using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using GhostEnums; using QSB.EchoesOfTheEye.Ghosts; using QSB.EchoesOfTheEye.Ghosts.WorldObjects; using QSB.Utility; using UnityEngine; public class QSBHuntAction : QSBGhostAction { private int _numNodesToSearch; private GhostNodeMap.NodeSearchData[] _nodesToSearch; private int _currentNodeIndex; private GhostNode _closestNode; private bool _startAtClosestNode; private bool _huntStarted; private float _huntStartTime; private bool _huntFailed; private float _huntFailTime; private List _spotlightIndexList = new List(16); private int _spotlightIndex = -1; public override void Initialize(QSBGhostBrain brain) { base.Initialize(brain); _numNodesToSearch = 0; _nodesToSearch = new GhostNodeMap.NodeSearchData[_controller.AttachedObject.GetNodeMap().GetNodeCount()]; _currentNodeIndex = 0; _huntStarted = false; _huntStartTime = 0f; _huntFailed = false; _huntFailTime = 0f; _controller.AttachedObject.OnNodeMapChanged += new OWEvent.OWCallback(OnNodeMapChanged); } private void OnNodeMapChanged() { if (_running) { Debug.LogError("Changing node maps while the Hunt action is running is almost definitely not supported!"); _huntFailed = true; } _numNodesToSearch = 0; _nodesToSearch = new GhostNodeMap.NodeSearchData[_controller.AttachedObject.GetNodeMap().GetNodeCount()]; _currentNodeIndex = 0; } public override GhostAction.Name GetName() { return GhostAction.Name.Hunt; } public override float CalculateUtility() { if (_data.interestedPlayer == null) { return -100f; } if (_data.threatAwareness < GhostData.ThreatAwareness.IntruderConfirmed) { return -100f; } if (_huntFailed && _huntFailTime > _data.interestedPlayer.timeLastSawPlayer) { return -100f; } if (_running || _data.interestedPlayer.timeSincePlayerLocationKnown < 60f) { return 80f; } return -100f; } protected override void OnEnterAction() { _controller.SetLanternConcealed(true, true); _controller.FaceVelocity(); _effects.SetMovementStyle(GhostEffects.MovementStyle.Normal); if (!_huntStarted || _data.interestedPlayer.timeLastSawPlayer > _huntStartTime) { var knownPlayerVelocity = _data.interestedPlayer.lastKnownSensor.knowsPlayerVelocity ? _data.interestedPlayer.lastKnownPlayerLocation.localVelocity :; _numNodesToSearch = _controller.AttachedObject.GetNodeMap().FindPossiblePlayerNodes(_data.interestedPlayer.lastKnownPlayerLocation.localPosition, knownPlayerVelocity, 30f, _nodesToSearch, true, null, null, null); _currentNodeIndex = 0; _startAtClosestNode = false; _closestNode = null; _huntStarted = true; _huntStartTime = Time.time; _huntFailed = false; if (_numNodesToSearch == 0) { DebugLog.DebugWrite($"{_brain.AttachedObject._name} : Failed to find nodes to hunt player.", OWML.Common.MessageType.Error); _huntFailed = true; _huntFailTime = Time.time; } } if (!_huntFailed) { _closestNode = _controller.AttachedObject.GetNodeMap().FindClosestNode(_controller.AttachedObject.GetLocalFeetPosition()); for (var i = 0; i < _closestNode.visibleNodes.Count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _numNodesToSearch; j++) { if (_closestNode.visibleNodes[i] == _nodesToSearch[j].node.index) { _startAtClosestNode = true; break; } } } if (_startAtClosestNode) { _controller.PathfindToNode(_closestNode, MoveType.SEARCH); } else { _controller.PathfindToNode(_nodesToSearch[_currentNodeIndex].node, MoveType.SEARCH); } _effects.PlayVoiceAudioNear(AudioType.Ghost_Hunt, 1f); } } protected override void OnExitAction() { if (_huntFailed && !_data.interestedPlayer.isPlayerLocationKnown) { DebugLog.DebugWrite($"{_brain.AttachedObject._name} : Hunt failed. :("); _effects.PlayVoiceAudioNear(AudioType.Ghost_HuntFail, 1f); } } public override bool Update_Action() { return !_huntFailed && !_data.interestedPlayer.isPlayerLocationKnown; } public override void FixedUpdate_Action() { if (_huntStarted && !_huntFailed && _spotlightIndexList.Count > 0 && !_controller.AttachedObject.GetDreamLanternController().IsConcealed()) { for (var i = 0; i < _spotlightIndexList.Count; i++) { if (!_nodesToSearch[_spotlightIndexList[i]].searched) { var from = _nodesToSearch[_spotlightIndexList[i]].node.localPosition - _controller.AttachedObject.GetLocalFeetPosition(); var light = _controller.AttachedObject.GetDreamLanternController().GetLight(); var to = _controller.AttachedObject.WorldToLocalDirection(light.transform.forward); if (Vector3.Angle(from, to) < (light.GetLight().spotAngle * 0.5f) - 5f && from.sqrMagnitude < light.range * light.range) { _nodesToSearch[_spotlightIndexList[i]].searched = true; } } } } } public override void OnTraversePathNode(GhostNode node) { for (var i = 0; i < _numNodesToSearch; i++) { if (node == _nodesToSearch[i].node) { _nodesToSearch[i].searched = true; } } } public override void OnArriveAtPosition() { GhostNode node; if (_startAtClosestNode) { _startAtClosestNode = false; node = _closestNode; for (var i = 0; i < _numNodesToSearch; i++) { if (_closestNode == _nodesToSearch[i].node) { _nodesToSearch[i].searched = true; break; } } } else { node = _nodesToSearch[_currentNodeIndex].node; _nodesToSearch[_currentNodeIndex].searched = true; } GenerateSpotlightList(node); if (_spotlightIndexList.Count > 0) { _controller.SetLanternConcealed(false, true); SpotlightNextNode(); return; } TryContinueSearch(); } public override void OnFaceNode(GhostNode node) { var num = _spotlightIndexList[_spotlightIndex]; if (node != _nodesToSearch[num].node) { Debug.LogError("Why are we facing this node??? " +; Debug.Break(); return; } _nodesToSearch[num].searched = true; for (var i = _spotlightIndexList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (_nodesToSearch[_spotlightIndexList[i]].searched) { _spotlightIndexList.RemoveAt(i); } } if (_spotlightIndexList.Count > 0) { SpotlightNextNode(); return; } _controller.SetLanternConcealed(true, true); _controller.FaceVelocity(); TryContinueSearch(); } private void SpotlightNextNode() { _spotlightIndex = 0; var num = _spotlightIndexList[_spotlightIndex]; _controller.FaceNode(_nodesToSearch[num].node, TurnSpeed.MEDIUM, 1f, true); } private void TryContinueSearch() { if (Time.time > _enterTime + 60f) { _huntFailed = true; _huntFailTime = Time.time; return; } while (_nodesToSearch[_currentNodeIndex].searched && _currentNodeIndex < _numNodesToSearch) { _currentNodeIndex++; } if (_currentNodeIndex < _numNodesToSearch) { DebugLog.DebugWrite($"{_brain.AttachedObject._name} : Moving to hunt at new node."); _controller.PathfindToNode(_nodesToSearch[_currentNodeIndex].node, MoveType.SEARCH); return; } _huntFailed = true; _huntFailTime = Time.time; } private void GenerateSpotlightList(GhostNode node) { _spotlightIndexList.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < node.visibleNodes.Count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < _numNodesToSearch; j++) { if (!_nodesToSearch[j].searched && node.visibleNodes[i] == _nodesToSearch[j].node.index) { _spotlightIndexList.Add(j); } } } } public override void DrawGizmos(bool isGhostSelected) { if (isGhostSelected) { for (var i = 0; i < _numNodesToSearch; i++) { var t = Mathf.Abs(_nodesToSearch[i].score) / 180f; Popcron.Gizmos.Sphere( _controller.AttachedObject.LocalToWorldPosition(_nodesToSearch[i].node.localPosition), (i < _currentNodeIndex) ? 0.5f : 2f, _nodesToSearch[i].searched ? : Color.HSVToRGB(Mathf.Lerp(0.5f, 0f, t), 1f, 1f)); } } } }