using Epic.OnlineServices; using Epic.OnlineServices.P2P; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace EpicTransport { public abstract class Common { private PacketReliability[] channels; private int internal_ch => channels.Length; protected enum InternalMessages : byte { CONNECT, ACCEPT_CONNECT, DISCONNECT } protected struct PacketKey { public ProductUserId productUserId; public byte channel; } private OnIncomingConnectionRequestCallback OnIncomingConnectionRequest; ulong incomingNotificationId = 0; private OnRemoteConnectionClosedCallback OnRemoteConnectionClosed; ulong outgoingNotificationId = 0; protected readonly EosTransport transport; protected List deadSockets; public bool ignoreAllMessages = false; // Mapping from PacketKey to a List of Packet Lists protected Dictionary>> incomingPackets = new Dictionary>>(); protected Common(EosTransport transport) { channels = transport.Channels; deadSockets = new List(); AddNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions addNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions = new AddNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions(); addNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions.LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId; addNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions.SocketId = null; OnIncomingConnectionRequest += OnNewConnection; OnRemoteConnectionClosed += OnConnectFail; incomingNotificationId = EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().AddNotifyPeerConnectionRequest(addNotifyPeerConnectionRequestOptions, null, OnIncomingConnectionRequest); AddNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions addNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions = new AddNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions(); addNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions.LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId; addNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions.SocketId = null; outgoingNotificationId = EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().AddNotifyPeerConnectionClosed(addNotifyPeerConnectionClosedOptions, null, OnRemoteConnectionClosed); if (outgoingNotificationId == 0 || incomingNotificationId == 0) { Debug.LogError("Couldn't bind notifications with P2P interface"); } incomingPackets = new Dictionary>>(); this.transport = transport; } protected void Dispose() { EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().RemoveNotifyPeerConnectionRequest(incomingNotificationId); EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().RemoveNotifyPeerConnectionClosed(outgoingNotificationId); transport.ResetIgnoreMessagesAtStartUpTimer(); } protected abstract void OnNewConnection(OnIncomingConnectionRequestInfo result); private void OnConnectFail(OnRemoteConnectionClosedInfo result) { if (ignoreAllMessages) { return; } OnConnectionFailed(result.RemoteUserId); switch (result.Reason) { case ConnectionClosedReason.ClosedByLocalUser: throw new Exception("Connection cLosed: The Connection was gracecfully closed by the local user."); case ConnectionClosedReason.ClosedByPeer: throw new Exception("Connection closed: The connection was gracefully closed by remote user."); case ConnectionClosedReason.ConnectionClosed: throw new Exception("Connection closed: The connection was unexpectedly closed."); case ConnectionClosedReason.ConnectionFailed: throw new Exception("Connection failed: Failled to establish connection."); case ConnectionClosedReason.InvalidData: throw new Exception("Connection failed: The remote user sent us invalid data.."); case ConnectionClosedReason.InvalidMessage: throw new Exception("Connection failed: The remote user sent us an invalid message."); case ConnectionClosedReason.NegotiationFailed: throw new Exception("Connection failed: Negotiation failed."); case ConnectionClosedReason.TimedOut: throw new Exception("Connection failed: Timeout."); case ConnectionClosedReason.TooManyConnections: throw new Exception("Connection failed: Too many connections."); case ConnectionClosedReason.UnexpectedError: throw new Exception("Unexpected Error, connection will be closed"); case ConnectionClosedReason.Unknown: default: throw new Exception("Unknown Error, connection has been closed."); } } protected void SendInternal(ProductUserId target, SocketId socketId, InternalMessages type) { EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().SendPacket(new SendPacketOptions() { AllowDelayedDelivery = true, Channel = (byte)internal_ch, Data = new byte[] { (byte)type }, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId, Reliability = PacketReliability.ReliableOrdered, RemoteUserId = target, SocketId = socketId }); } protected void Send(ProductUserId host, SocketId socketId, byte[] msgBuffer, byte channel) { Result result = EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().SendPacket(new SendPacketOptions() { AllowDelayedDelivery = true, Channel = channel, Data = msgBuffer, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId, Reliability = channels[channel], RemoteUserId = host, SocketId = socketId }); if (result != Result.Success) { Debug.LogError("Send failed " + result); } } private bool Receive(out ProductUserId clientProductUserId, out SocketId socketId, out byte[] receiveBuffer, byte channel) { Result result = EOSSDKComponent.GetP2PInterface().ReceivePacket(new ReceivePacketOptions() { LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId, MaxDataSizeBytes = P2PInterface.MaxPacketSize, RequestedChannel = channel }, out clientProductUserId, out socketId, out channel, out receiveBuffer); if (result == Result.Success) { return true; } receiveBuffer = null; clientProductUserId = null; return false; } protected virtual void CloseP2PSessionWithUser(ProductUserId clientUserID, SocketId socketId) { if (socketId == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Socket ID == null | " + ignoreAllMessages); return; } if (deadSockets == null) { Debug.LogWarning("DeadSockets == null"); return; } if (deadSockets.Contains(socketId.SocketName)) { return; } else { deadSockets.Add(socketId.SocketName); } } protected void WaitForClose(ProductUserId clientUserID, SocketId socketId) => transport.StartCoroutine(DelayedClose(clientUserID, socketId)); private IEnumerator DelayedClose(ProductUserId clientUserID, SocketId socketId) { yield return null; CloseP2PSessionWithUser(clientUserID, socketId); } public void ReceiveData() { try { // Internal Channel, no fragmentation here SocketId socketId = new SocketId(); while (transport.enabled && Receive(out ProductUserId clientUserID, out socketId, out byte[] internalMessage, (byte)internal_ch)) { if (internalMessage.Length == 1) { OnReceiveInternalData((InternalMessages)internalMessage[0], clientUserID, socketId); return; // Wait one frame } else { Debug.Log("Incorrect package length on internal channel."); } } // Insert new packet at the correct location in the incoming queue for (int chNum = 0; chNum < channels.Length; chNum++) { while (transport.enabled && Receive(out ProductUserId clientUserID, out socketId, out byte[] receiveBuffer, (byte)chNum)) { PacketKey incomingPacketKey = new PacketKey(); incomingPacketKey.productUserId = clientUserID; = (byte)chNum; Packet packet = new Packet(); packet.FromBytes(receiveBuffer); if (!incomingPackets.ContainsKey(incomingPacketKey)) { incomingPackets.Add(incomingPacketKey, new List>()); } int packetListIndex = incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey].Count; for (int i = 0; i < incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey].Count; i++) { if (incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey][i][0].id == { packetListIndex = i; break; } } if (packetListIndex == incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey].Count) { incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey].Add(new List()); } int insertionIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey][packetListIndex].Count; i++) { if (incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey][packetListIndex][i].fragment > packet.fragment) { insertionIndex = i; break; } } if (insertionIndex >= 0) { incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey][packetListIndex].Insert(insertionIndex, packet); } else { incomingPackets[incomingPacketKey][packetListIndex].Add(packet); } } } // Find fully received packets List> emptyPacketLists = new List>(); foreach (KeyValuePair>> keyValuePair in incomingPackets) { for (int packetList = 0; packetList < keyValuePair.Value.Count; packetList++) { bool packetReady = true; int packetLength = 0; for (int packet = 0; packet < keyValuePair.Value[packetList].Count; packet++) { Packet tempPacket = keyValuePair.Value[packetList][packet]; if (tempPacket.fragment != packet || (packet == keyValuePair.Value[packetList].Count - 1 && tempPacket.moreFragments)) { packetReady = false; } else { packetLength +=; } } if (packetReady) { byte[] data = new byte[packetLength]; int dataIndex = 0; for (int packet = 0; packet < keyValuePair.Value[packetList].Count; packet++) { Array.Copy(keyValuePair.Value[packetList][packet].data, 0, data, dataIndex, keyValuePair.Value[packetList][packet].data.Length); dataIndex += keyValuePair.Value[packetList][packet].data.Length; } OnReceiveData(data, keyValuePair.Key.productUserId,; //keyValuePair.Value[packetList].Clear(); emptyPacketLists.Add(keyValuePair.Value[packetList]); } } for (int i = 0; i < emptyPacketLists.Count; i++) { keyValuePair.Value.Remove(emptyPacketLists[i]); } emptyPacketLists.Clear(); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogException(e); } } protected abstract void OnReceiveInternalData(InternalMessages type, ProductUserId clientUserID, SocketId socketId); protected abstract void OnReceiveData(byte[] data, ProductUserId clientUserID, int channel); protected abstract void OnConnectionFailed(ProductUserId remoteId); } }