using OWML.Common; using QSB.Events; using QSB.Patches; using QSB.Player; using QSB.Utility; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace QSB.QuantumSync.Patches { public class ServerQuantumPatches : QSBPatch { public override QSBPatchTypes Type => QSBPatchTypes.OnServerClientConnect; public override void DoPatches() => Prefix(nameof(QuantumMoon_ChangeQuantumState)); public static bool QuantumMoon_ChangeQuantumState( QuantumMoon __instance, ref bool __result, bool skipInstantVisibilityCheck, bool ____isPlayerInside, bool ____hasSunCollapsed, float ____playerWarpTime, ref int ____stateIndex, ref int ____collapseToIndex, QuantumOrbit[] ____orbits, float ____sphereCheckRadius, VisibilityTracker ____visibilityTracker, OWRigidbody ____moonBody, ConstantForceDetector ____constantForceDetector, ref bool ____useInitialMotion, ref int ____lastStateIndex, ref int[] ____stateSkipCounts, AudioSignal ____quantumSignal, ReferenceFrameVolume ____referenceFrameVolume, GameObject[] ____deactivateAtEye ) { if (!QSBCore.WorldObjectsReady) { return false; } var isVisibleOutput = QuantumManager.IsVisibleUsingCameraFrustum((ShapeVisibilityTracker)____visibilityTracker, skipInstantVisibilityCheck); //var moonVisible = isVisibleOutput.First; var moonVisiblePlayers = isVisibleOutput.Second; var inMoonPlayers = QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList.Where(x => x.IsInMoon); if (inMoonPlayers == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - inMoonPlayers is null.", MessageType.Warning); return false; } var inShrinePlayers = QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList.Where(x => x.IsInShrine); if (inShrinePlayers == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - inShrinePlayers is null.", MessageType.Warning); return false; } //var outMoonPlayers = QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList.Where(x => !x.IsInMoon); var outShrinePlayers = QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList.Where(x => !x.IsInShrine); if (outShrinePlayers == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - outShrinePlayers is null.", MessageType.Warning); return false; } if (QuantumManager.Shrine == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - QuantumManager.Shrine is null.", MessageType.Warning); return false; } var shrineLit = QuantumManager.Shrine.IsPlayerInDarkness(); // If any of the players in the moon are not in the shrine if (inMoonPlayers.Any(x => !x.IsInShrine)) { __result = false; return false; } // If any of the players outside the shrine can see the moon if (outShrinePlayers.Any(moonVisiblePlayers.Contains)) { __result = false; return false; } // If there are players in the shrine and the shrine is not lit if (inShrinePlayers.Count() != 0 && !shrineLit) { __result = false; return false; } var flag = false; if (____isPlayerInside && ____hasSunCollapsed) { __result = false; return false; } if (Time.time - ____playerWarpTime < 1f) { __result = false; return false; } if (____stateIndex == 5 && ____isPlayerInside && !__instance.IsPlayerEntangled()) { __result = false; return false; } for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var stateIndex = (____collapseToIndex == -1) ? (int)__instance.GetType().GetMethod("GetRandomStateIndex", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(__instance, null) : ____collapseToIndex; var orbitIndex = -1; for (var j = 0; j < ____orbits.Length; j++) { if (____orbits[j].GetStateIndex() == stateIndex) { orbitIndex = j; break; } } if (orbitIndex == -1) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - QM failed to find orbit for state {stateIndex}", MessageType.Error); } var orbitRadius = (orbitIndex == -1) ? 10000f : ____orbits[orbitIndex].GetOrbitRadius(); var owRigidbody = (orbitIndex == -1) ? Locator.GetAstroObject(AstroObject.Name.Sun).GetOWRigidbody() : ____orbits[orbitIndex].GetAttachedOWRigidbody(); var onUnitSphere = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere; if (stateIndex == 5) { onUnitSphere.y = 0f; onUnitSphere.Normalize(); } var position = (onUnitSphere * orbitRadius) + owRigidbody.GetWorldCenterOfMass(); if (!Physics.CheckSphere(position, ____sphereCheckRadius, OWLayerMask.physicalMask) || ____collapseToIndex != -1) { ____visibilityTracker.transform.position = position; if (!Physics.autoSyncTransforms) { Physics.SyncTransforms(); } if (__instance.IsPlayerEntangled() || !QuantumManager.IsVisibleUsingCameraFrustum((ShapeVisibilityTracker)____visibilityTracker, skipInstantVisibilityCheck).First) { ____moonBody.transform.position = position; if (!Physics.autoSyncTransforms) { Physics.SyncTransforms(); } ____visibilityTracker.transform.localPosition =; ____constantForceDetector.AddConstantVolume(owRigidbody.GetAttachedGravityVolume(), true, true); var velocity = owRigidbody.GetVelocity(); if (____useInitialMotion) { var initialMotion = owRigidbody.GetComponent(); velocity = (initialMotion == null) ? : initialMotion.GetInitVelocity(); ____useInitialMotion = false; } var orbitAngle = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 360); ____moonBody.SetVelocity(OWPhysics.CalculateOrbitVelocity(owRigidbody, ____moonBody, orbitAngle) + velocity); ____lastStateIndex = ____stateIndex; ____stateIndex = stateIndex; ____collapseToIndex = -1; flag = true; for (var k = 0; k < ____stateSkipCounts.Length; k++) { ____stateSkipCounts[k] = (k != ____stateIndex) ? (____stateSkipCounts[k] + 1) : 0; } QSBEventManager.FireEvent(EventNames.QSBMoonStateChange, stateIndex, onUnitSphere, orbitAngle); break; } ____visibilityTracker.transform.localPosition =; } else { DebugLog.ToConsole("Warning - Quantum moon orbit position occupied! Aborting collapse.", MessageType.Warning); } } if (flag) { if (____isPlayerInside) { __instance.GetType().GetMethod("SetSurfaceState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(__instance, new object[] { ____stateIndex }); } else { __instance.GetType().GetMethod("SetSurfaceState", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(__instance, new object[] { -1 }); ____quantumSignal.SetSignalActivation(____stateIndex != 5, 2f); } ____referenceFrameVolume.gameObject.SetActive(____stateIndex != 5); ____moonBody.SetIsTargetable(____stateIndex != 5); for (var l = 0; l < ____deactivateAtEye.Length; l++) { ____deactivateAtEye[l].SetActive(____stateIndex != 5); } GlobalMessenger.FireEvent("QuantumMoonChangeState", ____moonBody); __result = true; return false; } __result = false; return false; } } }