using Newtonsoft.Json; using QSB.Utility; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using UnityEngine; namespace QSB.SaveSync; internal class QSBStandaloneProfileManager : IProfileManager { private static QSBStandaloneProfileManager s_instance; private const string _saveDirectory = "/SteamSaves"; private const string _backupDirectory = "/Backup"; private const string _tempDirectory = "/Temp"; private const string _gameSaveFilename = "data.owsave"; private const string _gameSaveMultFilename = "data_mult.owsave"; private const string _gameSettingsFilename = "player.owsett"; private const string _gfxSettingsFilename = "graphics.owsett"; private const string _legacyInputBindingSettingsFilename = "input.owsett"; private const string _inputActionsSettingsFilename = "input_new.owsett"; private const int _profileNameCharLimit = 16; private string _profilesPath; private string _profileTempPath; private string _profileBackupPath; private int _fileOpsBusyLocks; private GameSave _pendingGameSave; private SettingsSave _pendingSettingsSave; private GraphicSettings _pendingGfxSettingsSave; private string _pendingInputJSONSave = ""; private BinaryFormatter _binaryFormatter; private JsonSerializer _jsonSerializer; public static QSBStandaloneProfileManager SharedInstance { get { if (s_instance == null) { s_instance = new QSBStandaloneProfileManager(); } return s_instance; } } public GameSave currentProfileGameSave => currentProfile?.gameSave; public SettingsSave currentProfileGameSettings => currentProfile?.settingsSave; public GraphicSettings currentProfileGraphicsSettings => currentProfile?.graphicsSettings; public string currentProfileInputJSON => currentProfile?.inputJSON; public QSBProfileData currentProfile { get; private set; } public QSBProfileData mostRecentProfile => profiles.OrderByDescending(profile => profile.lastModifiedTime).FirstOrDefault(); public int profileNameCharacterLimit => _profileNameCharLimit; public List profiles { get; private set; } public int numberOfProfiles => profiles.Count; public bool isInitialized => currentProfileGameSave != null; public bool isBusyWithFileOps => _fileOpsBusyLocks > 0; public bool hasPendingSaveOperation => _pendingGameSave != null || _pendingSettingsSave != null || _pendingGfxSettingsSave != null || _pendingInputJSONSave != ""; public int profileCharacterLimit => _profileNameCharLimit; public delegate void NoProfilesExistEvent(); public delegate void BrokenDataExistsEvent(); public delegate void BackupDataRestoredEvent(); public delegate void UpdatePlayerProfilesEvent(); public event NoProfilesExistEvent OnNoProfilesExist; public event BrokenDataExistsEvent OnBrokenDataExists; public event BackupDataRestoredEvent OnBackupDataRestored; public event UpdatePlayerProfilesEvent OnUpdatePlayerProfiles; public event ProfileSignInCompleteEvent OnProfileSignInComplete; public event ProfileReadDoneEvent OnProfileReadDone; public event ProfileDataSavedEvent OnProfileDataSaved; public event ProfileSignOutCompleteEvent OnProfileSignOutComplete; public event ProfileSignInStartEvent OnProfileSignInStart; public event ProfileSignOutStartEvent OnProfileSignOutStart; public event ControllerDisconnectedEvent OnControllerDisconnected; public event ControllerReconnectedEvent OnControllerReconnected; public void PreInitialize() { _fileOpsBusyLocks = 0; _pendingGameSave = null; _pendingSettingsSave = null; _pendingGfxSettingsSave = null; _pendingInputJSONSave = ""; } public void Initialize() { _profilesPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _saveDirectory; _profileBackupPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _backupDirectory; _profileTempPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _tempDirectory; profiles = new List(); var versionDeserializationBinder = new VersionDeserializationBinder(); _jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer { SerializationBinder = versionDeserializationBinder }; _binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter { Binder = versionDeserializationBinder }; Achievements.Init(); InitializeProfileData(); } public void InitializeForEditor() { _profilesPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _saveDirectory; _profileBackupPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _backupDirectory; _profileTempPath = Application.persistentDataPath + _tempDirectory; profiles = new List(); var versionDeserializationBinder = new VersionDeserializationBinder(); _jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer { SerializationBinder = versionDeserializationBinder }; _binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter { Binder = versionDeserializationBinder }; MarkBusyWithFileOps(true); profiles.Clear(); LoadProfiles(); LoadSaveFilesFromProfiles(); var flag = false; for (var i = 0; i < profiles.Count; i++) { if (profiles[i].profileName == "Debug") { currentProfile = profiles[i]; flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { TryCreateProfile("Debug"); } MarkBusyWithFileOps(false); PlayerData.Init(currentProfileGameSave, currentProfileGameSettings, currentProfileGraphicsSettings, currentProfileInputJSON); } private void MarkBusyWithFileOps(bool isBusy) { if (isBusy) { _fileOpsBusyLocks++; return; } if (_fileOpsBusyLocks <= 0) { Debug.LogWarning("No File I/O lock to remove!"); return; } _fileOpsBusyLocks--; } public void PerformPendingSaveOperation() { if (!isBusyWithFileOps && !LoadManager.IsBusy()) { TrySaveProfile(currentProfile, _pendingGameSave, _pendingSettingsSave, _pendingGfxSettingsSave, _pendingInputJSONSave); _pendingGameSave = null; _pendingSettingsSave = null; _pendingGfxSettingsSave = null; _pendingInputJSONSave = ""; } } public void SaveGame(GameSave gameSave, SettingsSave settSave, GraphicSettings graphicSettings, string inputBindings) { if (isBusyWithFileOps || LoadManager.IsBusy()) { _pendingGameSave = gameSave; _pendingSettingsSave = settSave; _pendingGfxSettingsSave = graphicSettings; _pendingInputJSONSave = inputBindings; return; } TrySaveProfile(currentProfile, gameSave, settSave, graphicSettings, inputBindings); } private void InitializeProfileData() { LoadProfiles(); currentProfile = mostRecentProfile; if (currentProfile != null) { LoadSaveFilesFromProfiles(); return; } OnNoProfilesExist?.Invoke(); } private void LoadSaveFilesFromProfiles() { MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: true); foreach (var profile in profiles) { var path = _profilesPath + "/" + profile.profileName; GameSave saveData = null; GameSave multSaveData = null; SettingsSave settingsData = null; GraphicSettings graphicsData = null; var inputJSON = ""; if (Directory.Exists(path)) { Stream stream = null; var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); profile.brokenSaveData = TryLoadSaveData(ref stream, _gameSaveFilename, directoryInfo, out saveData); profile.brokenMultSaveData = TryLoadSaveData(ref stream, _gameSaveMultFilename, directoryInfo, out multSaveData); profile.brokenSettingsData = TryLoadSaveData(ref stream, _gameSettingsFilename, directoryInfo, out settingsData); profile.brokenGfxSettingsData = TryLoadSaveData(ref stream, _gfxSettingsFilename, directoryInfo, out graphicsData); profile.brokenRebindingData = TryLoadInputBindingsSave(ref stream, directoryInfo, out inputJSON); } var profilePath = _profileBackupPath + "/" + profile.profileName; var savePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multSavePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var inputsPath = profilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; if (saveData == null) { profile.brokenSaveData = File.Exists(savePath); saveData = new GameSave(); Debug.LogError("Could not find game save for " + profile.profileName); } if (multSaveData == null) { profile.brokenMultSaveData = File.Exists(multSavePath); multSaveData = new GameSave(); Debug.LogError("Could not find multiplayer game save for " + profile.profileName); } if (settingsData == null) { profile.brokenSettingsData = File.Exists(settingsPath); settingsData = new SettingsSave(); Debug.LogError("Could not find game settings for " + profile.profileName); } if (graphicsData == null) { profile.brokenGfxSettingsData = File.Exists(graphicsPath); graphicsData = new GraphicSettings(init: true); Debug.LogError("Could not find graphics settings for " + profile.profileName); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputJSON)) { profile.brokenRebindingData = File.Exists(inputsPath); inputJSON = ((InputManager)OWInput.SharedInputManager).commandManager.DefaultInputActions.ToJson(); Debug.LogError("Could not find input action settings for " + profile.profileName); } profile.gameSave = saveData; profile.multiplayerGameSave = multSaveData; profile.settingsSave = settingsData; profile.graphicsSettings = graphicsData; profile.inputJSON = inputJSON; } MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); if (CurrentProfileHasBrokenData()) { OnBrokenDataExists?.Invoke(); } OnProfileReadDone?.Invoke(); } private bool TryLoadSaveData(ref Stream stream, string fileName, DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, out T saveData) { saveData = default; var flag = true; var files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(fileName); if (files.Length != 0) { stream = null; if (TryOpenFile(files[0].FullName, ref stream)) { var jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream)); flag = !TryDeserializeJson(jsonTextReader, out saveData); if (flag) { stream.Position = 0L; flag = !TryDeserializeBinary(stream, out saveData); } jsonTextReader.Close(); } } return flag; } private bool TryLoadInputBindingsSave(ref Stream stream, DirectoryInfo directoryInfo, out string inputJSON) { inputJSON = null; var result = true; var files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(_inputActionsSettingsFilename); if (files.Length != 0) { stream = null; if (TryOpenFile(files[0].FullName, ref stream)) { result = !TryDeserializeJsonAsInputActionsData(stream, out inputJSON); } var stream2 = stream; if (stream2 != null) { stream2.Close(); } } return result; } private bool TryOpenFile(string fullPath, ref Stream dataStream) { bool result; try { dataStream = File.Open(fullPath, FileMode.Open); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogError("[" + ex.Message + "] Failed loading opening file " + fullPath); result = false; } return result; } private bool TryDeserializeBinary(Stream dataStream, out T saveData) { bool result; try { saveData = default; saveData = (T)_binaryFormatter.Deserialize(dataStream); Debug.Log("Successfully read " + typeof(T).Name + " save data as binary"); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { saveData = default; Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "[", ex.Message, "] Deserialization error for binary ", typeof(T).Name, " save data" })); result = false; } return result; } private bool TryDeserializeJson(JsonTextReader jsonReader, out T rebindingData) { bool result; try { rebindingData = _jsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonReader); result = true; } catch (Exception) { rebindingData = default; Debug.LogWarning("Could not read " + typeof(T).Name + " save data as JSON, it might be in binary so giving that a try."); result = false; } return result; } private bool TryDeserializeJsonAsInputActionsData(Stream dataStream, out string inputJSON) { bool result; try { using var streamReader = new StreamReader(dataStream); var text = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); inputJSON = text; Debug.Log("Successfully read Input Bindings save data as JSON"); result = true; } catch (Exception ex) { inputJSON = null; Debug.LogError("[" + ex.Message + "] Deserialization error for Input Actions Save"); result = false; } return result; } public bool CurrentProfileHasBrokenData() { if (currentProfile == null) { Debug.LogError("QSBStandaloneProfileManager.CurrentProfileHasBrokenData We should never get here outside of the Unity Editor"); return false; } return currentProfile.brokenSaveData || currentProfile.brokenMultSaveData || currentProfile.brokenSettingsData || currentProfile.brokenGfxSettingsData || currentProfile.brokenRebindingData; } public bool BackupExistsForBrokenData() { var text = _profileBackupPath + "/" + currentProfile.profileName; var savePath = text + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multSavePath = text + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsPath = text + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsPath = text + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var inputsPath = text + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; return (currentProfile.brokenSaveData && File.Exists(savePath)) || (currentProfile.brokenMultSaveData && File.Exists(multSavePath)) || (currentProfile.brokenSettingsData && File.Exists(settingsPath)) || (currentProfile.brokenGfxSettingsData && File.Exists(graphicsPath)) || (currentProfile.brokenRebindingData && File.Exists(inputsPath)); } private void LoadProfiles() { MarkBusyWithFileOps(true); profiles.Clear(); if (Directory.Exists(_profilesPath)) { QSBProfileData profileData = null; Stream stream = null; var files = new DirectoryInfo(_profilesPath).GetFiles("*.owprofile"); foreach (var fileInfo in files) { DebugLog.DebugWrite(fileInfo.Name); try { stream = null; stream = File.Open(fileInfo.FullName, FileMode.Open); var jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(new StreamReader(stream)); try { profileData = _jsonSerializer.Deserialize(jsonTextReader); } catch { stream.Position = 0L; profileData = (QSBProfileData)_binaryFormatter.Deserialize(stream); } finally { jsonTextReader.Close(); } if (profileData == null) { DebugLog.DebugWrite("Profile at " + fileInfo.FullName + " null. Skipping."); } else { profiles.Add(profileData); } } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLog.ToConsole("[" + ex.Message + "] Failed loading profile at " + fileInfo.Name, OWML.Common.MessageType.Error); stream?.Close(); } } } else { DebugLog.DebugWrite($"{_profilesPath} does not exist"); } MarkBusyWithFileOps(false); } public void RestoreCurrentProfileBackup() { MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: true); var profilePath = _profilesPath + "/" + currentProfile.profileName; var savePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multSavePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var inputsPath = profilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; var profileBackupPath = _profileBackupPath + "/" + currentProfile.profileName; var saveBackupPath = profileBackupPath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multSaveBackupPath = profileBackupPath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsBackupPath = profileBackupPath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsBackupPath = profileBackupPath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var inputsBackupPath = profileBackupPath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; Stream stream = null; try { if (!Directory.Exists(_profilesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profilesPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(_profileTempPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profileTempPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(_profileBackupPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profileBackupPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(profilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(profilePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(profileBackupPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(profileBackupPath); } var di = new DirectoryInfo(profileBackupPath); if (currentProfile.brokenSaveData && File.Exists(saveBackupPath)) { currentProfile.gameSave = LoadAndCopyBackupSave(_gameSaveFilename, saveBackupPath, savePath); } if (currentProfile.brokenMultSaveData && File.Exists(multSaveBackupPath)) { currentProfile.multiplayerGameSave = LoadAndCopyBackupSave(_gameSaveMultFilename, multSaveBackupPath, multSavePath); } if (currentProfile.brokenSettingsData && File.Exists(settingsBackupPath)) { currentProfile.settingsSave = LoadAndCopyBackupSave(_gameSettingsFilename, settingsBackupPath, settingsPath); } if (currentProfile.brokenGfxSettingsData && File.Exists(graphicsBackupPath)) { currentProfile.graphicsSettings = LoadAndCopyBackupSave(_gfxSettingsFilename, graphicsBackupPath, graphicsPath); } if (currentProfile.brokenRebindingData && File.Exists(inputsBackupPath)) { TryLoadInputBindingsSave(ref stream, di, out var inputJSON); if (inputJSON != "") { currentProfile.inputJSON = inputJSON; File.Copy(inputsBackupPath, inputsPath, overwrite: true); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not load backup input bindings save."); } stream?.Close(); stream = null; } OnBackupDataRestored?.Invoke(); T LoadAndCopyBackupSave(string fileName, string backupPath, string fullPath) where T : class { TryLoadSaveData(ref stream, fileName, di, out var saveData); if (saveData != null) { File.Copy(backupPath, fullPath, overwrite: true); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not load backup " + typeof(T).Name + " save."); } stream?.Close(); stream = null; return saveData; } } catch (Exception ex) { stream?.Close(); Debug.LogError("Exception during backup restore: " + ex.Message); MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); } MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); } private bool TrySaveProfile(QSBProfileData profileData, GameSave gameSave, SettingsSave settingsSave, GraphicSettings graphicsSettings, string inputJson) { MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: true); var profilePath = _profilesPath + "/" + profileData.profileName; var profileManifestPath = _profilesPath + "/" + profileData.profileName + ".owprofile"; var saveDataPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multSaveDataPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var inputsPath = profilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; var tempProfilePath = _profileTempPath + "/GameData"; var tempProfileManifestPath = _profileTempPath + "/CurrentProfile.owprofile"; var tempSaveDataPath = tempProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var tempMultSaveDataPath = tempProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var tempSettingsPath = tempProfilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var tempGraphicsPath = tempProfilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var tempInputsPath = tempProfilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; var backupProfilePath = _profileBackupPath + "/" + profileData.profileName; var backupSaveDataPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var backupMultSaveDataPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var backupSettingsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var backupGraphicsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var backupInputsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; Stream stream = null; try { // Create folders if they don't exist if (!Directory.Exists(_profilesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profilesPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(_profileTempPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profileTempPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(_profileBackupPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_profileBackupPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(profilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(profilePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(tempProfilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tempProfilePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(backupProfilePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(backupProfilePath); } // create temp files SaveData(tempProfileManifestPath, profileData); if (gameSave != null) { if (QSBCore.IsInMultiplayer) { profileData.multiplayerGameSave = SaveData(tempMultSaveDataPath, gameSave); } else { profileData.gameSave = SaveData(tempSaveDataPath, gameSave); } } if (settingsSave != null) { profileData.settingsSave = SaveData(tempSettingsPath, settingsSave); } if (graphicsSettings != null) { profileData.graphicsSettings = SaveData(tempGraphicsPath, graphicsSettings); } if (inputJson != null) { File.WriteAllText(tempInputsPath, inputJson); profileData.inputJSON = inputJson; } // create backups of old files if (File.Exists(saveDataPath)) { File.Copy(saveDataPath, backupSaveDataPath, overwrite: true); } if (File.Exists(multSaveDataPath)) { File.Copy(multSaveDataPath, backupMultSaveDataPath, overwrite: true); } if (File.Exists(settingsPath)) { File.Copy(settingsPath, backupSettingsPath, overwrite: true); } if (File.Exists(graphicsPath)) { File.Copy(graphicsPath, backupGraphicsPath, overwrite: true); } if (File.Exists(inputsPath)) { File.Copy(inputsPath, backupInputsPath, overwrite: true); } // delete old files and move temp files File.Delete(profileManifestPath); File.Move(tempProfileManifestPath, profileManifestPath); if (gameSave != null) { if (QSBCore.IsInMultiplayer) { File.Delete(multSaveDataPath); File.Move(tempMultSaveDataPath, multSaveDataPath); } else { File.Delete(saveDataPath); File.Move(tempSaveDataPath, saveDataPath); } } if (settingsSave != null) { File.Delete(settingsPath); File.Move(tempSettingsPath, settingsPath); } if (graphicsSettings != null) { File.Delete(graphicsPath); File.Move(tempGraphicsPath, graphicsPath); } if (inputJson != null) { File.Delete(inputsPath); File.Move(tempInputsPath, inputsPath); } OnProfileDataSaved?.Invoke(true); } catch (Exception ex) { if (stream != null) { stream.Close(); } OnProfileDataSaved?.Invoke(false); Debug.LogError("[" + ex.Message + "] Error saving file for " + profileData.profileName); MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); return false; } MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); return true; T SaveData(string filePath, T data) { stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Create); using (JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(new StreamWriter(stream))) { _jsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, data); } stream = null; return data; } } public bool IsValidCharacterForProfileName(char inputChar) { if (char.IsWhiteSpace(inputChar)) { return false; } var invalidFileNameChars = Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars(); for (var i = 0; i < invalidFileNameChars.Length; i++) { if (invalidFileNameChars[i] == inputChar) { return false; } } return inputChar != '.'; } public bool ValidateProfileName(string profileName) { var result = true; if (profileName == "") { result = false; } else if (profileName.Length > 16) { result = false; } else if (profiles.Count > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < profiles.Count; i++) { if (profiles[i].profileName == profileName) { result = false; } } } return result; } public bool TryCreateProfile(string profileName) { var savedProfile = ValidateProfileName(profileName); if (savedProfile) { var noProfilesExist = profiles.Count == 0; var profileData = new QSBProfileData { profileName = profileName, lastModifiedTime = DateTime.UtcNow }; var gameSave = new GameSave(); var multGameSave = new GameSave(); var settingsSave = new SettingsSave(); var graphicSettings = currentProfileGraphicsSettings; if (graphicSettings == null) { graphicSettings = new GraphicSettings(init: true); } var text = ((InputManager)OWInput.SharedInputManager).commandManager.DefaultInputActions.ToJson(); profiles.Add(profileData); profileData.gameSave = gameSave; profileData.multiplayerGameSave = multGameSave; profileData.settingsSave = settingsSave; profileData.graphicsSettings = graphicSettings; profileData.inputJSON = text; savedProfile = TrySaveProfile(profileData, gameSave, settingsSave, graphicSettings, text); if (savedProfile) { if (currentProfile != null && currentProfile.profileName != string.Empty) { OnProfileSignOutComplete?.Invoke(); } currentProfile = profileData; if (noProfilesExist) { OnProfileSignInComplete?.Invoke(ProfileManagerSignInResult.COMPLETE); OnProfileReadDone?.Invoke(); } else { OnProfileSignInComplete?.Invoke(ProfileManagerSignInResult.COMPLETE); OnProfileReadDone?.Invoke(); OnUpdatePlayerProfiles?.Invoke(); } } else { DeleteProfile(profileName); } } return savedProfile; } public bool SwitchProfile(string profileName) { LoadSaveFilesFromProfiles(); var flag = false; for (var i = 0; i < profiles.Count; i++) { if (profileName == profiles[i].profileName) { if (currentProfile != null && currentProfile.profileName != string.Empty && OnProfileSignOutComplete != null) { OnProfileSignOutComplete(); } currentProfile = profiles[i]; flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { currentProfile.lastModifiedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; TrySaveProfile(currentProfile, null, null, null, null); OnProfileSignInComplete?.Invoke(ProfileManagerSignInResult.COMPLETE); if (CurrentProfileHasBrokenData() && OnBrokenDataExists != null) { OnBrokenDataExists(); return false; } OnProfileReadDone?.Invoke(); } return true; } public void DeleteProfile(string profileName) { Debug.Log("DeleteProfile"); var flag = false; var profileData = new QSBProfileData { profileName = string.Empty }; for (var i = 0; i < profiles.Count; i++) { if (profileName == profiles[i].profileName) { profileData = profiles[i]; flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { return; } MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: true); var profileManifestPath = _profilesPath + "/" + profileData.profileName + ".owprofile"; var profilePath = _profilesPath + "/" + profileData.profileName; var gameSavePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var multGameSavePath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var settingsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var graphicsPath = profilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var oldInputsPath = profilePath + "/" + _legacyInputBindingSettingsFilename; var inputsPath = profilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; var backupProfilePath = _profileBackupPath + "/" + profileData.profileName; var backupGameSave = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveFilename; var backupMultGameSave = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSaveMultFilename; var backupSettingsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gameSettingsFilename; var backupGraphicsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _gfxSettingsFilename; var backupOldInputsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _legacyInputBindingSettingsFilename; var backupInputsPath = backupProfilePath + "/" + _inputActionsSettingsFilename; Stream stream = null; try { if (File.Exists(profileManifestPath)) { File.Delete(profileManifestPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + profileManifestPath); } if (File.Exists(gameSavePath)) { File.Delete(gameSavePath); Debug.Log("Delete " + gameSavePath); } if (File.Exists(multGameSavePath)) { File.Delete(multGameSavePath); Debug.Log("Delete " + multGameSavePath); } if (File.Exists(settingsPath)) { File.Delete(settingsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + settingsPath); } if (File.Exists(graphicsPath)) { File.Delete(graphicsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + graphicsPath); } if (File.Exists(oldInputsPath)) { File.Delete(oldInputsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + oldInputsPath); } if (File.Exists(inputsPath)) { File.Delete(inputsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + inputsPath); } if (File.Exists(backupGameSave)) { File.Delete(backupGameSave); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupGameSave); } if (File.Exists(backupMultGameSave)) { File.Delete(backupMultGameSave); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupMultGameSave); } if (File.Exists(backupSettingsPath)) { File.Delete(backupSettingsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupSettingsPath); } if (File.Exists(backupGraphicsPath)) { File.Delete(backupGraphicsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupGraphicsPath); } if (File.Exists(backupOldInputsPath)) { File.Delete(backupOldInputsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupOldInputsPath); } if (File.Exists(backupInputsPath)) { File.Delete(backupInputsPath); Debug.Log("Delete " + backupInputsPath); } profiles.Remove(profileData); var files = Directory.GetFiles(profilePath); var directories = Directory.GetDirectories(profilePath); if (files.Length == 0 && directories.Length == 0) { Directory.Delete(profilePath); } else { Debug.LogWarning(" Directory not empty. Cannot delete. "); } if (Directory.Exists(backupProfilePath)) { files = Directory.GetFiles(backupProfilePath); directories = Directory.GetDirectories(backupProfilePath); if (files.Length == 0 && directories.Length == 0) { Directory.Delete(backupProfilePath); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Backup Directory not empty. Cannot delete."); } } OnUpdatePlayerProfiles?.Invoke(); } catch (Exception ex) { stream?.Close(); Debug.LogError("[" + ex.Message + "] Failed to delete all profile data"); MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); } MarkBusyWithFileOps(isBusy: false); } [Serializable] public class QSBProfileData { public string profileName; public DateTime lastModifiedTime; public bool brokenSaveData; public bool brokenMultSaveData; public bool brokenSettingsData; public bool brokenGfxSettingsData; public bool brokenRebindingData; private GameSave _gameSave; private GameSave _multiplayerGameSave; private SettingsSave _settingsSave; private GraphicSettings _graphicsSettings; private string _inputJSON; [JsonIgnore] public GameSave gameSave { get => _gameSave; set => _gameSave = value; } [JsonIgnore] public GameSave multiplayerGameSave { get => _multiplayerGameSave; set => _multiplayerGameSave = value; } [JsonIgnore] public SettingsSave settingsSave { get => _settingsSave; set => _settingsSave = value; } [JsonIgnore] public GraphicSettings graphicsSettings { get => _graphicsSettings; set => _graphicsSettings = value; } [JsonIgnore] public string inputJSON { get => _inputJSON; set => _inputJSON = value; } [OnDeserializing] private void SetDefaultValuesOnDeserializing(StreamingContext context) { brokenSaveData = false; brokenMultSaveData = false; brokenSettingsData = false; brokenGfxSettingsData = false; brokenRebindingData = false; } [OnDeserialized] private void SetDefaultValuesOnDeserialized(StreamingContext context) { brokenSaveData = false; brokenMultSaveData = false; brokenSettingsData = false; brokenGfxSettingsData = false; brokenRebindingData = false; } } }