBPlayerManager.OnRemovePlayer += OnPlayerLeave;
public override void OnRemoval() =>
QSBPlayerManager.OnRemovePlayer -= OnPlayerLeave;
private void OnPlayerLeave(PlayerInfo player)
if (Owner == player.PlayerId)