
163 lines
3.9 KiB

using OWML.Common;
using QSB.SectorSync.WorldObjects;
using QSB.Utility;
using QSB.WorldSync;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QSB.SectorSync;
public class QSBSectorDetector : MonoBehaviour
public readonly List<QSBSector> SectorList = new();
private SectorDetector _sectorDetector;
public void Init(SectorDetector detector)
if (_sectorDetector)
if (!detector)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - Trying to init QSBSectorDetector {name} with null SectorDetector!", MessageType.Error);
_sectorDetector = detector;
_sectorDetector.OnEnterSector += AddSector;
_sectorDetector.OnExitSector += RemoveSector;
public void Uninit()
if (!_sectorDetector)
_sectorDetector.OnEnterSector -= AddSector;
_sectorDetector.OnExitSector -= RemoveSector;
_sectorDetector = null;
private void AddSector(Sector sector)
if (!sector)
// wtf
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - Trying to add null sector for QSBSectorDetector {name}", MessageType.Error);
var worldObject = sector.GetWorldObject<QSBSector>();
if (worldObject == null)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - Can't find QSBSector for sector {sector.name}!", MessageType.Error);
private void RemoveSector(Sector sector)
if (!sector)
// wtf
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - Trying to remove null sector for QSBSectorDetector {name}", MessageType.Error);
var worldObject = sector.GetWorldObject<QSBSector>();
if (worldObject == null)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - Can't find QSBSector for sector {sector.name}!", MessageType.Error);
/// <summary>
/// called only by the sector manager
/// </summary>
public QSBSector GetClosestSector()
var type = _sectorDetector._occupantType;
var validSectors = SectorList.Where(x => x.ShouldSyncTo(type)).ToList();
var inASector = validSectors.Count > 0;
if (!inASector)
validSectors = QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<QSBSector>()
.Where(x => !x.IsFakeSector && x.Type != Sector.Name.Unnamed && x.ShouldSyncTo(type))
if (validSectors.Count == 0)
return null;
var closest = validSectors
.MinBy(sector => CalculateSectorScore(sector, _sectorDetector._attachedRigidbody));
if (inASector)
bool IsSamePositionAsClosest(QSBSector fakeSector)
=> (fakeSector.Position - closest.Position).sqrMagnitude < 0.01f * 0.01f;
bool IsAttachedValid(QSBSector fakeSector)
=> validSectors.Any(x => x.AttachedObject == fakeSector.FakeSector.AttachedSector);
var fakeToSyncTo = QSBSectorManager.Instance.FakeSectors
.FirstOrDefault(x => IsSamePositionAsClosest(x) && IsAttachedValid(x));
return fakeToSyncTo ?? closest;
return closest;
private static float CalculateSectorScore(QSBSector sector, OWRigidbody rigidbody)
var sqrDistance = (sector.Position - rigidbody.GetPosition()).sqrMagnitude;
var radius = GetRadius(sector);
var velocity = GetRelativeVelocity(sector, rigidbody);
return sqrDistance + radius * radius + velocity;
private static float GetRadius(QSBSector sector)
// TODO : make this work for other stuff, not just shaped triggervolumes
var trigger = sector.AttachedObject.GetTriggerVolume();
if (trigger && trigger.GetShape())
return trigger.GetShape().CalcWorldBounds().radius;
return 0f;
private static float GetRelativeVelocity(QSBSector sector, OWRigidbody rigidbody)
var sectorRigidbody = sector.AttachedObject.GetOWRigidbody();
if (sectorRigidbody && rigidbody)
var relativeVelocity = rigidbody.GetVelocity() - sectorRigidbody.GetPointVelocity(rigidbody.GetPosition());
return relativeVelocity.sqrMagnitude;
return 0;