#if !DISABLESTEAMWORKS using Steamworks; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror.FizzySteam { public class NextClient : NextCommon, IClient { public bool Connected { get; private set; } public bool Error { get; private set; } private TimeSpan ConnectionTimeout; private event Action OnReceivedData; private event Action OnConnected; private event Action OnDisconnected; private Steamworks.Callback c_onConnectionChange = null; private CancellationTokenSource cancelToken; private TaskCompletionSource connectedComplete; private CSteamID hostSteamID = CSteamID.Nil; private HSteamNetConnection HostConnection; private List BufferedData; private NextClient(FizzySteamworks transport) { ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Max(1, transport.Timeout)); BufferedData = new List(); } public static NextClient CreateClient(FizzySteamworks transport, string host) { NextClient c = new NextClient(transport); c.OnConnected += () => transport.OnClientConnected.Invoke(); c.OnDisconnected += () => transport.OnClientDisconnected.Invoke(); c.OnReceivedData += (data, ch) => transport.OnClientDataReceived.Invoke(new ArraySegment(data), ch); try { #if UNITY_SERVER SteamGameServerNetworkingUtils.InitRelayNetworkAccess(); #else SteamNetworkingUtils.InitRelayNetworkAccess(); #endif c.Connect(host); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); c.OnConnectionFailed(); } return c; } private async void Connect(string host) { cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource(); c_onConnectionChange = Steamworks.Callback.Create(OnConnectionStatusChanged); try { hostSteamID = new CSteamID(UInt64.Parse(host)); connectedComplete = new TaskCompletionSource(); OnConnected += SetConnectedComplete; SteamNetworkingIdentity smi = new SteamNetworkingIdentity(); smi.SetSteamID(hostSteamID); SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t[] options = new SteamNetworkingConfigValue_t[] { }; HostConnection = SteamNetworkingSockets.ConnectP2P(ref smi, 0, options.Length, options); Task connectedCompleteTask = connectedComplete.Task; Task timeOutTask = Task.Delay(ConnectionTimeout, cancelToken.Token); if (await Task.WhenAny(connectedCompleteTask, timeOutTask) != connectedCompleteTask) { if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested) { Debug.LogError($"The connection attempt was cancelled."); } else if (timeOutTask.IsCompleted) { Debug.LogError($"Connection to {host} timed out."); } OnConnected -= SetConnectedComplete; OnConnectionFailed(); } OnConnected -= SetConnectedComplete; } catch (FormatException) { Debug.LogError($"Connection string was not in the right format. Did you enter a SteamId?"); Error = true; OnConnectionFailed(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); Error = true; OnConnectionFailed(); } finally { if (Error) { Debug.LogError("Connection failed."); OnConnectionFailed(); } } } private void OnConnectionStatusChanged(SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t param) { ulong clientSteamID = param.m_info.m_identityRemote.GetSteamID64(); if (param.m_info.m_eState == ESteamNetworkingConnectionState.k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected) { Connected = true; OnConnected.Invoke(); Debug.Log("Connection established."); if (BufferedData.Count > 0) { Debug.Log($"{BufferedData.Count} received before connection was established. Processing now."); { foreach (Action a in BufferedData) { a(); } } } } else if (param.m_info.m_eState == ESteamNetworkingConnectionState.k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer || param.m_info.m_eState == ESteamNetworkingConnectionState.k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ProblemDetectedLocally) { Debug.Log($"Connection was closed by peer, {param.m_info.m_szEndDebug}"); Disconnect(); } else { Debug.Log($"Connection state changed: {param.m_info.m_eState.ToString()} - {param.m_info.m_szEndDebug}"); } } public void Disconnect() { cancelToken?.Cancel(); Dispose(); if (HostConnection.m_HSteamNetConnection != 0) { Debug.Log("Sending Disconnect message"); SteamNetworkingSockets.CloseConnection(HostConnection, 0, "Graceful disconnect", false); HostConnection.m_HSteamNetConnection = 0; } } protected void Dispose() { if (c_onConnectionChange != null) { c_onConnectionChange.Dispose(); c_onConnectionChange = null; } } private void InternalDisconnect() { Connected = false; OnDisconnected.Invoke(); Debug.Log("Disconnected."); SteamNetworkingSockets.CloseConnection(HostConnection, 0, "Disconnected", false); } public void ReceiveData() { IntPtr[] ptrs = new IntPtr[MAX_MESSAGES]; int messageCount; if ((messageCount = SteamNetworkingSockets.ReceiveMessagesOnConnection(HostConnection, ptrs, MAX_MESSAGES)) > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++) { (byte[] data, int ch) = ProcessMessage(ptrs[i]); if (Connected) { OnReceivedData(data, ch); } else { BufferedData.Add(() => OnReceivedData(data, ch)); } } } } public void Send(byte[] data, int channelId) { EResult res = SendSocket(HostConnection, data, channelId); if (res == EResult.k_EResultNoConnection || res == EResult.k_EResultInvalidParam) { Debug.Log($"Connection to server was lost."); InternalDisconnect(); } else if (res != EResult.k_EResultOK) { Debug.LogError($"Could not send: {res.ToString()}"); } } private void SetConnectedComplete() => connectedComplete.SetResult(connectedComplete.Task); private void OnConnectionFailed() => OnDisconnected.Invoke(); public void FlushData() { SteamNetworkingSockets.FlushMessagesOnConnection(HostConnection); } } } #endif // !DISABLESTEAMWORKS