using QSB.Player; using QSB.Utility; using UnityEngine; namespace QSB.Tools.ProbeTool; public class QSBProbe : MonoBehaviour { public delegate void SurveyorProbeEvent(); public delegate void RetrieveEvent(float retrieveLength); public event SurveyorProbeEvent OnLaunchProbe; public event SurveyorProbeEvent OnAnchorProbe; public event SurveyorProbeEvent OnUnanchorProbe; public event SurveyorProbeEvent OnRetrieveProbe; public event SurveyorProbeEvent OnProbeDestroyed; public event RetrieveEvent OnStartRetrieveProbe; private GameObject _detectorObj; private RulesetDetector _rulesetDetector; private SingularityWarpEffect _warpEffect; private bool _isRetrieving; private PlayerInfo _owner; private bool _anchored; public RulesetDetector GetRulesetDetector() => _rulesetDetector; private void Awake() { _detectorObj = GetComponentInChildren().gameObject; _rulesetDetector = _detectorObj.GetComponent(); _warpEffect = GetComponentInChildren(); _warpEffect.OnWarpComplete += OnWarpComplete; _isRetrieving = false; } private void Start() => gameObject.SetActive(false); protected void OnDestroy() => _warpEffect.OnWarpComplete -= OnWarpComplete; public void SetOwner(PlayerInfo player) { if (_owner != null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - Trying to set owner of probe that already has an owner!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); } _owner = player; } private void OnWarpComplete() => Deactivate(); public bool IsRetrieving() => IsLaunched() && _isRetrieving; public bool IsLaunched() => gameObject.activeSelf; public bool IsAnchored() => IsLaunched() && _anchored; public void HandleEvent(ProbeEvent probeEvent) { if (_owner == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - Trying to handle event on probe with no owner.", OWML.Common.MessageType.Error); return; } switch (probeEvent) { case ProbeEvent.Launch: _anchored = false; gameObject.SetActive(true); transform.position = _owner.ProbeLauncher.transform.position; transform.rotation = _owner.ProbeLauncher.transform.rotation; if (OnLaunchProbe == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - OnLaunchProbe is null!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); break; } OnLaunchProbe(); break; case ProbeEvent.Anchor: _anchored = true; if (OnAnchorProbe == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - OnAnchorProbe is null!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); break; } OnAnchorProbe(); break; case ProbeEvent.Unanchor: _anchored = false; OnUnanchorProbe(); break; case ProbeEvent.Retrieve: _anchored = false; if (OnRetrieveProbe == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - OnRetrieveProbe is null!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); break; } OnRetrieveProbe(); break; case ProbeEvent.Destroy: _anchored = false; Destroy(gameObject); if (OnProbeDestroyed == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - OnProbeDestroyed is null!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); break; } OnProbeDestroyed(); break; case ProbeEvent.Invalid: default: DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - Unknown/Invalid probe event.", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); break; } } private void Deactivate() { transform.localScale =; gameObject.SetActive(false); _isRetrieving = false; } public void OnStartRetrieve(float duration) { if (!_isRetrieving) { _isRetrieving = true; _warpEffect.WarpObjectOut(duration); if (OnStartRetrieveProbe == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - OnStartRetrieveProbe is null!", OWML.Common.MessageType.Warning); return; } OnStartRetrieveProbe(duration); } } }