using OWML.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Net.Sockets; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace QuantumUNET { public class QSBNetworkBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { public bool LocalPlayerAuthority => MyView.LocalPlayerAuthority; public bool IsServer => MyView.IsServer; public bool IsClient => MyView.IsClient; public bool IsLocalPlayer => MyView.IsLocalPlayer; public bool HasAuthority => MyView.HasAuthority; public NetworkInstanceId NetId => MyView.NetId; public QSBNetworkConnection ConnectionToServer => MyView.ConnectionToServer; public QSBNetworkConnection ConnectionToClient => MyView.ConnectionToClient; public short PlayerControllerId => MyView.PlayerControllerId; protected uint SyncVarDirtyBits { get; private set; } protected bool SyncVarHookGuard { get; set; } internal QSBNetworkIdentity NetIdentity => MyView; private QSBNetworkIdentity MyView { get { QSBNetworkIdentity myView; if (m_MyView == null) { m_MyView = GetComponent(); if (m_MyView == null) { Debug.LogError("There is no NetworkIdentity on this object. Please add one."); } myView = m_MyView; } else { myView = m_MyView; } return myView; } } protected void SendCommandInternal(QSBNetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string cmdName) { if (!IsLocalPlayer && !HasAuthority) { Debug.LogWarning("Trying to send command for object without authority."); } else if (QSBClientScene.readyConnection == null) { Debug.LogError("Send command attempted with no client running [client=" + ConnectionToServer + "]."); } else { writer.FinishMessage(); QSBClientScene.readyConnection.SendWriter(writer, channelId); } } public virtual bool InvokeCommand(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) => InvokeCommandDelegate(cmdHash, reader); protected void SendRPCInternal(QSBNetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string rpcName) { if (!IsServer) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("ClientRpc call on un-spawned object"); return; } } writer.FinishMessage(); QSBNetworkServer.SendWriterToReady(base.gameObject, writer, channelId); } protected void SendTargetRPCInternal(QSBNetworkConnection conn, QSBNetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string rpcName) { if (!IsServer) { Debug.LogWarning("TargetRpc call on un-spawned object"); return; } writer.FinishMessage(); conn.SendWriter(writer, channelId); } public virtual bool InvokeRPC(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) => InvokeRpcDelegate(cmdHash, reader); protected void SendEventInternal(QSBNetworkWriter writer, int channelId, string eventName) { if (! { ModConsole.OwmlConsole.WriteLine($"Error - Tried to send event {eventName} on channel {channelId} but QSBNetworkServer isn't active."); return; } writer.FinishMessage(); QSBNetworkServer.SendWriterToReady(gameObject, writer, channelId); } public virtual bool InvokeSyncEvent(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) => InvokeSyncEventDelegate(cmdHash, reader); public virtual bool InvokeSyncList(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) => InvokeSyncListDelegate(cmdHash, reader); protected static void RegisterCommandDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func) { if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { var invoker = new Invoker { invokeType = UNetInvokeType.Command, invokeClass = invokeClass, invokeFunction = func }; s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash] = invoker; } } protected static void RegisterRpcDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func) { if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { var invoker = new Invoker { invokeType = UNetInvokeType.ClientRpc, invokeClass = invokeClass, invokeFunction = func }; s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash] = invoker; } } protected static void RegisterEventDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func) { if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { var invoker = new Invoker { invokeType = UNetInvokeType.SyncEvent, invokeClass = invokeClass, invokeFunction = func }; s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash] = invoker; } } protected static void RegisterSyncListDelegate(Type invokeClass, int cmdHash, CmdDelegate func) { if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { var invoker = new Invoker { invokeType = UNetInvokeType.SyncList, invokeClass = invokeClass, invokeFunction = func }; s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash] = invoker; } } internal static string GetInvoker(int cmdHash) { string result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = null; } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; result = invoker.DebugString(); } return result; } internal static bool GetInvokerForHashCommand(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction) => GetInvokerForHash(cmdHash, UNetInvokeType.Command, out invokeClass, out invokeFunction); internal static bool GetInvokerForHashClientRpc(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction) => GetInvokerForHash(cmdHash, UNetInvokeType.ClientRpc, out invokeClass, out invokeFunction); internal static bool GetInvokerForHashSyncList(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction) => GetInvokerForHash(cmdHash, UNetInvokeType.SyncList, out invokeClass, out invokeFunction); internal static bool GetInvokerForHashSyncEvent(int cmdHash, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction) => GetInvokerForHash(cmdHash, UNetInvokeType.SyncEvent, out invokeClass, out invokeFunction); private static bool GetInvokerForHash(int cmdHash, UNetInvokeType invokeType, out Type invokeClass, out CmdDelegate invokeFunction) { bool result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.TryGetValue(cmdHash, out var invoker)) { Debug.Log("GetInvokerForHash hash:" + cmdHash + " not found"); invokeClass = null; invokeFunction = null; result = false; } else if (invoker == null) { Debug.Log("GetInvokerForHash hash:" + cmdHash + " invoker null"); invokeClass = null; invokeFunction = null; result = false; } else if (invoker.invokeType != invokeType) { Debug.LogError("GetInvokerForHash hash:" + cmdHash + " mismatched invokeType"); invokeClass = null; invokeFunction = null; result = false; } else { invokeClass = invoker.invokeClass; invokeFunction = invoker.invokeFunction; result = true; } return result; } internal static void DumpInvokers() { Debug.Log("DumpInvokers size:" + s_CmdHandlerDelegates.Count); foreach (var keyValuePair in s_CmdHandlerDelegates) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { " Invoker:", keyValuePair.Value.invokeClass, ":", keyValuePair.Value.invokeFunction.GetMethodName(), " ", keyValuePair.Value.invokeType, " ", keyValuePair.Key })); } } internal bool ContainsCommandDelegate(int cmdHash) => s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash); internal bool InvokeCommandDelegate(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) { bool result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = false; } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; if (invoker.invokeType != UNetInvokeType.Command) { result = false; } else { if (GetType() != invoker.invokeClass) { if (!GetType().IsSubclassOf(invoker.invokeClass)) { return false; } } invoker.invokeFunction(this, reader); result = true; } } return result; } internal bool InvokeRpcDelegate(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) { bool result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = false; } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; if (invoker.invokeType != UNetInvokeType.ClientRpc) { result = false; } else { if (GetType() != invoker.invokeClass) { if (!GetType().IsSubclassOf(invoker.invokeClass)) { return false; } } invoker.invokeFunction(this, reader); result = true; } } return result; } internal bool InvokeSyncEventDelegate(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) { bool result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = false; } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; if (invoker.invokeType != UNetInvokeType.SyncEvent) { result = false; } else { invoker.invokeFunction(this, reader); result = true; } } return result; } internal bool InvokeSyncListDelegate(int cmdHash, QSBNetworkReader reader) { bool result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = false; } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; if (invoker.invokeType != UNetInvokeType.SyncList) { result = false; } else if (GetType() != invoker.invokeClass) { result = false; } else { invoker.invokeFunction(this, reader); result = true; } } return result; } internal static string GetCmdHashHandlerName(int cmdHash) { string result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = cmdHash.ToString(); } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; result = invoker.invokeType + ":" + invoker.invokeFunction.GetMethodName(); } return result; } private static string GetCmdHashPrefixName(int cmdHash, string prefix) { string result; if (!s_CmdHandlerDelegates.ContainsKey(cmdHash)) { result = cmdHash.ToString(); } else { var invoker = s_CmdHandlerDelegates[cmdHash]; var text = invoker.invokeFunction.GetMethodName(); var num = text.IndexOf(prefix); if (num > -1) { text = text.Substring(prefix.Length); } result = text; } return result; } internal static string GetCmdHashCmdName(int cmdHash) => GetCmdHashPrefixName(cmdHash, "InvokeCmd"); internal static string GetCmdHashRpcName(int cmdHash) => GetCmdHashPrefixName(cmdHash, "InvokeRpc"); internal static string GetCmdHashEventName(int cmdHash) => GetCmdHashPrefixName(cmdHash, "InvokeSyncEvent"); internal static string GetCmdHashListName(int cmdHash) => GetCmdHashPrefixName(cmdHash, "InvokeSyncList"); protected void SetSyncVarGameObject(GameObject newGameObject, ref GameObject gameObjectField, uint dirtyBit, ref NetworkInstanceId netIdField) { if (!SyncVarHookGuard) { NetworkInstanceId networkInstanceId = default; if (newGameObject != null) { var component = newGameObject.GetComponent(); if (component != null) { networkInstanceId = component.NetId; if (networkInstanceId.IsEmpty()) { if (LogFilter.logWarn) { Debug.LogWarning("SetSyncVarGameObject GameObject " + newGameObject + " has a zero netId. Maybe it is not spawned yet?"); } } } } NetworkInstanceId networkInstanceId2 = default; if (gameObjectField != null) { networkInstanceId2 = gameObjectField.GetComponent().NetId; } if (networkInstanceId != networkInstanceId2) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "SetSyncVar GameObject ", base.GetType().Name, " bit [", dirtyBit, "] netfieldId:", networkInstanceId2, "->", networkInstanceId })); SetDirtyBit(dirtyBit); gameObjectField = newGameObject; netIdField = networkInstanceId; } } } protected void SetSyncVar(T value, ref T fieldValue, uint dirtyBit) { var flag = false; if (value == null) { if (fieldValue != null) { flag = true; } } else { flag = !value.Equals(fieldValue); } if (flag) { Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "SetSyncVar ", GetType().Name, " bit [", dirtyBit, "] ", fieldValue, "->", value })); SetDirtyBit(dirtyBit); fieldValue = value; } } public void SetDirtyBit(uint dirtyBit) => SyncVarDirtyBits |= dirtyBit; public void ClearAllDirtyBits() { m_LastSendTime = Time.time; SyncVarDirtyBits = 0U; } internal int GetDirtyChannel() { if (Time.time - m_LastSendTime > GetNetworkSendInterval()) { if (SyncVarDirtyBits != 0U) { return GetNetworkChannel(); } } return -1; } public virtual bool OnSerialize(QSBNetworkWriter writer, bool initialState) { if (!initialState) { writer.WritePackedUInt32(0U); } return false; } public virtual void OnDeserialize(QSBNetworkReader reader, bool initialState) { if (!initialState) { reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); } } public virtual void PreStartClient() { } public virtual void OnNetworkDestroy() { } public virtual void OnStartServer() { } public virtual void OnStartClient() { } public virtual void OnStartLocalPlayer() { } public virtual void OnStartAuthority() { } public virtual void OnStopAuthority() { } public virtual bool OnRebuildObservers(HashSet observers, bool initialize) => false; public virtual void OnSetLocalVisibility(bool vis) { } public virtual bool OnCheckObserver(QSBNetworkConnection conn) => true; public virtual int GetNetworkChannel() => 0; public virtual float GetNetworkSendInterval() => 0.1f; private float m_LastSendTime; private QSBNetworkIdentity m_MyView; private static readonly Dictionary s_CmdHandlerDelegates = new Dictionary(); public delegate void CmdDelegate(QSBNetworkBehaviour obj, QSBNetworkReader reader); protected delegate void EventDelegate(List targets, QSBNetworkReader reader); protected enum UNetInvokeType { Command, ClientRpc, SyncEvent, SyncList } protected class Invoker { public string DebugString() { return string.Concat(new object[] { invokeType, ":", invokeClass, ":", invokeFunction.GetMethodName() }); } public UNetInvokeType invokeType; public Type invokeClass; public CmdDelegate invokeFunction; } } internal static class DotNetCompatibility { internal static string GetMethodName(this Delegate func) => func.Method.Name; internal static Type GetBaseType(this Type type) => type.BaseType; internal static string GetErrorCode(this SocketException e) => e.ErrorCode.ToString(); } }