2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using UnityEngine ;
namespace Mirror
public enum ConnectState
None ,
// connecting between Connect() and OnTransportConnected()
Connecting ,
Connected ,
// disconnecting between Disconnect() and OnTransportDisconnected()
Disconnecting ,
/// <summary>NetworkClient with connection to server.</summary>
public static class NetworkClient
// message handlers by messageId
internal static readonly Dictionary < ushort , NetworkMessageDelegate > handlers =
new Dictionary < ushort , NetworkMessageDelegate > ( ) ;
/// <summary>All spawned NetworkIdentities by netId.</summary>
// client sees OBSERVED spawned ones.
public static readonly Dictionary < uint , NetworkIdentity > spawned =
new Dictionary < uint , NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
/// <summary>Client's NetworkConnection to server.</summary>
public static NetworkConnection connection { get ; internal set ; }
/// <summary>True if client is ready (= joined world).</summary>
// TODO redundant state. point it to .connection.isReady instead (& test)
// TODO OR remove NetworkConnection.isReady? unless it's used on server
// TODO maybe ClientState.Connected/Ready/AddedPlayer/etc.?
// way better for security if we can check states in callbacks
public static bool ready ;
/// <summary>NetworkIdentity of the localPlayer </summary>
public static NetworkIdentity localPlayer { get ; internal set ; }
// NetworkClient state
internal static ConnectState connectState = ConnectState . None ;
/// <summary>IP address of the connection to server.</summary>
// empty if the client has not connected yet.
public static string serverIp = > connection . address ;
/// <summary>active is true while a client is connecting/connected</summary>
// (= while the network is active)
public static bool active = > connectState = = ConnectState . Connecting | |
connectState = = ConnectState . Connected ;
/// <summary>Check if client is connecting (before connected).</summary>
public static bool isConnecting = > connectState = = ConnectState . Connecting ;
/// <summary>Check if client is connected (after connecting).</summary>
public static bool isConnected = > connectState = = ConnectState . Connected ;
/// <summary>True if client is running in host mode.</summary>
public static bool isHostClient = > connection is LocalConnectionToServer ;
// OnConnected / OnDisconnected used to be NetworkMessages that were
// invoked. this introduced a bug where external clients could send
// Connected/Disconnected messages over the network causing undefined
// behaviour.
// => public so that custom NetworkManagers can hook into it
public static Action OnConnectedEvent ;
public static Action OnDisconnectedEvent ;
public static Action < Exception > OnErrorEvent ;
/// <summary>Registered spawnable prefabs by assetId.</summary>
public static readonly Dictionary < Guid , GameObject > prefabs =
new Dictionary < Guid , GameObject > ( ) ;
// spawn handlers
internal static readonly Dictionary < Guid , SpawnHandlerDelegate > spawnHandlers =
new Dictionary < Guid , SpawnHandlerDelegate > ( ) ;
internal static readonly Dictionary < Guid , UnSpawnDelegate > unspawnHandlers =
new Dictionary < Guid , UnSpawnDelegate > ( ) ;
// spawning
// internal for tests
internal static bool isSpawnFinished ;
// Disabled scene objects that can be spawned again, by sceneId.
internal static readonly Dictionary < ulong , NetworkIdentity > spawnableObjects =
new Dictionary < ulong , NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
static Unbatcher unbatcher = new Unbatcher ( ) ;
// interest management component (optional)
// only needed for SetHostVisibility
public static InterestManagement aoi ;
// scene loading
public static bool isLoadingScene ;
// initialization //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void AddTransportHandlers ( )
Transport . activeTransport . OnClientConnected = OnTransportConnected ;
Transport . activeTransport . OnClientDataReceived = OnTransportData ;
Transport . activeTransport . OnClientDisconnected = OnTransportDisconnected ;
Transport . activeTransport . OnClientError = OnError ;
internal static void RegisterSystemHandlers ( bool hostMode )
// host mode client / remote client react to some messages differently.
// but we still need to add handlers for all of them to avoid
// 'message id not found' errors.
if ( hostMode )
RegisterHandler < ObjectDestroyMessage > ( OnHostClientObjectDestroy ) ;
RegisterHandler < ObjectHideMessage > ( OnHostClientObjectHide ) ;
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RegisterHandler < NetworkPongMessage > ( _ = > { } , false ) ;
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
RegisterHandler < SpawnMessage > ( OnHostClientSpawn ) ;
// host mode doesn't need spawning
2022-01-13 18:40:24 -08:00
RegisterHandler < ObjectSpawnStartedMessage > ( _ = > { } ) ;
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// host mode doesn't need spawning
2022-01-13 18:40:24 -08:00
RegisterHandler < ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage > ( _ = > { } ) ;
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// host mode doesn't need state updates
2022-01-13 18:40:24 -08:00
RegisterHandler < EntityStateMessage > ( _ = > { } ) ;
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
RegisterHandler < ObjectDestroyMessage > ( OnObjectDestroy ) ;
RegisterHandler < ObjectHideMessage > ( OnObjectHide ) ;
RegisterHandler < NetworkPongMessage > ( NetworkTime . OnClientPong , false ) ;
RegisterHandler < SpawnMessage > ( OnSpawn ) ;
RegisterHandler < ObjectSpawnStartedMessage > ( OnObjectSpawnStarted ) ;
RegisterHandler < ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage > ( OnObjectSpawnFinished ) ;
RegisterHandler < EntityStateMessage > ( OnEntityStateMessage ) ;
// These handlers are the same for host and remote clients
RegisterHandler < ChangeOwnerMessage > ( OnChangeOwner ) ;
RegisterHandler < RpcMessage > ( OnRPCMessage ) ;
// connect /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Connect client to a NetworkServer by address.</summary>
public static void Connect ( string address )
// Debug.Log($"Client Connect: {address}");
Debug . Assert ( Transport . activeTransport ! = null , "There was no active transport when calling NetworkClient.Connect, If you are calling Connect manually then make sure to set 'Transport.activeTransport' first" ) ;
RegisterSystemHandlers ( false ) ;
Transport . activeTransport . enabled = true ;
AddTransportHandlers ( ) ;
connectState = ConnectState . Connecting ;
Transport . activeTransport . ClientConnect ( address ) ;
connection = new NetworkConnectionToServer ( ) ;
/// <summary>Connect client to a NetworkServer by Uri.</summary>
public static void Connect ( Uri uri )
// Debug.Log($"Client Connect: {uri}");
Debug . Assert ( Transport . activeTransport ! = null , "There was no active transport when calling NetworkClient.Connect, If you are calling Connect manually then make sure to set 'Transport.activeTransport' first" ) ;
RegisterSystemHandlers ( false ) ;
Transport . activeTransport . enabled = true ;
AddTransportHandlers ( ) ;
connectState = ConnectState . Connecting ;
Transport . activeTransport . ClientConnect ( uri ) ;
connection = new NetworkConnectionToServer ( ) ;
// TODO why are there two connect host methods?
// called from NetworkManager.FinishStartHost()
public static void ConnectHost ( )
//Debug.Log("Client Connect Host to Server");
RegisterSystemHandlers ( true ) ;
connectState = ConnectState . Connected ;
// create local connection objects and connect them
LocalConnectionToServer connectionToServer = new LocalConnectionToServer ( ) ;
LocalConnectionToClient connectionToClient = new LocalConnectionToClient ( ) ;
connectionToServer . connectionToClient = connectionToClient ;
connectionToClient . connectionToServer = connectionToServer ;
connection = connectionToServer ;
// create server connection to local client
NetworkServer . SetLocalConnection ( connectionToClient ) ;
/// <summary>Connect host mode</summary>
// called from NetworkManager.StartHostClient
// TODO why are there two connect host methods?
public static void ConnectLocalServer ( )
// call server OnConnected with server's connection to client
NetworkServer . OnConnected ( NetworkServer . localConnection ) ;
// call client OnConnected with client's connection to server
// => previously we used to send a ConnectMessage to
// NetworkServer.localConnection. this would queue the message
// until NetworkClient.Update processes it.
// => invoking the client's OnConnected event directly here makes
// tests fail. so let's do it exactly the same order as before by
// queueing the event for next Update!
( ( LocalConnectionToServer ) connection ) . QueueConnectedEvent ( ) ;
// disconnect //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Disconnect from server.</summary>
public static void Disconnect ( )
// only if connected or connecting.
// don't disconnect() again if already in the process of
// disconnecting or fully disconnected.
if ( connectState ! = ConnectState . Connecting & &
connectState ! = ConnectState . Connected )
return ;
// we are disconnecting until OnTransportDisconnected is called.
// setting state to Disconnected would stop OnTransportDisconnected
// from calling cleanup code because it would think we are already
// disconnected fully.
// TODO move to 'cleanup' code below if safe
connectState = ConnectState . Disconnecting ;
ready = false ;
// call Disconnect on the NetworkConnection
connection ? . Disconnect ( ) ;
// IMPORTANT: do NOT clear connection here yet.
// we still need it in OnTransportDisconnected for callbacks.
// connection = null;
// transport events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// called by Transport
static void OnTransportConnected ( )
if ( connection ! = null )
// reset network time stats
NetworkTime . ResetStatics ( ) ;
// reset unbatcher in case any batches from last session remain.
unbatcher = new Unbatcher ( ) ;
// the handler may want to send messages to the client
// thus we should set the connected state before calling the handler
connectState = ConnectState . Connected ;
NetworkTime . UpdateClient ( ) ;
OnConnectedEvent ? . Invoke ( ) ;
else Debug . LogError ( "Skipped Connect message handling because connection is null." ) ;
// helper function
static bool UnpackAndInvoke ( NetworkReader reader , int channelId )
if ( MessagePacking . Unpack ( reader , out ushort msgType ) )
// try to invoke the handler for that message
if ( handlers . TryGetValue ( msgType , out NetworkMessageDelegate handler ) )
handler . Invoke ( connection , reader , channelId ) ;
// message handler may disconnect client, making connection = null
// therefore must check for null to avoid NRE.
if ( connection ! = null )
connection . lastMessageTime = Time . time ;
return true ;
// message in a batch are NOT length prefixed to save bandwidth.
// every message needs to be handled and read until the end.
// otherwise it would overlap into the next message.
// => need to warn and disconnect to avoid undefined behaviour.
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Unknown message id: {msgType}. This can happen if no handler was registered for this message." ) ;
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false ;
// => WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug . LogWarning ( "Invalid message header." ) ;
// simply return false. caller is responsible for disconnecting.
return false ;
// called by Transport
internal static void OnTransportData ( ArraySegment < byte > data , int channelId )
if ( connection ! = null )
// server might batch multiple messages into one packet.
// feed it to the Unbatcher.
// NOTE: we don't need to associate a channelId because we
// always process all messages in the batch.
if ( ! unbatcher . AddBatch ( data ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"NetworkClient: failed to add batch, disconnecting." ) ;
connection . Disconnect ( ) ;
return ;
// process all messages in the batch.
// only while NOT loading a scene.
// if we get a scene change message, then we need to stop
// processing. otherwise we might apply them to the old scene.
// => fixes https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2651
// NOTE: is scene starts loading, then the rest of the batch
// would only be processed when OnTransportData is called
// the next time.
// => consider moving processing to NetworkEarlyUpdate.
while ( ! isLoadingScene & &
unbatcher . GetNextMessage ( out NetworkReader reader , out double remoteTimestamp ) )
// enough to read at least header size?
if ( reader . Remaining > = MessagePacking . HeaderSize )
// make remoteTimeStamp available to the user
connection . remoteTimeStamp = remoteTimestamp ;
// handle message
if ( ! UnpackAndInvoke ( reader , channelId ) )
// warn, disconnect and return if failed
// -> warning because attackers might send random data
// -> messages in a batch aren't length prefixed.
// failing to read one would cause undefined
// behaviour for every message afterwards.
// so we need to disconnect.
// -> return to avoid the below unbatches.count error.
// we already disconnected and handled it.
Debug . LogWarning ( $"NetworkClient: failed to unpack and invoke message. Disconnecting." ) ;
connection . Disconnect ( ) ;
return ;
// otherwise disconnect
// WARNING, not error. can happen if attacker sends random data.
Debug . LogWarning ( $"NetworkClient: received Message was too short (messages should start with message id)" ) ;
connection . Disconnect ( ) ;
return ;
// if we weren't interrupted by a scene change,
// then all batched messages should have been processed now.
// if not, we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
// otherwise batches would silently grow.
// we need to log an error to avoid debugging hell.
// EXAMPLE: https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/issues/2882
// -> UnpackAndInvoke silently returned because no handler for id
// -> Reader would never be read past the end
// -> Batch would never be retired because end is never reached
// NOTE: prefixing every message in a batch with a length would
// avoid ever not reading to the end. for extra bandwidth.
// IMPORTANT: always keep this check to detect memory leaks.
// this took half a day to debug last time.
if ( ! isLoadingScene & & unbatcher . BatchesCount > 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Still had {unbatcher.BatchesCount} batches remaining after processing, even though processing was not interrupted by a scene change. This should never happen, as it would cause ever growing batches.\nPossible reasons:\n* A message didn't deserialize as much as it serialized\n*There was no message handler for a message id, so the reader wasn't read until the end." ) ;
else Debug . LogError ( "Skipped Data message handling because connection is null." ) ;
// called by Transport
// IMPORTANT: often times when disconnecting, we call this from Mirror
// too because we want to remove the connection and handle
// the disconnect immediately.
// => which is fine as long as we guarantee it only runs once
// => which we do by setting the state to Disconnected!
internal static void OnTransportDisconnected ( )
// StopClient called from user code triggers Disconnected event
// from transport which calls StopClient again, so check here
// and short circuit running the Shutdown process twice.
if ( connectState = = ConnectState . Disconnected ) return ;
// Raise the event before changing ConnectState
// because 'active' depends on this during shutdown
if ( connection ! = null ) OnDisconnectedEvent ? . Invoke ( ) ;
connectState = ConnectState . Disconnected ;
ready = false ;
// now that everything was handled, clear the connection.
// previously this was done in Disconnect() already, but we still
// need it for the above OnDisconnectedEvent.
connection = null ;
static void OnError ( Exception exception )
Debug . LogException ( exception ) ;
OnErrorEvent ? . Invoke ( exception ) ;
// send ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Send a NetworkMessage to the server over the given channel.</summary>
public static void Send < T > ( T message , int channelId = Channels . Reliable )
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where T : struct , NetworkMessage
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
if ( connection ! = null )
if ( connectState = = ConnectState . Connected )
connection . Send ( message , channelId ) ;
else Debug . LogError ( "NetworkClient Send when not connected to a server" ) ;
else Debug . LogError ( "NetworkClient Send with no connection" ) ;
// message handlers ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Register a handler for a message type T. Most should require authentication.</summary>
public static void RegisterHandler < T > ( Action < T > handler , bool requireAuthentication = true )
where T : struct , NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking . GetId < T > ( ) ;
if ( handlers . ContainsKey ( msgType ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"NetworkClient.RegisterHandler replacing handler for {typeof(T).FullName}, id={msgType}. If replacement is intentional, use ReplaceHandler instead to avoid this warning." ) ;
// we use the same WrapHandler function for server and client.
// so let's wrap it to ignore the NetworkConnection parameter.
// it's not needed on client. it's always NetworkClient.connection.
void HandlerWrapped ( NetworkConnection _ , T value ) = > handler ( value ) ;
handlers [ msgType ] = MessagePacking . WrapHandler ( ( Action < NetworkConnection , T > ) HandlerWrapped , requireAuthentication ) ;
/// <summary>Replace a handler for a particular message type. Should require authentication by default.</summary>
// RegisterHandler throws a warning (as it should) if a handler is assigned twice
// Use of ReplaceHandler makes it clear the user intended to replace the handler
public static void ReplaceHandler < T > ( Action < NetworkConnection , T > handler , bool requireAuthentication = true )
where T : struct , NetworkMessage
ushort msgType = MessagePacking . GetId < T > ( ) ;
handlers [ msgType ] = MessagePacking . WrapHandler ( handler , requireAuthentication ) ;
/// <summary>Replace a handler for a particular message type. Should require authentication by default.</summary>
// RegisterHandler throws a warning (as it should) if a handler is assigned twice
// Use of ReplaceHandler makes it clear the user intended to replace the handler
public static void ReplaceHandler < T > ( Action < T > handler , bool requireAuthentication = true )
where T : struct , NetworkMessage
ReplaceHandler ( ( NetworkConnection _ , T value ) = > { handler ( value ) ; } , requireAuthentication ) ;
/// <summary>Unregister a message handler of type T.</summary>
public static bool UnregisterHandler < T > ( )
where T : struct , NetworkMessage
// use int to minimize collisions
ushort msgType = MessagePacking . GetId < T > ( ) ;
return handlers . Remove ( msgType ) ;
// spawnable prefabs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Find the registered prefab for this asset id.</summary>
// Useful for debuggers
public static bool GetPrefab ( Guid assetId , out GameObject prefab )
prefab = null ;
return assetId ! = Guid . Empty & &
prefabs . TryGetValue ( assetId , out prefab ) & & prefab ! = null ;
/// <summary>Validates Prefab then adds it to prefabs dictionary.</summary>
static void RegisterPrefabIdentity ( NetworkIdentity prefab )
if ( prefab . assetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register '{prefab.name}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead" ) ;
return ;
if ( prefab . sceneId ! = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register '{prefab.name}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene." ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity [ ] identities = prefab . GetComponentsInChildren < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identities . Length > 1 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Prefab '{prefab.name}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object." ) ;
if ( prefabs . ContainsKey ( prefab . assetId ) )
GameObject existingPrefab = prefabs [ prefab . assetId ] ;
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Replacing existing prefab with assetId '{prefab.assetId}'. Old prefab '{existingPrefab.name}', New prefab '{prefab.name}'" ) ;
if ( spawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( prefab . assetId ) | | unspawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( prefab . assetId ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Adding prefab '{prefab.name}' with assetId '{prefab.assetId}' when spawnHandlers with same assetId already exists." ) ;
// Debug.Log($"Registering prefab '{prefab.name}' as asset:{prefab.assetId}");
prefabs [ prefab . assetId ] = prefab . gameObject ;
/// <summary>Register spawnable prefab with custom assetId.</summary>
// Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
// Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
// of people use this.
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab , Guid newAssetId )
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not register prefab because it was null" ) ;
return ;
if ( newAssetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register '{prefab.name}' with new assetId because the new assetId was empty" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
if ( identity . assetId ! = Guid . Empty & & identity . assetId ! = newAssetId )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register '{prefab.name}' to {newAssetId} because it already had an AssetId, Existing assetId {identity.assetId}" ) ;
return ;
identity . assetId = newAssetId ;
RegisterPrefabIdentity ( identity ) ;
/// <summary>Register spawnable prefab.</summary>
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab )
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not register prefab because it was null" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
RegisterPrefabIdentity ( identity ) ;
/// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom assetId and custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
// Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
// Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
// of people use this.
// TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab , Guid newAssetId , SpawnDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
// We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {newAssetId}" ) ;
return ;
RegisterPrefab ( prefab , newAssetId , msg = > spawnHandler ( msg . position , msg . assetId ) , unspawnHandler ) ;
/// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
// TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab , SpawnDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register handler for '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
if ( identity . sceneId ! = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register '{prefab.name}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene." ) ;
return ;
Guid assetId = identity . assetId ;
if ( assetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register handler for '{prefab.name}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead" ) ;
return ;
// We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
RegisterPrefab ( prefab , msg = > spawnHandler ( msg . position , msg . assetId ) , unspawnHandler ) ;
/// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom assetId and custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
// Note: newAssetId can not be set on GameObjects that already have an assetId
// Note: registering with assetId is useful for assetbundles etc. a lot
// of people use this.
// TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab , Guid newAssetId , SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
if ( newAssetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register handler for '{prefab.name}' with new assetId because the new assetId was empty" ) ;
return ;
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register handler for '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
if ( identity . assetId ! = Guid . Empty & & identity . assetId ! = newAssetId )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register Handler for '{prefab.name}' to {newAssetId} because it already had an AssetId, Existing assetId {identity.assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( identity . sceneId ! = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register '{prefab.name}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene." ) ;
return ;
identity . assetId = newAssetId ;
Guid assetId = identity . assetId ;
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( unspawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( spawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) | | unspawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for prefab '{prefab.name}' with assetId '{assetId}'" ) ;
if ( prefabs . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
// this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
Debug . LogError ( $"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}', unregister the prefab first before trying to add handler" ) ;
NetworkIdentity [ ] identities = prefab . GetComponentsInChildren < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identities . Length > 1 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Prefab '{prefab.name}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object." ) ;
//Debug.Log($"Registering custom prefab {prefab.name} as asset:{assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");
spawnHandlers [ assetId ] = spawnHandler ;
unspawnHandlers [ assetId ] = unspawnHandler ;
/// <summary>Register a spawnable prefab with custom spawn/unspawn handlers.</summary>
// TODO why do we have one with SpawnDelegate and one with SpawnHandlerDelegate?
public static void RegisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab , SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not register handler for prefab because the prefab was null" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not register handler for '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
if ( identity . sceneId ! = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register '{prefab.name}' because it has a sceneId, make sure you are passing in the original prefab and not an instance in the scene." ) ;
return ;
Guid assetId = identity . assetId ;
if ( assetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register handler for '{prefab.name}' because it had empty assetid. If this is a scene Object use RegisterSpawnHandler instead" ) ;
return ;
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( unspawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( spawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) | | unspawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for prefab '{prefab.name}' with assetId '{assetId}'" ) ;
if ( prefabs . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
// this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
Debug . LogError ( $"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}', unregister the prefab first before trying to add handler" ) ;
NetworkIdentity [ ] identities = prefab . GetComponentsInChildren < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identities . Length > 1 )
Debug . LogError ( $"Prefab '{prefab.name}' has multiple NetworkIdentity components. There should only be one NetworkIdentity on a prefab, and it must be on the root object." ) ;
//Debug.Log($"Registering custom prefab {prefab.name} as asset:{assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");
spawnHandlers [ assetId ] = spawnHandler ;
unspawnHandlers [ assetId ] = unspawnHandler ;
/// <summary>Removes a registered spawn prefab that was setup with NetworkClient.RegisterPrefab.</summary>
public static void UnregisterPrefab ( GameObject prefab )
if ( prefab = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Could not unregister prefab because it was null" ) ;
return ;
NetworkIdentity identity = prefab . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not unregister '{prefab.name}' since it contains no NetworkIdentity component" ) ;
return ;
Guid assetId = identity . assetId ;
prefabs . Remove ( assetId ) ;
spawnHandlers . Remove ( assetId ) ;
unspawnHandlers . Remove ( assetId ) ;
// spawn handlers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>This is an advanced spawning function that registers a custom assetId with the spawning system.</summary>
// This can be used to register custom spawning methods for an assetId -
// instead of the usual method of registering spawning methods for a
// prefab. This should be used when no prefab exists for the spawned
// objects - such as when they are constructed dynamically at runtime
// from configuration data.
public static void RegisterSpawnHandler ( Guid assetId , SpawnDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
// We need this check here because we don't want a null handler in the lambda expression below
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
RegisterSpawnHandler ( assetId , msg = > spawnHandler ( msg . position , msg . assetId ) , unspawnHandler ) ;
/// <summary>This is an advanced spawning function that registers a custom assetId with the spawning system.</summary>
// This can be used to register custom spawning methods for an assetId -
// instead of the usual method of registering spawning methods for a
// prefab. This should be used when no prefab exists for the spawned
// objects - such as when they are constructed dynamically at runtime
// from configuration data.
public static void RegisterSpawnHandler ( Guid assetId , SpawnHandlerDelegate spawnHandler , UnSpawnDelegate unspawnHandler )
if ( spawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null SpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( unspawnHandler = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Can not Register null UnSpawnHandler for {assetId}" ) ;
return ;
if ( assetId = = Guid . Empty )
Debug . LogError ( "Can not Register SpawnHandler for empty Guid" ) ;
return ;
if ( spawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) | | unspawnHandlers . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
Debug . LogWarning ( $"Replacing existing spawnHandlers for {assetId}" ) ;
if ( prefabs . ContainsKey ( assetId ) )
// this is error because SpawnPrefab checks prefabs before handler
Debug . LogError ( $"assetId '{assetId}' is already used by prefab '{prefabs[assetId].name}'" ) ;
// Debug.Log("RegisterSpawnHandler asset {assetId} {spawnHandler.GetMethodName()}/{unspawnHandler.GetMethodName()}");
spawnHandlers [ assetId ] = spawnHandler ;
unspawnHandlers [ assetId ] = unspawnHandler ;
/// <summary> Removes a registered spawn handler function that was registered with NetworkClient.RegisterHandler().</summary>
public static void UnregisterSpawnHandler ( Guid assetId )
spawnHandlers . Remove ( assetId ) ;
unspawnHandlers . Remove ( assetId ) ;
/// <summary>This clears the registered spawn prefabs and spawn handler functions for this client.</summary>
public static void ClearSpawners ( )
prefabs . Clear ( ) ;
spawnHandlers . Clear ( ) ;
unspawnHandlers . Clear ( ) ;
internal static bool InvokeUnSpawnHandler ( Guid assetId , GameObject obj )
if ( unspawnHandlers . TryGetValue ( assetId , out UnSpawnDelegate handler ) & & handler ! = null )
handler ( obj ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// ready ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Sends Ready message to server, indicating that we loaded the scene, ready to enter the game.</summary>
// This could be for example when a client enters an ongoing game and
// has finished loading the current scene. The server should respond to
// the SYSTEM_READY event with an appropriate handler which instantiates
// the players object for example.
public static bool Ready ( )
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.Ready() called with connection {conn}");
if ( ready )
Debug . LogError ( "NetworkClient is already ready. It shouldn't be called twice." ) ;
return false ;
// need a valid connection to become ready
if ( connection = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "Ready() called with invalid connection object: conn=null" ) ;
return false ;
// Set these before sending the ReadyMessage, otherwise host client
// will fail in InternalAddPlayer with null readyConnection.
// TODO this is redundant. have one source of truth for .ready
ready = true ;
connection . isReady = true ;
// Tell server we're ready to have a player object spawned
connection . Send ( new ReadyMessage ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// add player //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// called from message handler for Owner message
internal static void InternalAddPlayer ( NetworkIdentity identity )
// NOTE: It can be "normal" when changing scenes for the player to be destroyed and recreated.
// But, the player structures are not cleaned up, we'll just replace the old player
localPlayer = identity ;
// NOTE: we DONT need to set isClient=true here, because OnStartClient
// is called before OnStartLocalPlayer, hence it's already set.
// localPlayer.isClient = true;
// TODO this check might not be necessary
//if (readyConnection != null)
if ( ready & & connection ! = null )
connection . identity = identity ;
else Debug . LogWarning ( "No ready connection found for setting player controller during InternalAddPlayer" ) ;
/// <summary>Sends AddPlayer message to the server, indicating that we want to join the world.</summary>
public static bool AddPlayer ( )
// ensure valid ready connection
if ( connection = = null )
Debug . LogError ( "AddPlayer requires a valid NetworkClient.connection." ) ;
return false ;
// UNET checked 'if readyConnection != null'.
// in other words, we need a connection and we need to be ready.
if ( ! ready )
Debug . LogError ( "AddPlayer requires a ready NetworkClient." ) ;
return false ;
if ( connection . identity ! = null )
Debug . LogError ( "NetworkClient.AddPlayer: a PlayerController was already added. Did you call AddPlayer twice?" ) ;
return false ;
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.AddPlayer() called with connection {readyConnection}");
connection . Send ( new AddPlayerMessage ( ) ) ;
return true ;
// spawning ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
internal static void ApplySpawnPayload ( NetworkIdentity identity , SpawnMessage message )
if ( message . assetId ! = Guid . Empty )
identity . assetId = message . assetId ;
if ( ! identity . gameObject . activeSelf )
identity . gameObject . SetActive ( true ) ;
// apply local values for VR support
identity . transform . localPosition = message . position ;
identity . transform . localRotation = message . rotation ;
identity . transform . localScale = message . scale ;
identity . hasAuthority = message . isOwner ;
identity . netId = message . netId ;
if ( message . isLocalPlayer )
InternalAddPlayer ( identity ) ;
// deserialize components if any payload
// (Count is 0 if there were no components)
if ( message . payload . Count > 0 )
using ( PooledNetworkReader payloadReader = NetworkReaderPool . GetReader ( message . payload ) )
identity . OnDeserializeAllSafely ( payloadReader , true ) ;
spawned [ message . netId ] = identity ;
// objects spawned as part of initial state are started on a second pass
if ( isSpawnFinished )
identity . NotifyAuthority ( ) ;
identity . OnStartClient ( ) ;
CheckForLocalPlayer ( identity ) ;
// Finds Existing Object with NetId or spawns a new one using AssetId or sceneId
internal static bool FindOrSpawnObject ( SpawnMessage message , out NetworkIdentity identity )
// was the object already spawned?
identity = GetExistingObject ( message . netId ) ;
// if found, return early
if ( identity ! = null )
return true ;
if ( message . assetId = = Guid . Empty & & message . sceneId = = 0 )
Debug . LogError ( $"OnSpawn message with netId '{message.netId}' has no AssetId or sceneId" ) ;
return false ;
identity = message . sceneId = = 0 ? SpawnPrefab ( message ) : SpawnSceneObject ( message ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Could not spawn assetId={message.assetId} scene={message.sceneId:X} netId={message.netId}" ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
static NetworkIdentity GetExistingObject ( uint netid )
spawned . TryGetValue ( netid , out NetworkIdentity localObject ) ;
return localObject ;
static NetworkIdentity SpawnPrefab ( SpawnMessage message )
if ( GetPrefab ( message . assetId , out GameObject prefab ) )
GameObject obj = GameObject . Instantiate ( prefab , message . position , message . rotation ) ;
//Debug.Log($"Client spawn handler instantiating [netId{message.netId} asset ID:{message.assetId} pos:{message.position} rotation:{message.rotation}]");
return obj . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( spawnHandlers . TryGetValue ( message . assetId , out SpawnHandlerDelegate handler ) )
GameObject obj = handler ( message ) ;
if ( obj = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Spawn Handler returned null, Handler assetId '{message.assetId}'" ) ;
return null ;
NetworkIdentity identity = obj . GetComponent < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Object Spawned by handler did not have a NetworkIdentity, Handler assetId '{message.assetId}'" ) ;
return null ;
return identity ;
Debug . LogError ( $"Failed to spawn server object, did you forget to add it to the NetworkManager? assetId={message.assetId} netId={message.netId}" ) ;
return null ;
static NetworkIdentity SpawnSceneObject ( SpawnMessage message )
NetworkIdentity identity = GetAndRemoveSceneObject ( message . sceneId ) ;
if ( identity = = null )
Debug . LogError ( $"Spawn scene object not found for {message.sceneId:X}. Make sure that client and server use exactly the same project. This only happens if the hierarchy gets out of sync." ) ;
// dump the whole spawnable objects dict for easier debugging
//foreach (KeyValuePair<ulong, NetworkIdentity> kvp in spawnableObjects)
// Debug.Log($"Spawnable: SceneId={kvp.Key:X} name={kvp.Value.name}");
//else Debug.Log($"Client spawn for [netId:{msg.netId}] [sceneId:{msg.sceneId:X}] obj:{identity}");
return identity ;
static NetworkIdentity GetAndRemoveSceneObject ( ulong sceneId )
if ( spawnableObjects . TryGetValue ( sceneId , out NetworkIdentity identity ) )
spawnableObjects . Remove ( sceneId ) ;
return identity ;
return null ;
// Checks if identity is not spawned yet, not hidden and has sceneId
static bool ConsiderForSpawning ( NetworkIdentity identity )
// not spawned yet, not hidden, etc.?
return ! identity . gameObject . activeSelf & &
identity . gameObject . hideFlags ! = HideFlags . NotEditable & &
identity . gameObject . hideFlags ! = HideFlags . HideAndDontSave & &
identity . sceneId ! = 0 ;
/// <summary>Call this after loading/unloading a scene in the client after connection to register the spawnable objects</summary>
public static void PrepareToSpawnSceneObjects ( )
// remove existing items, they will be re-added below
spawnableObjects . Clear ( ) ;
// finds all NetworkIdentity currently loaded by unity (includes disabled objects)
NetworkIdentity [ ] allIdentities = Resources . FindObjectsOfTypeAll < NetworkIdentity > ( ) ;
foreach ( NetworkIdentity identity in allIdentities )
// add all unspawned NetworkIdentities to spawnable objects
if ( ConsiderForSpawning ( identity ) )
spawnableObjects . Add ( identity . sceneId , identity ) ;
internal static void OnObjectSpawnStarted ( ObjectSpawnStartedMessage _ )
// Debug.Log("SpawnStarted");
PrepareToSpawnSceneObjects ( ) ;
isSpawnFinished = false ;
internal static void OnObjectSpawnFinished ( ObjectSpawnFinishedMessage _ )
ClearNullFromSpawned ( ) ;
// paul: Initialize the objects in the same order as they were
// initialized in the server. This is important if spawned objects
// use data from scene objects
foreach ( NetworkIdentity identity in spawned . Values . OrderBy ( uv = > uv . netId ) )
identity . NotifyAuthority ( ) ;
identity . OnStartClient ( ) ;
CheckForLocalPlayer ( identity ) ;
isSpawnFinished = true ;
static readonly List < uint > removeFromSpawned = new List < uint > ( ) ;
static void ClearNullFromSpawned ( )
// spawned has null objects after changing scenes on client using
// NetworkManager.ServerChangeScene remove them here so that 2nd
// loop below does not get NullReferenceException
// see https://github.com/vis2k/Mirror/pull/2240
// TODO fix scene logic so that client scene doesn't have null objects
foreach ( KeyValuePair < uint , NetworkIdentity > kvp in spawned )
if ( kvp . Value = = null )
removeFromSpawned . Add ( kvp . Key ) ;
// can't modify NetworkIdentity.spawned inside foreach so need 2nd loop to remove
foreach ( uint id in removeFromSpawned )
spawned . Remove ( id ) ;
removeFromSpawned . Clear ( ) ;
// host mode callbacks /////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void OnHostClientObjectDestroy ( ObjectDestroyMessage message )
//Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnLocalObjectObjDestroy netId:{message.netId}");
spawned . Remove ( message . netId ) ;
static void OnHostClientObjectHide ( ObjectHideMessage message )
//Debug.Log($"ClientScene::OnLocalObjectObjHide netId:{message.netId}");
if ( spawned . TryGetValue ( message . netId , out NetworkIdentity localObject ) & &
localObject ! = null )
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if ( aoi ! = null )
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
aoi . SetHostVisibility ( localObject , false ) ;
internal static void OnHostClientSpawn ( SpawnMessage message )
// on host mode, the object already exist in NetworkServer.spawned.
// simply add it to NetworkClient.spawned too.
if ( NetworkServer . spawned . TryGetValue ( message . netId , out NetworkIdentity localObject ) & & localObject ! = null )
spawned [ message . netId ] = localObject ;
// now do the actual 'spawning' on host mode
if ( message . isLocalPlayer )
InternalAddPlayer ( localObject ) ;
localObject . hasAuthority = message . isOwner ;
localObject . NotifyAuthority ( ) ;
localObject . OnStartClient ( ) ;
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if ( aoi ! = null )
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
aoi . SetHostVisibility ( localObject , true ) ;
CheckForLocalPlayer ( localObject ) ;
// client-only mode callbacks //////////////////////////////////////////
static void OnEntityStateMessage ( EntityStateMessage message )
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnUpdateVarsMessage {msg.netId}");
if ( spawned . TryGetValue ( message . netId , out NetworkIdentity localObject ) & & localObject ! = null )
using ( PooledNetworkReader networkReader = NetworkReaderPool . GetReader ( message . payload ) )
localObject . OnDeserializeAllSafely ( networkReader , false ) ;
else Debug . LogWarning ( $"Did not find target for sync message for {message.netId} . Note: this can be completely normal because UDP messages may arrive out of order, so this message might have arrived after a Destroy message." ) ;
static void OnRPCMessage ( RpcMessage message )
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnRPCMessage hash:{msg.functionHash} netId:{msg.netId}");
if ( spawned . TryGetValue ( message . netId , out NetworkIdentity identity ) )
using ( PooledNetworkReader networkReader = NetworkReaderPool . GetReader ( message . payload ) )
identity . HandleRemoteCall ( message . componentIndex , message . functionHash , MirrorInvokeType . ClientRpc , networkReader ) ;
static void OnObjectHide ( ObjectHideMessage message ) = > DestroyObject ( message . netId ) ;
internal static void OnObjectDestroy ( ObjectDestroyMessage message ) = > DestroyObject ( message . netId ) ;
internal static void OnSpawn ( SpawnMessage message )
// Debug.Log($"Client spawn handler instantiating netId={msg.netId} assetID={msg.assetId} sceneId={msg.sceneId:X} pos={msg.position}");
if ( FindOrSpawnObject ( message , out NetworkIdentity identity ) )
ApplySpawnPayload ( identity , message ) ;
internal static void OnChangeOwner ( ChangeOwnerMessage message )
NetworkIdentity identity = GetExistingObject ( message . netId ) ;
if ( identity ! = null )
ChangeOwner ( identity , message ) ;
Debug . LogError ( $"OnChangeOwner: Could not find object with netId {message.netId}" ) ;
internal static void ChangeOwner ( NetworkIdentity identity , ChangeOwnerMessage message )
identity . hasAuthority = message . isOwner ;
identity . NotifyAuthority ( ) ;
identity . isLocalPlayer = message . isLocalPlayer ;
if ( identity . isLocalPlayer )
localPlayer = identity ;
else if ( localPlayer = = identity )
// localPlayer may already be assigned to something else
// so only make it null if it's this identity.
localPlayer = null ;
CheckForLocalPlayer ( identity ) ;
internal static void CheckForLocalPlayer ( NetworkIdentity identity )
if ( identity = = localPlayer )
// Set isLocalPlayer to true on this NetworkIdentity and trigger
// OnStartLocalPlayer in all scripts on the same GO
identity . connectionToServer = connection ;
identity . OnStartLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnOwnerMessage player:{identity.name}");
// destroy /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
static void DestroyObject ( uint netId )
// Debug.Log($"NetworkClient.OnObjDestroy netId: {netId}");
if ( spawned . TryGetValue ( netId , out NetworkIdentity localObject ) & & localObject ! = null )
localObject . OnStopClient ( ) ;
// user handling
if ( InvokeUnSpawnHandler ( localObject . assetId , localObject . gameObject ) )
// reset object after user's handler
localObject . Reset ( ) ;
// default handling
else if ( localObject . sceneId = = 0 )
// don't call reset before destroy so that values are still set in OnDestroy
GameObject . Destroy ( localObject . gameObject ) ;
// scene object.. disable it in scene instead of destroying
localObject . gameObject . SetActive ( false ) ;
spawnableObjects [ localObject . sceneId ] = localObject ;
// reset for scene objects
localObject . Reset ( ) ;
// remove from dictionary no matter how it is unspawned
spawned . Remove ( netId ) ;
//else Debug.LogWarning($"Did not find target for destroy message for {netId}");
// update //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// NetworkEarlyUpdate called before any Update/FixedUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
internal static void NetworkEarlyUpdate ( )
// process all incoming messages first before updating the world
if ( Transport . activeTransport ! = null )
Transport . activeTransport . ClientEarlyUpdate ( ) ;
// NetworkLateUpdate called after any Update/FixedUpdate/LateUpdate
// (we add this to the UnityEngine in NetworkLoop)
internal static void NetworkLateUpdate ( )
// local connection?
if ( connection is LocalConnectionToServer localConnection )
localConnection . Update ( ) ;
// remote connection?
else if ( connection is NetworkConnectionToServer remoteConnection )
// only update things while connected
if ( active & & connectState = = ConnectState . Connected )
// update NetworkTime
NetworkTime . UpdateClient ( ) ;
// update connection to flush out batched messages
remoteConnection . Update ( ) ;
// process all outgoing messages after updating the world
if ( Transport . activeTransport ! = null )
Transport . activeTransport . ClientLateUpdate ( ) ;
// shutdown ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/// <summary>Destroys all networked objects on the client.</summary>
// Note: NetworkServer.CleanupNetworkIdentities does the same on server.
public static void DestroyAllClientObjects ( )
// user can modify spawned lists which causes InvalidOperationException
// list can modified either in UnSpawnHandler or in OnDisable/OnDestroy
// we need the Try/Catch so that the rest of the shutdown does not get stopped
foreach ( NetworkIdentity identity in spawned . Values )
if ( identity ! = null & & identity . gameObject ! = null )
identity . OnStopClient ( ) ;
bool wasUnspawned = InvokeUnSpawnHandler ( identity . assetId , identity . gameObject ) ;
if ( ! wasUnspawned )
// scene objects are reset and disabled.
// they always stay in the scene, we don't destroy them.
if ( identity . sceneId ! = 0 )
identity . Reset ( ) ;
identity . gameObject . SetActive ( false ) ;
// spawned objects are destroyed
GameObject . Destroy ( identity . gameObject ) ;
spawned . Clear ( ) ;
catch ( InvalidOperationException e )
Debug . LogException ( e ) ;
Debug . LogError ( "Could not DestroyAllClientObjects because spawned list was modified during loop, make sure you are not modifying NetworkIdentity.spawned by calling NetworkServer.Destroy or NetworkServer.Spawn in OnDestroy or OnDisable." ) ;
/// <summary>Shutdown the client.</summary>
// RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod -> fast playmode without domain reload
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public static void Shutdown ( )
//Debug.Log("Shutting down client.");
// calls prefabs.Clear();
// calls spawnHandlers.Clear();
// calls unspawnHandlers.Clear();
ClearSpawners ( ) ;
// calls spawned.Clear() if no exception occurs
DestroyAllClientObjects ( ) ;
spawned . Clear ( ) ;
handlers . Clear ( ) ;
spawnableObjects . Clear ( ) ;
// sets nextNetworkId to 1
// sets clientAuthorityCallback to null
// sets previousLocalPlayer to null
NetworkIdentity . ResetStatics ( ) ;
// disconnect the client connection.
// we do NOT call Transport.Shutdown, because someone only called
// NetworkClient.Shutdown. we can't assume that the server is
// supposed to be shut down too!
if ( Transport . activeTransport ! = null )
Transport . activeTransport . ClientDisconnect ( ) ;
// reset statics
connectState = ConnectState . None ;
connection = null ;
localPlayer = null ;
ready = false ;
isSpawnFinished = false ;
isLoadingScene = false ;
unbatcher = new Unbatcher ( ) ;
// clear events. someone might have hooked into them before, but
// we don't want to use those hooks after Shutdown anymore.
OnConnectedEvent = null ;
OnDisconnectedEvent = null ;
OnErrorEvent = null ;