using QSB.Patches; namespace QSB.Player.Patches { internal class PlayerPatches : QSBPatch { public override QSBPatchTypes Type => QSBPatchTypes.OnClientConnect; public override void DoPatches() { Prefix(nameof(PlayerCrushedController_CrushPlayer)); Prefix(nameof(PauseMenuManager_OnExitToMainMenu)); } public static bool PlayerCrushedController_CrushPlayer() { // #CrushIt // this is what you get from me when you mix tiredness and a headache - jokes and references only i will get Locator.GetDeathManager().KillPlayer(DeathType.Crushed); return false; } public static void PauseMenuManager_OnExitToMainMenu() => QSBPlayerManager.LocalPlayer.PlayerStates.IsReady = false; } }