using HarmonyLib; using Steamworks; using System; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; namespace SteamRerouter.ExeSide; /// /// top level file on the exe /// public static class Program { private static int Main(string[] args) { var managedDir = args[0]; Log($"managed dir = {managedDir}"); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (_, e) => { var name = new AssemblyName(e.Name).Name + ".dll"; var path = Path.Combine(managedDir, name); return File.Exists(path) ? Assembly.LoadFile(path) : null; }; var type = int.Parse(args[1]); Log($"command type = {type}"); var arg = int.Parse(args[2]); Log($"command arg = {arg}"); return DoCommand(type, arg); } public static void Log(object msg) => Console.Out.WriteLine(msg); public static void LogError(object msg) => Console.Error.WriteLine(msg); private static int DoCommand(int type, int arg = default) { // copied from QSBCore if (!Packsize.Test()) { LogError("[Steamworks.NET] Packsize Test returned false, the wrong version of Steamworks.NET is being run in this platform."); } if (!DllCheck.Test()) { LogError("[Steamworks.NET] DllCheck Test returned false, One or more of the Steamworks binaries seems to be the wrong version."); } // from facepunch.steamworks SteamClient.cs Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamAppId", "753640"); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SteamGameId", "753640"); if (!SteamAPI.Init()) { LogError($"FATAL - SteamAPI.Init() failed. Refer to Valve's documentation."); return -1; } var exitCode = -1; switch (type) { // dlc status case 0: var owned = SteamApps.BIsDlcInstalled((AppId_t)1622100U); Log($"dlc owned: {owned}"); exitCode = owned ? 1 : 0; break; // earn achievement case 1: var achievementType = (Achievements.Type)arg; Log("Earn " + achievementType); // for some reason even with unsafe code turned on it throws a FieldAccessException var s_names = (string[])AccessTools.Field(typeof(Achievements), "s_names").GetValue(null); if (!SteamUserStats.SetAchievement(s_names[(int)achievementType])) { LogError("Unable to grant achievement \"" + s_names[(int)achievementType] + "\""); } else { exitCode = 0; } SteamUserStats.StoreStats(); break; } SteamAPI.Shutdown(); return exitCode; } }