using OWML.Common; using QSB.Messaging; using QSB.Player; using QSB.TransformSync; using QSB.Utility; using QuantumUNET; using QuantumUNET.Components; namespace QSB.Events { public abstract class QSBEvent : IQSBEvent where T : PlayerMessage, new() { public abstract EventType Type { get; } public uint LocalPlayerId => QSBPlayerManager.LocalPlayerId; private readonly MessageHandler _eventHandler; protected QSBEvent() { _eventHandler = new MessageHandler(Type); _eventHandler.OnClientReceiveMessage += message => OnReceive(false, message); _eventHandler.OnServerReceiveMessage += message => OnReceive(true, message); } public abstract void SetupListener(); public abstract void CloseListener(); public virtual void OnReceiveRemote(bool server, T message) { } public virtual void OnReceiveLocal(bool server, T message) { } public void SendEvent(T message) { message.FromId = QSBPlayerManager.LocalPlayerId; QSBCore.Helper.Events.Unity.RunWhen( () => PlayerTransformSync.LocalInstance != null, () => _eventHandler.SendToServer(message)); } private void OnReceive(bool isServer, T message) { /* Explanation : * if is true, this message has been received on the server *server*. * Therefore, we don't want to do any event handling code - that should be dealt * with on the server *client* and any other client. So just forward the message * onto all clients. This way, the server *server* just acts as the ditribution * hub for all events. */ if (isServer) { _eventHandler.SendToAll(message); return; } if (message.OnlySendToServer && ! { return; } if (PlayerTransformSync.LocalInstance == null || PlayerTransformSync.LocalInstance.GetComponent() == null) { DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - Tried to handle message of type <{message.GetType().Name}> before localplayer was established.", MessageType.Warning); return; } if (message.FromId == QSBPlayerManager.LocalPlayerId || QSBPlayerManager.IsBelongingToLocalPlayer(message.AboutId)) { OnReceiveLocal(, message); return; } OnReceiveRemote(, message); } } }