using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace QuantumUNET { internal class QSBNetworkScene { private Dictionary m_LocalObjects = new Dictionary(); internal static Dictionary guidToPrefab { get; } = new Dictionary(); internal static Dictionary spawnHandlers { get; } = new Dictionary(); internal static Dictionary unspawnHandlers { get; } = new Dictionary(); internal Dictionary localObjects { get { return this.m_LocalObjects; } } internal void Shutdown() { this.ClearLocalObjects(); ClearSpawners(); } internal void SetLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId, GameObject obj, bool isClient, bool isServer) { if (obj == null) { this.localObjects[netId] = null; } else { QSBNetworkIdentity networkIdentity = null; if (this.localObjects.ContainsKey(netId)) { networkIdentity = this.localObjects[netId]; } if (networkIdentity == null) { networkIdentity = obj.GetComponent(); this.localObjects[netId] = networkIdentity; } networkIdentity.UpdateClientServer(isClient, isServer); } } internal GameObject FindLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId) { if (this.localObjects.ContainsKey(netId)) { QSBNetworkIdentity networkIdentity = this.localObjects[netId]; if (networkIdentity != null) { return networkIdentity.gameObject; } } return null; } internal bool GetNetworkIdentity(NetworkInstanceId netId, out QSBNetworkIdentity uv) { bool result; if (localObjects.ContainsKey(netId) && localObjects[netId] != null) { uv = localObjects[netId]; result = true; } else { uv = null; result = false; } return result; } internal bool RemoveLocalObject(NetworkInstanceId netId) { return localObjects.Remove(netId); } internal bool RemoveLocalObjectAndDestroy(NetworkInstanceId netId) { bool result; if (this.localObjects.ContainsKey(netId)) { QSBNetworkIdentity networkIdentity = this.localObjects[netId]; UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(networkIdentity.gameObject); result = this.localObjects.Remove(netId); } else { result = false; } return result; } internal void ClearLocalObjects() { this.localObjects.Clear(); } internal static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, NetworkHash128 newAssetId) { QSBNetworkIdentity component = prefab.GetComponent(); if (component) { component.SetDynamicAssetId(newAssetId); guidToPrefab[component.AssetId] = prefab; } else if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Could not register '" + + "' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component"); } } internal static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab) { QSBNetworkIdentity component = prefab.GetComponent(); if (component) { guidToPrefab[component.AssetId] = prefab; NetworkIdentity[] componentsInChildren = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren(); if (componentsInChildren.Length > 1) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("The prefab '" + + "' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There can only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object."); } } } else if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Could not register '" + + "' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component"); } } internal static bool GetPrefab(NetworkHash128 assetId, out GameObject prefab) { bool result; if (!assetId.IsValid()) { prefab = null; result = false; } else if (guidToPrefab.ContainsKey(assetId) && guidToPrefab[assetId] != null) { prefab = guidToPrefab[assetId]; result = true; } else { prefab = null; result = false; } return result; } internal static void ClearSpawners() { guidToPrefab.Clear(); spawnHandlers.Clear(); unspawnHandlers.Clear(); } public static void UnregisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId) { spawnHandlers.Remove(assetId); unspawnHandlers.Remove(assetId); } internal static void RegisterSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler) { if (spawnHandler == null || unspawnHandler == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("RegisterSpawnHandler custom spawn function null for " + assetId); } } else { spawnHandlers[assetId] = spawnHandler; unspawnHandlers[assetId] = unspawnHandler; } } internal static void UnregisterPrefab(GameObject prefab) { QSBNetworkIdentity component = prefab.GetComponent(); if (component == null) { if (LogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("Could not unregister '" + + "' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component"); } } else { spawnHandlers.Remove(component.AssetId); unspawnHandlers.Remove(component.AssetId); } } internal static void RegisterPrefab(GameObject prefab, SpawnDelegate spawnHandler, UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler) { QSBNetworkIdentity component = prefab.GetComponent(); if (component == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not register '" + + "' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component"); } else if (spawnHandler == null || unspawnHandler == null) { Debug.LogError("RegisterPrefab custom spawn function null for " + component.AssetId); } else if (!component.AssetId.IsValid()) { Debug.LogError("RegisterPrefab game object " + + " has no prefab. Use RegisterSpawnHandler() instead?"); } else { spawnHandlers[component.AssetId] = spawnHandler; unspawnHandlers[component.AssetId] = unspawnHandler; } } internal static bool GetSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId, out SpawnDelegate handler) { bool result; if (spawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId)) { handler = spawnHandlers[assetId]; result = true; } else { handler = null; result = false; } return result; } internal static bool InvokeUnSpawnHandler(NetworkHash128 assetId, GameObject obj) { bool result; if (unspawnHandlers.ContainsKey(assetId) && unspawnHandlers[assetId] != null) { UnSpawnDelegate unSpawnDelegate = unspawnHandlers[assetId]; unSpawnDelegate(obj); result = true; } else { result = false; } return result; } internal void DestroyAllClientObjects() { foreach (NetworkInstanceId key in this.localObjects.Keys) { QSBNetworkIdentity networkIdentity = this.localObjects[key]; if (networkIdentity != null && networkIdentity.gameObject != null) { if (!InvokeUnSpawnHandler(networkIdentity.AssetId, networkIdentity.gameObject)) { if (networkIdentity.SceneId.IsEmpty()) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(networkIdentity.gameObject); } else { networkIdentity.MarkForReset(); networkIdentity.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } } } this.ClearLocalObjects(); } internal void DumpAllClientObjects() { foreach (NetworkInstanceId networkInstanceId in this.localObjects.Keys) { QSBNetworkIdentity networkIdentity = this.localObjects[networkInstanceId]; if (networkIdentity != null) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "ID:", networkInstanceId, " OBJ:", networkIdentity.gameObject, " AS:", networkIdentity.AssetId })); } else { Debug.Log("ID:" + networkInstanceId + " OBJ: null"); } } } } }