using Epic.OnlineServices.Lobby; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using EpicTransport; using Mirror; public class EOSLobbyUI : EOSLobby { private string lobbyName = "My Lobby"; private bool showLobbyList = false; private bool showPlayerList = false; private List foundLobbies = new List(); private List lobbyData = new List(); //register events private void OnEnable() { //subscribe to events CreateLobbySucceeded += OnCreateLobbySuccess; JoinLobbySucceeded += OnJoinLobbySuccess; FindLobbiesSucceeded += OnFindLobbiesSuccess; LeaveLobbySucceeded += OnLeaveLobbySuccess; } //deregister events private void OnDisable() { //unsubscribe from events CreateLobbySucceeded -= OnCreateLobbySuccess; JoinLobbySucceeded -= OnJoinLobbySuccess; FindLobbiesSucceeded -= OnFindLobbiesSuccess; LeaveLobbySucceeded -= OnLeaveLobbySuccess; } //when the lobby is successfully created, start the host private void OnCreateLobbySuccess(List attributes) { lobbyData = attributes; showPlayerList = true; showLobbyList = false; GetComponent().StartHost(); } //when the user joined the lobby successfully, set network address and connect private void OnJoinLobbySuccess(List attributes) { lobbyData = attributes; showPlayerList = true; showLobbyList = false; NetworkManager netManager = GetComponent(); netManager.networkAddress = attributes.Find((x) => x.Data.Key == hostAddressKey).Data.Value.AsUtf8; netManager.StartClient(); } //callback for FindLobbiesSucceeded private void OnFindLobbiesSuccess(List lobbiesFound) { foundLobbies = lobbiesFound; showPlayerList = false; showLobbyList = true; } //when the lobby was left successfully, stop the host/client private void OnLeaveLobbySuccess() { NetworkManager netManager = GetComponent(); netManager.StopHost(); netManager.StopClient(); } private void OnGUI() { //if the component is not initialized then dont continue if (!EOSSDKComponent.Initialized) { return; } //start UI GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //draw side buttons DrawMenuButtons(); //draw scroll view GUILayout.BeginScrollView(, GUILayout.MaxHeight(400)); //runs when we want to show the lobby list if (showLobbyList && !showPlayerList) { DrawLobbyList(); } //runs when we want to show the player list and we are connected to a lobby else if (!showLobbyList && showPlayerList && ConnectedToLobby) { DrawLobbyMenu(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } private void DrawMenuButtons() { //start button column GUILayout.BeginVertical(); //decide if we should enable the create and find lobby buttons //prevents user from creating or searching for lobbies when in a lobby GUI.enabled = !ConnectedToLobby; #region Draw Create Lobby Button GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); //create lobby button if (GUILayout.Button("Create Lobby")) { CreateLobby(4, LobbyPermissionLevel.Publicadvertised, false, new AttributeData[] { new AttributeData { Key = AttributeKeys[0], Value = lobbyName }, }); } lobbyName = GUILayout.TextField(lobbyName, 40, GUILayout.Width(200)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endregion //find lobby button if (GUILayout.Button("Find Lobbies")) { FindLobbies(); } //decide if we should enable the leave lobby button //only enabled when the user is connected to a lobby GUI.enabled = ConnectedToLobby; if (GUILayout.Button("Leave Lobby")) { LeaveLobby(); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndVertical(); } private void DrawLobbyList() { //draw labels GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Lobby Name", GUILayout.Width(220)); GUILayout.Label("Player Count"); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //draw lobbies foreach (LobbyDetails lobby in foundLobbies) { //get lobby name Attribute lobbyNameAttribute = new Attribute(); lobby.CopyAttributeByKey(new LobbyDetailsCopyAttributeByKeyOptions { AttrKey = AttributeKeys[0] }, out lobbyNameAttribute); //draw the lobby result GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.Width(400), GUILayout.MaxWidth(400)); //draw lobby name GUILayout.Label(lobbyNameAttribute.Data.Value.AsUtf8.Length > 30 ? lobbyNameAttribute.Data.Value.AsUtf8.Substring(0, 27).Trim() + "..." : lobbyNameAttribute.Data.Value.AsUtf8, GUILayout.Width(175)); GUILayout.Space(75); //draw player count GUILayout.Label(lobby.GetMemberCount(new LobbyDetailsGetMemberCountOptions { }).ToString()); GUILayout.Space(75); //draw join button if (GUILayout.Button("Join", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { JoinLobby(lobby, AttributeKeys); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } private void DrawLobbyMenu() { //draws the lobby name GUILayout.Label("Name: " + lobbyData.Find((x) => x.Data.Key == AttributeKeys[0]).Data.Value.AsUtf8); //draws players for (int i = 0; i < ConnectedLobbyDetails.GetMemberCount(new LobbyDetailsGetMemberCountOptions { }); i++) { GUILayout.Label("Player " + i); } } }