using HarmonyLib; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug; namespace SteamRerouter.ModSide; /// /// top level file on the mod /// public static class Interop { public static EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus OwnershipStatus = EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus.NotReady; public static void Init() { Log("init"); Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(Patches)); // Cache DLC ownership since the patched function gets called often. // This won't work if the player buys the DLC mid-game, but too bad! OwnershipStatus = IsDlcOwned() ? EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus.Owned : EntitlementsManager.AsyncOwnershipStatus.NotOwned; } public static void Log(object msg) => Debug.Log($"[SteamRerouter] {msg}"); public static void LogError(object msg) => Debug.LogError($"[SteamRerouter] {msg}"); private static bool IsDlcOwned() { var ownershipStatus = DoCommand(true, 0) != 0; Log($"dlc owned: {ownershipStatus}"); return ownershipStatus; } public static void EarnAchivement(Achievements.Type type) { Log($"earn achievement {type}"); DoCommand(false, 1, (int)type); } private static int DoCommand(bool waitForExit, int type, int arg = default) { var processPath = Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)!, "SteamRerouter.exe" ); Log($"process path = {processPath}"); var gamePath = Application.dataPath; Log($"game path = {gamePath}"); var workingDirectory = Path.Combine(gamePath, "Plugins", "x86_64"); Log($"working dir = {workingDirectory}"); var args = new[] { Path.Combine(gamePath, "Managed"), type.ToString(), arg.ToString() }; Log($"args = {args.Join()}"); var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = processPath, WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory, Arguments = args.Join(x => $"\"{x}\"", " "), UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardError = true }); if (waitForExit) { process!.WaitForExit(); Log($"StandardOutput:\n{process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()}"); Log($"StandardError:\n{process.StandardError.ReadToEnd()}"); Log($"ExitCode: {process.ExitCode}"); return process.ExitCode; } return -1; } }