2022-01-13 18:40:24 -08:00

456 lines
21 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// <summary>Helper class that weaver populates with all reader types.</summary>
// Note that c# creates a different static variable for each type
// -> Weaver.ReaderWriterProcessor.InitializeReaderAndWriters() populates it
public static class Reader<T>
public static Func<NetworkReader, T> read;
/// <summary>Network Reader for most simple types like floats, ints, buffers, structs, etc. Use NetworkReaderPool.GetReader() to avoid allocations.</summary>
// Note: This class is intended to be extremely pedantic,
// and throw exceptions whenever stuff is going slightly wrong.
// The exceptions will be handled in NetworkServer/NetworkClient.
public class NetworkReader
// internal buffer
// byte[] pointer would work, but we use ArraySegment to also support
// the ArraySegment constructor
ArraySegment<byte> buffer;
/// <summary>Next position to read from the buffer</summary>
// 'int' is the best type for .Position. 'short' is too small if we send >32kb which would result in negative .Position
// -> converting long to int is fine until 2GB of data (MAX_INT), so we don't have to worry about overflows here
public int Position;
/// <summary>Total number of bytes to read from buffer</summary>
public int Length => buffer.Count;
/// <summary>Remaining bytes that can be read, for convenience.</summary>
public int Remaining => Length - Position;
public NetworkReader(byte[] bytes)
buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(bytes);
public NetworkReader(ArraySegment<byte> segment)
buffer = segment;
// sometimes it's useful to point a reader on another buffer instead of
// allocating a new reader (e.g. NetworkReaderPool)
public void SetBuffer(byte[] bytes)
buffer = new ArraySegment<byte>(bytes);
Position = 0;
public void SetBuffer(ArraySegment<byte> segment)
buffer = segment;
Position = 0;
// IMPORTANT: ReadBlittable<T> via fixed pinning WON'T WORK on android:
// https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/3044
// if we ever do it again, use NativeArray + .GetPtr()!
public byte ReadByte()
if (Position + 1 > buffer.Count)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadByte out of range:{ToString()}");
return buffer.Array[buffer.Offset + Position++];
/// <summary>Read 'count' bytes into the bytes array</summary>
// TODO why does this also return bytes[]???
public byte[] ReadBytes(byte[] bytes, int count)
// check if passed byte array is big enough
if (count > bytes.Length)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBytes can't read {count} + bytes because the passed byte[] only has length {bytes.Length}");
ArraySegment<byte> data = ReadBytesSegment(count);
Array.Copy(data.Array, data.Offset, bytes, 0, count);
return bytes;
/// <summary>Read 'count' bytes allocation-free as ArraySegment that points to the internal array.</summary>
public ArraySegment<byte> ReadBytesSegment(int count)
// check if within buffer limits
if (Position + count > buffer.Count)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadBytesSegment can't read {count} bytes because it would read past the end of the stream. {ToString()}");
// return the segment
ArraySegment<byte> result = new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset + Position, count);
Position += count;
return result;
public override string ToString()
return $"NetworkReader pos={Position} len={Length} buffer={BitConverter.ToString(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count)}";
/// <summary>Reads any data type that mirror supports. Uses weaver populated Reader(T).read</summary>
public T Read<T>()
Func<NetworkReader, T> readerDelegate = Reader<T>.read;
if (readerDelegate == null)
Debug.LogError($"No reader found for {typeof(T)}. Use a type supported by Mirror or define a custom reader");
return default;
return readerDelegate(this);
// Mirror's Weaver automatically detects all NetworkReader function types,
// but they do all need to be extensions.
public static class NetworkReaderExtensions
// cache encoding instead of creating it each time
// 1000 readers before: 1MB GC, 30ms
// 1000 readers after: 0.8MB GC, 18ms
static readonly UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
public static byte ReadByte(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadByte();
public static byte? ReadByteNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadByte(reader) : default(byte?);
public static sbyte ReadSByte(this NetworkReader reader) => (sbyte)reader.ReadByte();
public static sbyte? ReadSByteNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadSByte(reader) : default(sbyte?);
public static char ReadChar(this NetworkReader reader) => (char)reader.ReadUShort();
public static char? ReadCharNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadChar(reader) : default(char?);
public static bool ReadBool(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadByte() != 0;
public static bool? ReadBoolNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadBool(reader) : default(bool?);
public static short ReadShort(this NetworkReader reader) => (short)reader.ReadUShort();
public static short? ReadShortNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadShort(reader) : default(short?);
public static ushort ReadUShort(this NetworkReader reader)
ushort value = 0;
value |= reader.ReadByte();
value |= (ushort)(reader.ReadByte() << 8);
return value;
public static ushort? ReadUShortNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadUShort(reader) : default(ushort?);
public static int ReadInt(this NetworkReader reader) => (int)reader.ReadUInt();
public static int? ReadIntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadInt(reader) : default(int?);
public static uint ReadUInt(this NetworkReader reader)
uint value = 0;
value |= reader.ReadByte();
value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 8);
value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 16);
value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 24);
return value;
public static uint? ReadUIntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadUInt(reader) : default(uint?);
public static long ReadLong(this NetworkReader reader) => (long)reader.ReadULong();
public static long? ReadLongNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadLong(reader) : default(long?);
public static ulong ReadULong(this NetworkReader reader)
ulong value = 0;
value |= reader.ReadByte();
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 8;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 16;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 24;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 32;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 40;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 48;
value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 56;
return value;
public static ulong? ReadULongNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadULong(reader) : default(ulong?);
public static float ReadFloat(this NetworkReader reader)
UIntFloat converter = new UIntFloat();
converter.intValue = reader.ReadUInt();
return converter.floatValue;
public static float? ReadFloatNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadFloat(reader) : default(float?);
public static double ReadDouble(this NetworkReader reader)
UIntDouble converter = new UIntDouble();
converter.longValue = reader.ReadULong();
return converter.doubleValue;
public static double? ReadDoubleNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadDouble(reader) : default(double?);
public static decimal ReadDecimal(this NetworkReader reader)
UIntDecimal converter = new UIntDecimal();
converter.longValue1 = reader.ReadULong();
converter.longValue2 = reader.ReadULong();
return converter.decimalValue;
public static decimal? ReadDecimalNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadDecimal(reader) : default(decimal?);
/// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">if an invalid utf8 string is sent</exception>
public static string ReadString(this NetworkReader reader)
// read number of bytes
ushort size = reader.ReadUShort();
// null support, see NetworkWriter
if (size == 0)
return null;
int realSize = size - 1;
// make sure it's within limits to avoid allocation attacks etc.
if (realSize >= NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"ReadString too long: {realSize}. Limit is: {NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength}");
ArraySegment<byte> data = reader.ReadBytesSegment(realSize);
// convert directly from buffer to string via encoding
return encoding.GetString(data.Array, data.Offset, data.Count);
/// <exception cref="T:OverflowException">if count is invalid</exception>
public static byte[] ReadBytesAndSize(this NetworkReader reader)
// count = 0 means the array was null
// otherwise count -1 is the length of the array
uint count = reader.ReadUInt();
// Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid
return count == 0 ? null : reader.ReadBytes(checked((int)(count - 1u)));
public static byte[] ReadBytes(this NetworkReader reader, int count)
byte[] bytes = new byte[count];
reader.ReadBytes(bytes, count);
return bytes;
/// <exception cref="T:OverflowException">if count is invalid</exception>
public static ArraySegment<byte> ReadBytesAndSizeSegment(this NetworkReader reader)
// count = 0 means the array was null
// otherwise count - 1 is the length of the array
uint count = reader.ReadUInt();
// Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid
return count == 0 ? default : reader.ReadBytesSegment(checked((int)(count - 1u)));
public static Vector2 ReadVector2(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector2(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Vector2? ReadVector2Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadVector2(reader) : default(Vector2?);
public static Vector3 ReadVector3(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector3(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Vector3? ReadVector3Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadVector3(reader) : default(Vector3?);
public static Vector4 ReadVector4(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector4(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Vector4? ReadVector4Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadVector4(reader) : default(Vector4?);
public static Vector2Int ReadVector2Int(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector2Int(reader.ReadInt(), reader.ReadInt());
public static Vector2Int? ReadVector2IntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadVector2Int(reader) : default(Vector2Int?);
public static Vector3Int ReadVector3Int(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector3Int(reader.ReadInt(), reader.ReadInt(), reader.ReadInt());
public static Vector3Int? ReadVector3IntNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadVector3Int(reader) : default(Vector3Int?);
public static Color ReadColor(this NetworkReader reader) => new Color(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Color? ReadColorNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? new Color(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat()) : default(Color?);
public static Color32 ReadColor32(this NetworkReader reader) => new Color32(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte());
public static Color32? ReadColor32Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? new Color32(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte()) : default(Color32?);
public static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(this NetworkReader reader) => new Quaternion(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Quaternion? ReadQuaternionNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadQuaternion(reader) : default(Quaternion?);
public static Rect ReadRect(this NetworkReader reader) => new Rect(reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Rect? ReadRectNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadRect(reader) : default(Rect?);
public static Plane ReadPlane(this NetworkReader reader) => new Plane(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadFloat());
public static Plane? ReadPlaneNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadPlane(reader) : default(Plane?);
public static Ray ReadRay(this NetworkReader reader) => new Ray(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadVector3());
public static Ray? ReadRayNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadRay(reader) : default(Ray?);
public static Matrix4x4 ReadMatrix4x4(this NetworkReader reader)
return new Matrix4x4
m00 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m01 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m02 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m03 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m10 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m11 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m12 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m13 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m20 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m21 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m22 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m23 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m30 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m31 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m32 = reader.ReadFloat(),
m33 = reader.ReadFloat()
public static Matrix4x4? ReadMatrix4x4Nullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadMatrix4x4(reader) : default(Matrix4x4?);
public static Guid ReadGuid(this NetworkReader reader) => new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16));
public static Guid? ReadGuidNullable(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadBool() ? ReadGuid(reader) : default(Guid?);
public static NetworkIdentity ReadNetworkIdentity(this NetworkReader reader)
uint netId = reader.ReadUInt();
if (netId == 0)
return null;
// look in server spawned
if (NetworkServer.active &&
NetworkServer.spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity serverIdentity))
return serverIdentity;
// look in client spawned
if (NetworkClient.active &&
NetworkClient.spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity clientIdentity))
return clientIdentity;
// a netId not being in spawned is common.
// for example, "[SyncVar] NetworkIdentity target" netId would not
// be known on client if the monster walks out of proximity for a
// moment. no need to log any error or warning here.
return null;
public static NetworkBehaviour ReadNetworkBehaviour(this NetworkReader reader)
// reuse ReadNetworkIdentity, get the component at index
NetworkIdentity identity = ReadNetworkIdentity(reader);
// a netId not being in spawned is common.
// for example, "[SyncVar] NetworkBehaviour target" netId would not
// be known on client if the monster walks out of proximity for a
// moment. no need to log any error or warning here.
if (identity == null)
return null;
// if identity isn't null, then index is also sent to read before returning
byte componentIndex = reader.ReadByte();
return identity.NetworkBehaviours[componentIndex];
public static T ReadNetworkBehaviour<T>(this NetworkReader reader) where T : NetworkBehaviour
return reader.ReadNetworkBehaviour() as T;
public static NetworkBehaviour.NetworkBehaviourSyncVar ReadNetworkBehaviourSyncVar(this NetworkReader reader)
uint netId = reader.ReadUInt();
byte componentIndex = default;
// if netId is not 0, then index is also sent to read before returning
if (netId != 0)
componentIndex = reader.ReadByte();
return new NetworkBehaviour.NetworkBehaviourSyncVar(netId, componentIndex);
public static Transform ReadTransform(this NetworkReader reader)
// Don't use null propagation here as it could lead to MissingReferenceException
NetworkIdentity networkIdentity = reader.ReadNetworkIdentity();
return networkIdentity != null ? networkIdentity.transform : null;
public static GameObject ReadGameObject(this NetworkReader reader)
// Don't use null propagation here as it could lead to MissingReferenceException
NetworkIdentity networkIdentity = reader.ReadNetworkIdentity();
return networkIdentity != null ? networkIdentity.gameObject : null;
public static List<T> ReadList<T>(this NetworkReader reader)
int length = reader.ReadInt();
if (length < 0)
return null;
List<T> result = new List<T>(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
return result;
public static T[] ReadArray<T>(this NetworkReader reader)
int length = reader.ReadInt();
// we write -1 for null
if (length < 0)
return null;
// todo throw an exception for other negative values (we never write them, likely to be attacker)
// this assumes that a reader for T reads at least 1 bytes
// we can't know the exact size of T because it could have a user created reader
// NOTE: don't add to length as it could overflow if value is int.max
if (length > reader.Length - reader.Position)
throw new EndOfStreamException($"Received array that is too large: {length}");
T[] result = new T[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = reader.Read<T>();
return result;
public static Uri ReadUri(this NetworkReader reader)
string uriString = reader.ReadString();
return (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uriString) ? null : new Uri(uriString));
public static Texture2D ReadTexture2D(this NetworkReader reader)
Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(32, 32);
return texture2D;
public static Sprite ReadSprite(this NetworkReader reader)
return Sprite.Create(reader.ReadTexture2D(), reader.ReadRect(), reader.ReadVector2());