using OWML.Common; using QSB.Utility; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace QSB.TransformSync { public abstract class TransformSync : NetworkBehaviour { public PlayerInfo Player => PlayerRegistry.GetPlayer(PlayerId); private const float SmoothTime = 0.1f; private bool _isInitialized; public Transform SyncedTransform { get; private set; } public QSBSector ReferenceSector { get; set; } private Vector3 _positionSmoothVelocity; private Quaternion _rotationSmoothVelocity; private bool _isVisible; protected virtual void Awake() { PlayerRegistry.TransformSyncs.Add(this); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); QSBSceneManager.OnSceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; } private void OnSceneLoaded(OWScene scene, bool isInUniverse) { _isInitialized = false; } protected abstract Transform InitLocalTransform(); protected abstract Transform InitRemoteTransform(); public abstract bool IsReady { get; } public abstract uint PlayerId { get; } protected void Init() { ReferenceSector = QSBSectorManager.Instance.GetStartPlanetSector(); SyncedTransform = hasAuthority ? InitLocalTransform() : InitRemoteTransform(); if (!hasAuthority) { SyncedTransform.position = ReferenceSector.Position; } _isInitialized = true; _isVisible = true; } private void Update() { if (!_isInitialized && IsReady) { Init(); } else if (_isInitialized && !IsReady) { _isInitialized = false; } if (SyncedTransform == null || !_isInitialized) { return; } // Get which sector should be used as a reference point if (ReferenceSector == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - TransformSync with id {netId.Value} doesn't have a reference sector", MessageType.Error); } UpdateTransform(); } protected virtual void UpdateTransform() { if (hasAuthority) // If this script is attached to the client's own body on the client's side. { transform.position = ReferenceSector.Transform.InverseTransformPoint(SyncedTransform.position); transform.rotation = ReferenceSector.Transform.InverseTransformRotation(SyncedTransform.rotation); return; } // If this script is attached to any other body, eg the representations of other players if (SyncedTransform.position == { // Fix bodies staying at 0,0,0 by chucking them into the sun Hide(); return; } Show(); SyncedTransform.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(SyncedTransform.localPosition, transform.position, ref _positionSmoothVelocity, SmoothTime); SyncedTransform.localRotation = QuaternionHelper.SmoothDamp(SyncedTransform.localRotation, transform.rotation, ref _rotationSmoothVelocity, Time.deltaTime); } public void SetReferenceSector(QSBSector sector) { _positionSmoothVelocity =; ReferenceSector = sector; SyncedTransform.SetParent(sector.Transform, true); transform.position = sector.Transform.InverseTransformPoint(SyncedTransform.position); transform.rotation = sector.Transform.InverseTransformRotation(SyncedTransform.rotation); } private void Show() { if (!_isVisible) { SyncedTransform.gameObject.Show(); _isVisible = true; } } private void Hide() { if (_isVisible) { SyncedTransform.gameObject.Hide(); _isVisible = false; } } } }