using QuantumUNET.Logging; using QuantumUNET.Messages; using QuantumUNET.Transport; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Networking; namespace QuantumUNET.Components { public class QNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour { public static QNetworkManager singleton; public int networkPort { get; set; } = 7777; public bool serverBindToIP { get; set; } public bool dontDestroyOnLoad { get; set; } = true; public bool runInBackground { get; set; } = true; public bool scriptCRCCheck { get; set; } = true; public bool autoCreatePlayer { get; set; } = true; public bool isNetworkActive; public bool clientLoadedScene { get; set; } public string serverBindAddress { get; set; } = ""; public string networkAddress { get; set; } = "localhost"; public float packetLossPercentage { get; set; } public float maxDelay { get; set; } = 0.01f; public GameObject playerPrefab { get; set; } public List spawnPrefabs { get; } = new List(); public QNetworkClient client; public int maxConnections { get; set; } = 4; public List channels { get; } = new List(); private ConnectionConfig m_ConnectionConfig; private GlobalConfig m_GlobalConfig; public int m_MaxBufferedPackets = 16; private readonly bool m_AllowFragmentation = true; private static readonly QAddPlayerMessage s_AddPlayerMessage = new(); private static readonly QRemovePlayerMessage s_RemovePlayerMessage = new(); private static readonly QErrorMessage s_ErrorMessage = new(); private static string s_Address; public bool customConfig { get; set; } public ConnectionConfig connectionConfig { get { if (m_ConnectionConfig == null) { m_ConnectionConfig = new ConnectionConfig(); } return m_ConnectionConfig; } } public GlobalConfig globalConfig { get { if (m_GlobalConfig == null) { m_GlobalConfig = new GlobalConfig(); } return m_GlobalConfig; } } public int numPlayers { get { var num = 0; foreach (var networkConnection in QNetworkServer.connections) { if (networkConnection != null) { foreach (var controller in networkConnection.PlayerControllers) { if (controller.IsValid) { num++; } } } } return num; } } public void Awake() => InitializeSingleton(); private void InitializeSingleton() { if (!(singleton != null) || !(singleton == this)) { if (dontDestroyOnLoad) { if (singleton != null) { QLog.Warning("Multiple NetworkManagers detected in the scene. Only one NetworkManager can exist at a time. The duplicate NetworkManager will not be used."); Destroy(gameObject); return; } QLog.Log("NetworkManager created singleton (DontDestroyOnLoad)"); singleton = this; if (Application.isPlaying) { DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } } else { QLog.Log("NetworkManager created singleton (ForScene)"); singleton = this; } if (networkAddress != "") { s_Address = networkAddress; } else if (s_Address != "") { networkAddress = s_Address; } } } internal void RegisterServerMessages() { QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Connect, OnServerConnectInternal); QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Disconnect, OnServerDisconnectInternal); QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Ready, OnServerReadyMessageInternal); QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.AddPlayer, OnServerAddPlayerMessageInternal); QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.RemovePlayer, OnServerRemovePlayerMessageInternal); QNetworkServer.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Error, OnServerErrorInternal); } public bool StartServer() => StartServer(null, -1); private bool StartServer(ConnectionConfig config, int maxConnections) { InitializeSingleton(); OnStartServer(); if (runInBackground) { Application.runInBackground = true; } QNetworkCRC.scriptCRCCheck = scriptCRCCheck; if (m_GlobalConfig != null) { NetworkTransport.Init(m_GlobalConfig); } if (customConfig && m_ConnectionConfig != null && config == null) { m_ConnectionConfig.Channels.Clear(); foreach (var channel in channels) { m_ConnectionConfig.AddChannel(channel); } QNetworkServer.Configure(m_ConnectionConfig, this.maxConnections); } if (config != null) { QNetworkServer.Configure(config, maxConnections); } if (serverBindToIP && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverBindAddress)) { if (!QNetworkServer.Listen(serverBindAddress, networkPort)) { QLog.FatalError($"StartServer listen on {serverBindAddress} failed."); return false; } } else if (!QNetworkServer.Listen(networkPort)) { QLog.FatalError("StartServer listen failed."); return false; } RegisterServerMessages(); QLog.Log($"NetworkManager StartServer port:{networkPort}"); isNetworkActive = true; QNetworkServer.SpawnObjects(); return true; } internal void RegisterClientMessages(QNetworkClient client) { client.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Connect, OnClientConnectInternal); client.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Disconnect, OnClientDisconnectInternal); client.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.NotReady, OnClientNotReadyMessageInternal); client.RegisterHandler(QMsgType.Error, OnClientErrorInternal); if (playerPrefab != null) { QClientScene.RegisterPrefab(playerPrefab); } foreach (var gameObject in spawnPrefabs) { if (gameObject != null) { QClientScene.RegisterPrefab(gameObject); } } } public QNetworkClient StartClient(ConnectionConfig config, int hostPort) { InitializeSingleton(); if (runInBackground) { Application.runInBackground = true; } isNetworkActive = true; if (m_GlobalConfig != null) { NetworkTransport.Init(m_GlobalConfig); } client = new QNetworkClient { hostPort = hostPort }; if (config != null) { if (config.UsePlatformSpecificProtocols && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.PS4 && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.PSP2) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Platform specific protocols are not supported on this platform"); } client.Configure(config, 1); } else if (customConfig && m_ConnectionConfig != null) { m_ConnectionConfig.Channels.Clear(); foreach (var channel in channels) { m_ConnectionConfig.AddChannel(channel); } if (m_ConnectionConfig.UsePlatformSpecificProtocols && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.PS4 && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.PSP2) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Platform specific protocols are not supported on this platform"); } client.Configure(m_ConnectionConfig, maxConnections); } RegisterClientMessages(client); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(networkAddress)) { QLog.Error("Must set the Network Address field in the manager"); return null; } client.Connect(networkAddress, networkPort); OnStartClient(client); s_Address = networkAddress; return client; } public QNetworkClient StartClient() => StartClient(null); public QNetworkClient StartClient(ConnectionConfig config) => StartClient(config, 0); public virtual QNetworkClient StartHost(ConnectionConfig config, int maxConnections) { OnStartHost(); QNetworkClient result; if (StartServer(config, maxConnections)) { var networkClient = ConnectLocalClient(); OnServerConnect(networkClient.connection); OnStartClient(networkClient); result = networkClient; } else { result = null; } return result; } public virtual QNetworkClient StartHost() { OnStartHost(); QNetworkClient result; if (StartServer()) { var networkClient = ConnectLocalClient(); OnStartClient(networkClient); result = networkClient; } else { result = null; } return result; } private QNetworkClient ConnectLocalClient() { QLog.Log($"NetworkManager StartHost port:{networkPort}"); networkAddress = "localhost"; client = QClientScene.ConnectLocalServer(); RegisterClientMessages(client); return client; } public void StopHost() { OnStopHost(); StopClient(); StopServer(); } public void StopServer() { if ( { OnStopServer(); QLog.Log("NetworkManager StopServer"); isNetworkActive = false; QNetworkServer.Shutdown(); CleanupNetworkIdentities(); } } public void StopClient() { OnStopClient(); QLog.Log("NetworkManager StopClient"); isNetworkActive = false; if (client != null) { client.Disconnect(); client.Shutdown(); client = null; } QClientScene.DestroyAllClientObjects(); CleanupNetworkIdentities(); } private void CleanupNetworkIdentities() { foreach (var networkIdentity in Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll()) { networkIdentity.MarkForReset(); } } public bool IsClientConnected() => client != null && client.isConnected; public static void Shutdown() { if (!(singleton == null)) { singleton.StopHost(); singleton = null; } } internal void OnServerConnectInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerConnectInternal"); netMsg.Connection.SetMaxDelay(maxDelay); if (m_MaxBufferedPackets != 512) { for (var i = 0; i < QNetworkServer.numChannels; i++) { netMsg.Connection.SetChannelOption(i, QChannelOption.MaxPendingBuffers, m_MaxBufferedPackets); } } if (!m_AllowFragmentation) { for (var j = 0; j < QNetworkServer.numChannels; j++) { netMsg.Connection.SetChannelOption(j, QChannelOption.AllowFragmentation, 0); } } OnServerConnect(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnServerDisconnectInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerDisconnectInternal"); OnServerDisconnect(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnServerReadyMessageInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerReadyMessageInternal"); OnServerReady(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnServerAddPlayerMessageInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerAddPlayerMessageInternal"); netMsg.ReadMessage(s_AddPlayerMessage); if (s_AddPlayerMessage.msgSize != 0) { var extraMessageReader = new QNetworkReader(s_AddPlayerMessage.msgData); OnServerAddPlayer(netMsg.Connection, s_AddPlayerMessage.playerControllerId, extraMessageReader); } else { OnServerAddPlayer(netMsg.Connection, s_AddPlayerMessage.playerControllerId); } } internal void OnServerRemovePlayerMessageInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerRemovePlayerMessageInternal"); netMsg.ReadMessage(s_RemovePlayerMessage); netMsg.Connection.GetPlayerController(s_RemovePlayerMessage.PlayerControllerId, out var player); OnServerRemovePlayer(netMsg.Connection, player); netMsg.Connection.RemovePlayerController(s_RemovePlayerMessage.PlayerControllerId); } internal void OnServerErrorInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnServerErrorInternal"); netMsg.ReadMessage(s_ErrorMessage); OnServerError(netMsg.Connection, s_ErrorMessage.errorCode); } internal void OnClientConnectInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnClientConnectInternal"); netMsg.Connection.SetMaxDelay(maxDelay); clientLoadedScene = false; OnClientConnect(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnClientDisconnectInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnClientDisconnectInternal"); OnClientDisconnect(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnClientNotReadyMessageInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnClientNotReadyMessageInternal"); QClientScene.SetNotReady(); OnClientNotReady(netMsg.Connection); } internal void OnClientErrorInternal(QNetworkMessage netMsg) { QLog.Log("NetworkManager:OnClientErrorInternal"); netMsg.ReadMessage(s_ErrorMessage); OnClientError(netMsg.Connection, s_ErrorMessage.errorCode); } public virtual void OnServerConnect(QNetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnServerDisconnect(QNetworkConnection conn) { QNetworkServer.DestroyPlayersForConnection(conn); if (conn.LastError != NetworkError.Ok) { QLog.Error($"ServerDisconnected due to error: {conn.LastError}"); } } public virtual void OnServerReady(QNetworkConnection conn) { if (conn.PlayerControllers.Count == 0) { QLog.Warning("Ready with no player object"); } QNetworkServer.SetClientReady(conn); } public virtual void OnServerAddPlayer(QNetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId, QNetworkReader extraMessageReader) => OnServerAddPlayerInternal(conn, playerControllerId); public virtual void OnServerAddPlayer(QNetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) => OnServerAddPlayerInternal(conn, playerControllerId); private void OnServerAddPlayerInternal(QNetworkConnection conn, short playerControllerId) { if (playerPrefab == null) { QLog.FatalError("The PlayerPrefab is empty on the QSBNetworkManager. Please setup a PlayerPrefab object."); } else if (playerPrefab.GetComponent() == null) { QLog.FatalError("The PlayerPrefab does not have a QSBNetworkIdentity. Please add a QSBNetworkIdentity to the player prefab."); } else if (playerControllerId < conn.PlayerControllers.Count && conn.PlayerControllers[playerControllerId].IsValid && conn.PlayerControllers[playerControllerId].Gameobject != null) { QLog.Warning("There is already a player at that playerControllerId for this connections."); } else { var player = Instantiate(playerPrefab,, Quaternion.identity); QNetworkServer.AddPlayerForConnection(conn, player, playerControllerId); } } public virtual void OnServerRemovePlayer(QNetworkConnection conn, QPlayerController player) { if (player.Gameobject != null) { QNetworkServer.Destroy(player.Gameobject); } } public virtual void OnServerError(QNetworkConnection conn, int errorCode) { } public virtual void OnServerSceneChanged(string sceneName) { } public virtual void OnClientConnect(QNetworkConnection conn) { if (!clientLoadedScene) { QClientScene.Ready(conn); if (autoCreatePlayer) { QClientScene.AddPlayer(0); } } } public virtual void OnClientDisconnect(QNetworkConnection conn) { StopClient(); if (conn.LastError != NetworkError.Ok) { QLog.Error($"ClientDisconnected due to error: {conn.LastError}"); } } public virtual void OnClientError(QNetworkConnection conn, int errorCode) { } public virtual void OnClientNotReady(QNetworkConnection conn) { } public virtual void OnClientSceneChanged(QNetworkConnection conn) { QClientScene.Ready(conn); if (autoCreatePlayer) { var flag = QClientScene.localPlayers.Count == 0; var flag2 = false; foreach (var player in QClientScene.localPlayers) { if (player.Gameobject != null) { flag2 = true; break; } } if (!flag2) { flag = true; } if (flag) { QClientScene.AddPlayer(0); } } } public virtual void OnStartHost() { } public virtual void OnStartServer() { } public virtual void OnStartClient(QNetworkClient client) { } public virtual void OnStopServer() { } public virtual void OnStopClient() { } public virtual void OnStopHost() { } } }