using EpicTransport;
using Epic.OnlineServices.Lobby;
using UnityEngine;
using Epic.OnlineServices;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class EOSLobby : MonoBehaviour {
///True if the user is connected to a lobby.
[HideInInspector] public bool ConnectedToLobby { get; private set; }
///The details of the lobby that the user is currently connected to.
public LobbyDetails ConnectedLobbyDetails { get; private set; }
///The available keys assigned by the user.
[SerializeField] public string[] AttributeKeys = new string[] { "lobby_name" };
private const string DefaultAttributeKey = "default";
public const string hostAddressKey = "host_address";
private string currentLobbyId = string.Empty;
private bool isLobbyOwner = false;
private List foundLobbies = new List();
private List lobbyData = new List();
//create lobby events
public delegate void CreateLobbySuccess(List attributes);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with a list of that were assigned to the lobby.
public event CreateLobbySuccess CreateLobbySucceeded;
public delegate void CreateLobbyFailure(string errorMessage);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with an error message.
public event CreateLobbyFailure CreateLobbyFailed;
//join lobby events
public delegate void JoinLobbySuccess(List attributes);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with a list of that were found when joining the lobby.
public event JoinLobbySuccess JoinLobbySucceeded;
public delegate void JoinLobbyFailure(string errorMessage);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with an error message.
public event JoinLobbyFailure JoinLobbyFailed;
//find lobby events
public delegate void FindLobbiesSuccess(List foundLobbies);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with a list of that contains the found lobbies.
public event FindLobbiesSuccess FindLobbiesSucceeded;
public delegate void FindLobbiesFailure(string errorMessage);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with an error message.
public event FindLobbiesFailure FindLobbiesFailed;
//leave lobby events
public delegate void LeaveLobbySuccess();
/// When invoked, an empty message is sent to all subscribers.
public event LeaveLobbySuccess LeaveLobbySucceeded;
public delegate void LeaveLobbyFailure(string errorMessage);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with an error message.
public event LeaveLobbyFailure LeaveLobbyFailed;
//update attribute events
public delegate void UpdateAttributeSuccess(string key);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with the key of the attribute that was updated.
public event UpdateAttributeSuccess AttributeUpdateSucceeded;
public delegate void UpdateAttributeFailure(string key, string errorMessage);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with the key of the attribute that wasn't updated and an error message.
public event UpdateAttributeFailure AttributeUpdateFailed;
//lobby update events
private ulong lobbyMemberStatusNotifyId = 0;
private ulong lobbyAttributeUpdateNotifyId = 0;
public delegate void LobbyMemberStatusUpdate(LobbyMemberStatusReceivedCallbackInfo callback);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with an update on member status.
public event LobbyMemberStatusUpdate LobbyMemberStatusUpdated;
public delegate void LobbyAttributeUpdate(LobbyUpdateReceivedCallbackInfo callback);
/// When invoked, a message is sent to all subscribers with information on the lobby that was updated.
public event LobbyAttributeUpdate LobbyAttributeUpdated;
public virtual void Start() {
lobbyMemberStatusNotifyId = EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().AddNotifyLobbyMemberStatusReceived(new AddNotifyLobbyMemberStatusReceivedOptions { }, null,
(LobbyMemberStatusReceivedCallbackInfo callback) => {
if (callback.CurrentStatus == LobbyMemberStatus.Closed) {
lobbyAttributeUpdateNotifyId = EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().AddNotifyLobbyUpdateReceived(new AddNotifyLobbyUpdateReceivedOptions { }, null,
(LobbyUpdateReceivedCallbackInfo callback) => {
/// Creates a lobby based on given parameters using Epic Online Services.
/// You can get the data that was added to the lobby by subscribing to the event which gives you a list of .
/// This process may throw errors. You can get errors by subscribing to the event.
/// The maximum amount of connections the lobby allows.
/// The restriction on the lobby to prevent unwanted people from joining.
/// Use Epic's overlay to display information to others.
/// Optional data that you can to the lobby. By default, there is an empty attribute for searching and an attribute which holds the host's network address.
public virtual void CreateLobby(uint maxConnections, LobbyPermissionLevel permissionLevel, bool presenceEnabled, AttributeData[] lobbyData = null) {
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().CreateLobby(new CreateLobbyOptions {
//lobby options
LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId,
MaxLobbyMembers = maxConnections,
PermissionLevel = permissionLevel,
PresenceEnabled = presenceEnabled,
BucketId = DefaultAttributeKey,
}, null, (CreateLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
List lobbyReturnData = new List();
//if the result of CreateLobby is not successful, invoke an error event and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
CreateLobbyFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while creating a lobby. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
//create mod handle and lobby data
LobbyModification modHandle = new LobbyModification();
AttributeData defaultData = new AttributeData { Key = DefaultAttributeKey, Value = DefaultAttributeKey };
AttributeData hostAddressData = new AttributeData { Key = hostAddressKey, Value = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductIdString };
//set the mod handle
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobbyModification(new UpdateLobbyModificationOptions { LobbyId = callback.LobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, out modHandle);
//add attributes
modHandle.AddAttribute(new LobbyModificationAddAttributeOptions { Attribute = defaultData, Visibility = LobbyAttributeVisibility.Public });
modHandle.AddAttribute(new LobbyModificationAddAttributeOptions { Attribute = hostAddressData, Visibility = LobbyAttributeVisibility.Public });
//add user attributes
if (lobbyData != null) {
foreach (AttributeData data in lobbyData) {
modHandle.AddAttribute(new LobbyModificationAddAttributeOptions { Attribute = data, Visibility = LobbyAttributeVisibility.Public });
lobbyReturnData.Add(new Attribute { Data = data, Visibility = LobbyAttributeVisibility.Public });
//update the lobby
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobby(new UpdateLobbyOptions { LobbyModificationHandle = modHandle }, null, (UpdateLobbyCallbackInfo updateCallback) => {
//if there was an error while updating the lobby, invoke an error event and return
if (updateCallback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
CreateLobbyFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while updating the lobby. Error: " + updateCallback.ResultCode);
LobbyDetails details;
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().CopyLobbyDetailsHandle(new CopyLobbyDetailsHandleOptions { LobbyId = callback.LobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, out details);
ConnectedLobbyDetails = details;
isLobbyOwner = true;
ConnectedToLobby = true;
currentLobbyId = callback.LobbyId;
//invoke event
/// Finds lobbies based on given parameters using Epic Online Services.
/// You can get the found lobbies by subscribing to the event which gives you a list of .
/// This process may throw errors. You can get errors by subscribing to the event.
/// The maximum amount of results to return.
/// The parameters to search by. If left empty, then the search will use the default attribute attached to all the lobbies.
public virtual void FindLobbies(uint maxResults = 100, LobbySearchSetParameterOptions[] lobbySearchSetParameterOptions = null) {
//create search handle and list of lobby details
LobbySearch search = new LobbySearch();
//set the search handle
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().CreateLobbySearch(new CreateLobbySearchOptions { MaxResults = maxResults }, out search);
//set search parameters
if (lobbySearchSetParameterOptions != null) {
foreach (LobbySearchSetParameterOptions searchOption in lobbySearchSetParameterOptions) {
} else {
search.SetParameter(new LobbySearchSetParameterOptions {
ComparisonOp = ComparisonOp.Equal,
Parameter = new AttributeData { Key = DefaultAttributeKey, Value = DefaultAttributeKey }
//find lobbies
search.Find(new LobbySearchFindOptions { LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, null, (LobbySearchFindCallbackInfo callback) => {
//if the search was unsuccessful, invoke an error event and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
FindLobbiesFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while finding lobbies. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
//for each lobby found, add data to details
for (int i = 0; i < search.GetSearchResultCount(new LobbySearchGetSearchResultCountOptions { }); i++) {
LobbyDetails lobbyInformation;
search.CopySearchResultByIndex(new LobbySearchCopySearchResultByIndexOptions { LobbyIndex = (uint) i }, out lobbyInformation);
//invoke event
/// Join the given lobby and get the data attached.
/// You can get the lobby's data by subscribing to the event which gives you a list of .
/// This process may throw errors. You can get errors by subscribing to the event.
/// of the lobby to join that is retrieved from the event.
/// The keys to use to retrieve the data attached to the lobby. If you leave this empty, the host address attribute will still be read.
/// Use Epic's overlay to display information to others.
public virtual void JoinLobby(LobbyDetails lobbyToJoin, string[] attributeKeys = null, bool presenceEnabled = false) {
//join lobby
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().JoinLobby(new JoinLobbyOptions { LobbyDetailsHandle = lobbyToJoin, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId, PresenceEnabled = presenceEnabled }, null, (JoinLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
//if the result was not a success, invoke an error event and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
JoinLobbyFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while joining a lobby. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
Attribute hostAddress = new Attribute();
lobbyToJoin.CopyAttributeByKey(new LobbyDetailsCopyAttributeByKeyOptions { AttrKey = hostAddressKey }, out hostAddress);
if (attributeKeys != null) {
foreach (string key in attributeKeys) {
Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
lobbyToJoin.CopyAttributeByKey(new LobbyDetailsCopyAttributeByKeyOptions { AttrKey = key }, out attribute);
LobbyDetails details;
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().CopyLobbyDetailsHandle(new CopyLobbyDetailsHandleOptions { LobbyId = callback.LobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, out details);
ConnectedLobbyDetails = details;
isLobbyOwner = false;
ConnectedToLobby = true;
currentLobbyId = callback.LobbyId;
//invoke event
public virtual void JoinLobbyByID(string lobbyID){
LobbySearch search = new LobbySearch();
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().CreateLobbySearch(new CreateLobbySearchOptions { MaxResults = 1 }, out search);
search.SetLobbyId(new LobbySearchSetLobbyIdOptions {LobbyId = lobbyID});
search.Find(new LobbySearchFindOptions { LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, null, (LobbySearchFindCallbackInfo callback) => {
//if the search was unsuccessful, invoke an error event and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
FindLobbiesFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while finding lobbies. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
//for each lobby found, add data to details
for (int i = 0; i < search.GetSearchResultCount(new LobbySearchGetSearchResultCountOptions { }); i++) {
LobbyDetails lobbyInformation;
search.CopySearchResultByIndex(new LobbySearchCopySearchResultByIndexOptions { LobbyIndex = (uint) i }, out lobbyInformation);
if (foundLobbies.Count > 0) {
/// Leave the lobby that the user is connected to. If the creator of the lobby leaves, the lobby will be destroyed, and any client connected to the lobby will leave. If a member leaves, there will be no further action.
/// If the player was able to destroy or leave the lobby, the event will be invoked.
/// This process may throw errors. You can errors by subscribing to the event.
public virtual void LeaveLobby() {
//if we are the owner of the lobby
if (isLobbyOwner) {
//Destroy lobby
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().DestroyLobby(new DestroyLobbyOptions { LobbyId = currentLobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, null, (DestroyLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
//if the result was not a success, log error and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
LeaveLobbyFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while destroying the lobby. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
ConnectedToLobby = false;
//if we are a member of the lobby
else {
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().LeaveLobby(new LeaveLobbyOptions { LobbyId = currentLobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, null, (LeaveLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
//if the result was not a success, log error and return
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success && callback.ResultCode != Result.NotFound) {
LeaveLobbyFailed?.Invoke("There was an error while leaving the lobby. Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
ConnectedToLobby = false;
//when the player leaves the lobby, remove notifications
//will be useless when not connected to lobby
/// Remove an attribute attached to the lobby.
/// The key of the attribute that will be removed.
public virtual void RemoveAttribute(string key) {
LobbyModification modHandle = new LobbyModification();
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobbyModification(new UpdateLobbyModificationOptions { LobbyId = currentLobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, out modHandle);
modHandle.RemoveAttribute(new LobbyModificationRemoveAttributeOptions { Key = key });
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobby(new UpdateLobbyOptions { LobbyModificationHandle = modHandle }, null, (UpdateLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
AttributeUpdateFailed?.Invoke(key, $"There was an error while removing attribute \"{ key }\". Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
/// Update an attribute that is attached to the lobby.
/// The new data to apply.
private void UpdateAttribute(AttributeData attribute) {
LobbyModification modHandle = new LobbyModification();
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobbyModification(new UpdateLobbyModificationOptions { LobbyId = currentLobbyId, LocalUserId = EOSSDKComponent.LocalUserProductId }, out modHandle);
modHandle.AddAttribute(new LobbyModificationAddAttributeOptions { Attribute = attribute, Visibility = LobbyAttributeVisibility.Public });
EOSSDKComponent.GetLobbyInterface().UpdateLobby(new UpdateLobbyOptions { LobbyModificationHandle = modHandle }, null, (UpdateLobbyCallbackInfo callback) => {
if (callback.ResultCode != Result.Success) {
AttributeUpdateFailed?.Invoke(attribute.Key, $"There was an error while updating attribute \"{ attribute.Key }\". Error: " + callback.ResultCode);
/// Update a boolean attribute.
/// The key of the attribute.
/// The new boolean value.
public void UpdateLobbyAttribute(string key, bool newValue) {
AttributeData data = new AttributeData { Key = key, Value = newValue };
/// Update an integer attribute.
/// The key of the attribute.
/// The new integer value.
public void UpdateLobbyAttribute(string key, int newValue) {
AttributeData data = new AttributeData { Key = key, Value = newValue };
/// Update a double attribute.
/// The key of the attribute.
/// The new double value.
public void UpdateLobbyAttribute(string key, double newValue) {
AttributeData data = new AttributeData { Key = key, Value = newValue };
/// Update a string attribute.
/// The key of the attribute.
/// The new string value.
public void UpdateLobbyAttribute(string key, string newValue) {
AttributeData data = new AttributeData { Key = key, Value = newValue };
/// Returns the current lobby id
/// current lobby id
public string GetCurrentLobbyId() {
return currentLobbyId;