using OWML.Utils; using QuantumUNET; using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace QSB { public class QSBNetworkLobby : QNetworkBehaviour { public bool CanEditName { get; set; } public string PlayerName { get; private set; } // TODO : Could delete a lot of this - shouldnt be possible to not have a profile and still play private readonly string[] _defaultNames = { "Arkose", "Chert", "Esker", "Hal", "Hornfels", "Feldspar", "Gabbro", "Galena", "Gneiss", "Gossan", "Marl", "Mica", "Moraine", "Porphy", "Riebeck", "Rutile", "Slate", "Spinel", "Tektite", "Tephra", "Tuff", "Jinha" }; public void Awake() { PlayerName = GetPlayerName(); CanEditName = true; } private string GetPlayerName() { var profileManager = StandaloneProfileManager.SharedInstance; profileManager.Initialize(); var profile = profileManager.GetValue("_currentProfile"); var profileName = profile?.profileName; return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileName) ? profileName : _defaultNames.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).First(); } public void OnGUI() { GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 200f, 20f), "Name:"); if (CanEditName) { PlayerName = GUI.TextField(new Rect(60, 10, 145, 20f), PlayerName); } else { GUI.Label(new Rect(60, 10, 145, 20f), PlayerName); } } } }