JohnCorby 13f5e2ebc3 - no more initial state for qsb network behaviours because it is dumb and i hate it
- spawn authqueue objects with no authority for real instead of with server authority
2022-01-27 03:15:52 -08:00

39 lines
925 B

using Mirror;
using QSB.Utility;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QSB.Syncs
public class QSBNetworkTransformChild : QSBNetworkBehaviour
public Transform Target;
protected override float SendInterval => 0.05f;
protected Vector3 _prevPosition;
protected Quaternion _prevRotation;
protected override void UpdatePrevData()
_prevPosition = Target.localPosition;
_prevRotation = Target.localRotation;
protected override bool HasChanged() =>
Vector3.Distance(Target.localPosition, _prevPosition) > 1E-05f ||
Quaternion.Angle(Target.localRotation, _prevRotation) > 1E-05f;
protected override void Serialize(NetworkWriter writer)
protected override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
Target.localPosition = reader.ReadVector3();
Target.localRotation = reader.ReadQuaternion();