using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Mirror
/// Component that controls visibility of networked objects for players.
/// Any object with this component on it will not be visible to players more than a (configurable) distance away.
// Deprecated 2021-10-30
[Obsolete("This component has been replaced with Distance Interest Management Custom Range component. Remove this component and add Distance Interest Management component to the same object as your Network Manager.")]
public class NetworkProximityChecker : NetworkVisibility
/// The maximum range that objects will be visible at.
[Tooltip("The maximum range that objects will be visible at.")]
public int visRange = 10;
/// How often (in seconds) that this object should update the list of observers that can see it.
[Tooltip("How often (in seconds) that this object should update the list of observers that can see it.")]
public float visUpdateInterval = 1;
public override void OnStartServer()
InvokeRepeating(nameof(RebuildObservers), 0, visUpdateInterval);
public override void OnStopServer()
void RebuildObservers()
/// Callback used by the visibility system to determine if an observer (player) can see this object.
/// If this function returns true, the network connection will be added as an observer.
/// Network connection of a player.
/// True if the player can see this object.
public override bool OnCheckObserver(NetworkConnection conn)
return Vector3.Distance(conn.identity.transform.position, transform.position) < visRange;
/// Callback used by the visibility system to (re)construct the set of observers that can see this object.
/// Implementations of this callback should add network connections of players that can see this object to the observers set.
/// The new set of observers for this object.
/// True if the set of observers is being built for the first time.
public override void OnRebuildObservers(HashSet observers, bool initialize)
// if force hidden then return without adding any observers.
// 'transform.' calls GetComponent, only do it once
Vector3 position = transform.position;
// brute force distance check
// -> only player connections can be observers, so it's enough if we
// go through all connections instead of all spawned identities.
// -> compared to UNET's sphere cast checking, this one is orders of
// magnitude faster. if we have 10k monsters and run a sphere
// cast 10k times, we will see a noticeable lag even with physics
// layers. but checking to every connection is fast.
foreach (NetworkConnectionToClient conn in NetworkServer.connections.Values)
if (conn != null && conn.identity != null)
// check distance
if (Vector3.Distance(conn.identity.transform.position, position) < visRange)