using OWML.ModHelper.Events; using System; using QSB.Messaging; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace QSB { public class WakeUpSync : MessageHandler { public static bool IsServer; protected override MessageType Type => MessageType.WakeUp; private void Start() { DebugLog.Screen("Start WakeUpSync"); GlobalMessenger.AddListener("WakeUp", OnWakeUp); } private void OnWakeUp() { DebugLog.Screen("Sending wakeup to all my friends"); if (IsServer) { var message = new WakeUpMessage(); NetworkServer.SendToAll((short)MessageType.WakeUp, message); } } protected override void OnClientReceiveMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { if (IsServer) { return; } // I copied all of this from my AutoResume mod, since that already wakes up the player instantly. // There must be a simpler way to do this though, I just couldn't find it. // Skip wake up animation. var cameraEffectController = FindObjectOfType(); cameraEffectController.OpenEyes(0, true); cameraEffectController.SetValue("_wakeLength", 0f); cameraEffectController.SetValue("_waitForWakeInput", false); // Skip wake up prompt. LateInitializerManager.pauseOnInitialization = false; Locator.GetPauseCommandListener().RemovePauseCommandLock(); Locator.GetPromptManager().RemoveScreenPrompt(cameraEffectController.GetValue("_wakePrompt")); OWTime.Unpause(OWTime.PauseType.Sleeping); cameraEffectController.Invoke("WakeUp"); // Enable all inputs immediately. OWInput.ChangeInputMode(InputMode.Character); typeof(OWInput).SetValue("_inputFadeFraction", 0f); GlobalMessenger.FireEvent("TakeFirstFlashbackSnapshot"); } protected override void OnServerReceiveMessage(NetworkMessage netMsg) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }