using Steamworks; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror.FizzySteam { public class LegacyServer : LegacyCommon, IServer { private event Action OnConnected; private event Action OnReceivedData; private event Action OnDisconnected; private event Action OnReceivedError; private BidirectionalDictionary steamToMirrorIds; private int maxConnections; private int nextConnectionID; public static LegacyServer CreateServer(FizzyFacepunch transport, int maxConnections) { LegacyServer s = new LegacyServer(transport, maxConnections); s.OnConnected += (id) => transport.OnServerConnected.Invoke(id); s.OnDisconnected += (id) => transport.OnServerDisconnected.Invoke(id); s.OnReceivedData += (id, data, channel) => transport.OnServerDataReceived.Invoke(id, new ArraySegment(data), channel); s.OnReceivedError += (id, exception) => transport.OnServerError.Invoke(id, exception); SteamNetworking.OnP2PSessionRequest = (steamid) => { Debug.LogError($"Incoming request from SteamId {steamid}."); SteamNetworking.AcceptP2PSessionWithUser(steamid); }; if (!SteamClient.IsValid) { Debug.LogError("SteamWorks not initialized."); } return s; } private LegacyServer(FizzyFacepunch transport, int maxConnections) : base(transport) { this.maxConnections = maxConnections; steamToMirrorIds = new BidirectionalDictionary(); nextConnectionID = 1; } protected override void OnNewConnection(SteamId id) => SteamNetworking.AcceptP2PSessionWithUser(id); protected override void OnReceiveInternalData(InternalMessages type, SteamId clientSteamID) { switch (type) { case InternalMessages.CONNECT: if (steamToMirrorIds.Count >= maxConnections) { SendInternal(clientSteamID, InternalMessages.DISCONNECT); return; } SendInternal(clientSteamID, InternalMessages.ACCEPT_CONNECT); int connectionId = nextConnectionID++; steamToMirrorIds.Add(clientSteamID, connectionId); OnConnected.Invoke(connectionId); Debug.LogError($"Client with SteamID {clientSteamID} connected. Assigning connection id {connectionId}"); break; case InternalMessages.DISCONNECT: if (steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(clientSteamID, out int connId)) { OnDisconnected.Invoke(connId); CloseP2PSessionWithUser(clientSteamID); steamToMirrorIds.Remove(clientSteamID); Debug.LogError($"Client with SteamID {clientSteamID} disconnected."); } else { OnReceivedError.Invoke(-1, new Exception("ERROR Unknown SteamID while receiving disconnect message.")); } break; default: Debug.LogError("Received unknown message type"); break; } } protected override void OnReceiveData(byte[] data, SteamId clientSteamID, int channel) { if (steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(clientSteamID, out int connectionId)) { OnReceivedData.Invoke(connectionId, data, channel); } else { CloseP2PSessionWithUser(clientSteamID); Debug.LogError("Data received from steam client thats not known " + clientSteamID); OnReceivedError.Invoke(-1, new Exception("ERROR Unknown SteamID")); } } public void Disconnect(int connectionId) { if (steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(connectionId, out SteamId steamID)) { SendInternal(steamID, InternalMessages.DISCONNECT); steamToMirrorIds.Remove(connectionId); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Trying to disconnect unknown connection id: " + connectionId); } } public void Shutdown() { foreach (KeyValuePair client in steamToMirrorIds) { Disconnect(client.Value); WaitForClose(client.Key); } SteamNetworking.OnP2PSessionRequest = null; Dispose(); } public void Send(int connectionId, byte[] data, int channelId) { if (steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(connectionId, out SteamId steamId)) { Send(steamId, data, channelId); } else { Debug.LogError("Trying to send on unknown connection: " + connectionId); OnReceivedError.Invoke(connectionId, new Exception("ERROR Unknown Connection")); } } public string ServerGetClientAddress(int connectionId) { if (steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(connectionId, out SteamId steamId)) { return steamId.ToString(); } else { Debug.LogError("Trying to get info on unknown connection: " + connectionId); OnReceivedError.Invoke(connectionId, new Exception("ERROR Unknown Connection")); return string.Empty; } } protected override void OnConnectionFailed(SteamId remoteId) { int connectionId = steamToMirrorIds.TryGetValue(remoteId, out int connId) ? connId : nextConnectionID++; OnDisconnected.Invoke(connectionId); } public void FlushData() { } } }