using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Create an instance of this scriptable object and assign your eos api keys to it
/// Then add a reference to it to the EOSSDKComponent
/// You can right click in your Project view in unity and choose: 
/// Create -> EOS -> API Key 
/// in order to create an instance of this scriptable object
/// </summary>
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "EosApiKey", menuName = "EOS/API Key", order = 1)]
public class EosApiKey : ScriptableObject
	public string epicProductName = "MyApplication";
	public string epicProductVersion = "1.0";
	public string epicProductId = "";
	public string epicSandboxId = "";
	public string epicDeploymentId = "";
	public string epicClientId = "";
	public string epicClientSecret = "";