using System; using UnityEngine; namespace Popcron { public class Gizmos { private static string _prefsKey = null; private static int? _bufferSize = null; private static float? _dashGap = null; private static Vector3? _offset = null; private static Vector3[] buffer = new Vector3[BufferSize]; private static string PrefsKey { get { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_prefsKey)) { _prefsKey = $"{SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier}.{Application.companyName}.{Application.productName}.{Constants.UniqueIdentifier}"; } return _prefsKey; } } public static int BufferSize { get { if (_bufferSize == null) { _bufferSize = PlayerPrefs.GetInt($"{PrefsKey}.BufferSize", 4096); } return _bufferSize.Value; } set { value = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, int.MaxValue); if (_bufferSize != value) { _bufferSize = value; PlayerPrefs.SetInt($"{PrefsKey}.BufferSize", value); //buffer size changed, so recreate the buffer array too buffer = new Vector3[value]; } } } public static float DashGap { get { if (_dashGap == null) { _dashGap = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat($"{PrefsKey}.DashGap", 0.1f); } return _dashGap.Value; } set { if (_dashGap != value) { _dashGap = value; PlayerPrefs.SetFloat($"{PrefsKey}.DashGap", value); } } } public static Material Material { get => GizmosInstance.Material; set => GizmosInstance.Material = value; } public static Vector3 Offset { get { const string Delim = ","; if (_offset == null) { var data = PlayerPrefs.GetString($"{PrefsKey}.Offset", 0 + Delim + 0 + Delim + 0); var indexOf = data.IndexOf(Delim); var lastIndexOf = data.LastIndexOf(Delim); if (indexOf + lastIndexOf > 0) { var arr = data.Split(Delim[0]); _offset = new Vector3(float.Parse(arr[0]), float.Parse(arr[1]), float.Parse(arr[2])); } else { return; } } return _offset.Value; } set { const string Delim = ","; if (_offset != value) { _offset = value; PlayerPrefs.SetString($"{PrefsKey}.Offset", value.x + Delim + value.y + Delim + value.y); } } } public static void Draw(Color? color, bool dashed, params object[] args) where T : Drawer { var drawer = Drawer.Get(); if (drawer != null) { var points = drawer.Draw(ref buffer, args); //copy from buffer and add to the queue var array = new Vector3[points]; Array.Copy(buffer, array, points); GizmosInstance.Submit(array, color, dashed); } } public static void Lines(Vector3[] lines, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => GizmosInstance.Submit(lines, color, dashed); public static void Line(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Draw(color, dashed, a, b); public static void Square(Vector2 position, Vector2 size, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Square(position, Quaternion.identity, size, color, dashed); public static void Square(Vector2 position, float diameter, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Square(position, Quaternion.identity, * diameter, color, dashed); public static void Square(Vector2 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector2 size, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Draw(color, dashed, position, rotation, size); public static void Cube(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 size, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Draw(color, dashed, position, rotation, size); public static void Rect(Rect rect, Camera camera, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) { rect.y = Screen.height - rect.y; Vector2 corner = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y - rect.height)); Draw(color, dashed, corner + (rect.size * 0.5f), Quaternion.identity, rect.size); } public static void Bounds(Bounds bounds, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Draw(color, dashed,, Quaternion.identity, bounds.size); public static void Cone(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float length, float angle, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false, int pointsCount = 16) { //draw the end of the cone var endAngle = Mathf.Tan(angle * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * length; var forward = rotation * Vector3.forward; var endPosition = position + (forward * length); var offset = 0f; Draw(color, dashed, endPosition, pointsCount, endAngle, offset, rotation); //draw the 4 lines for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var a = i * 90f * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var point = rotation * new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(a), Mathf.Sin(a)) * endAngle; Line(position, position + point + (forward * length), color, dashed); } } public static void Sphere(Vector3 position, float radius, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false, int pointsCount = 16) { var offset = 0f; Draw(color, dashed, position, pointsCount, radius, offset, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 0f)); Draw(color, dashed, position, pointsCount, radius, offset, Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 0f)); Draw(color, dashed, position, pointsCount, radius, offset, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 90f, 90f)); } public static void Circle(Vector3 position, float radius, Camera camera, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false, int pointsCount = 16) { var offset = 0f; var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(position - camera.transform.position); Draw(color, dashed, position, pointsCount, radius, offset, rotation); } public static void Circle(Vector3 position, float radius, Quaternion rotation, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false, int pointsCount = 16) { var offset = 0f; Draw(color, dashed, position, pointsCount, radius, offset, rotation); } public static void Frustum(OWCamera camera, Color? color = null, bool dashed = false) => Draw(color, dashed, camera); } }