using HarmonyLib; using QSB.Patches; using UnityEngine; namespace QSB.Player.Patches; internal class VolumePatches : QSBPatch { public override QSBPatchTypes Type => QSBPatchTypes.OnClientConnect; [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FluidVolume), nameof(FluidVolume.OnEffectVolumeEnter))] public static void OnEffectVolumeEnter(FluidVolume __instance, GameObject hitObj) { var comp = hitObj.GetComponent(); if (comp != null) { comp.AddVolume(__instance); } } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(FluidVolume), nameof(FluidVolume.OnEffectVolumeExit))] public static void OnEffectVolumeExit(FluidVolume __instance, GameObject hitObj) { var comp = hitObj.GetComponent(); if (comp != null) { comp.RemoveVolume(__instance); } } [HarmonyPostfix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(RingRiverFluidVolume), nameof(RingRiverFluidVolume.OnEffectVolumeEnter))] public static void OnEffectVolumeEnter(RingRiverFluidVolume __instance, GameObject hitObj) { var comp = hitObj.GetComponent(); if (comp != null) { comp.AddVolume(__instance); } } [HarmonyPrefix] [HarmonyPatch(typeof(ElectricityVolume), nameof(ElectricityVolume.OnEffectVolumeEnter))] public static bool OnEffectVolumeEnter(ElectricityVolume __instance, GameObject hitObj) => // this is a dogshit fix to a bug where this would ApplyShock to remote players, // which would actually apply the shock affects to the entire planet / sector != "REMOTE_PlayerDetector"; }