2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
// Injects server/client active checks for [Server/Client] attributes
2021-12-27 23:03:26 -08:00
using Mono.Cecil ;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil ;
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
namespace Mirror.Weaver
static class ServerClientAttributeProcessor
public static bool Process ( WeaverTypes weaverTypes , Logger Log , TypeDefinition td , ref bool WeavingFailed )
bool modified = false ;
foreach ( MethodDefinition md in td . Methods )
modified | = ProcessSiteMethod ( weaverTypes , Log , md , ref WeavingFailed ) ;
foreach ( TypeDefinition nested in td . NestedTypes )
modified | = Process ( weaverTypes , Log , nested , ref WeavingFailed ) ;
return modified ;
static bool ProcessSiteMethod ( WeaverTypes weaverTypes , Logger Log , MethodDefinition md , ref bool WeavingFailed )
if ( md . Name = = ".cctor" | |
md . Name = = NetworkBehaviourProcessor . ProcessedFunctionName | |
md . Name . StartsWith ( Weaver . InvokeRpcPrefix ) )
return false ;
if ( md . IsAbstract )
if ( HasServerClientAttribute ( md ) )
Log . Error ( "Server or Client Attributes can't be added to abstract method. Server and Client Attributes are not inherited so they need to be applied to the override methods instead." , md ) ;
WeavingFailed = true ;
return false ;
if ( md . Body ! = null & & md . Body . Instructions ! = null )
return ProcessMethodAttributes ( weaverTypes , md ) ;
return false ;
public static bool HasServerClientAttribute ( MethodDefinition md )
foreach ( CustomAttribute attr in md . CustomAttributes )
switch ( attr . Constructor . DeclaringType . ToString ( ) )
case "Mirror.ServerAttribute" :
case "Mirror.ServerCallbackAttribute" :
case "Mirror.ClientAttribute" :
case "Mirror.ClientCallbackAttribute" :
return true ;
default :
break ;
return false ;
public static bool ProcessMethodAttributes ( WeaverTypes weaverTypes , MethodDefinition md )
if ( md . HasCustomAttribute < ServerAttribute > ( ) )
InjectServerGuard ( weaverTypes , md , true ) ;
else if ( md . HasCustomAttribute < ServerCallbackAttribute > ( ) )
InjectServerGuard ( weaverTypes , md , false ) ;
else if ( md . HasCustomAttribute < ClientAttribute > ( ) )
InjectClientGuard ( weaverTypes , md , true ) ;
else if ( md . HasCustomAttribute < ClientCallbackAttribute > ( ) )
InjectClientGuard ( weaverTypes , md , false ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
static void InjectServerGuard ( WeaverTypes weaverTypes , MethodDefinition md , bool logWarning )
ILProcessor worker = md . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
Instruction top = md . Body . Instructions [ 0 ] ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Call , weaverTypes . NetworkServerGetActive ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Brtrue , top ) ) ;
if ( logWarning )
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldstr , $"[Server] function '{md.FullName}' called when server was not active" ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Call , weaverTypes . logWarningReference ) ) ;
InjectGuardParameters ( md , worker , top ) ;
InjectGuardReturnValue ( md , worker , top ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ret ) ) ;
static void InjectClientGuard ( WeaverTypes weaverTypes , MethodDefinition md , bool logWarning )
ILProcessor worker = md . Body . GetILProcessor ( ) ;
Instruction top = md . Body . Instructions [ 0 ] ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Call , weaverTypes . NetworkClientGetActive ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Brtrue , top ) ) ;
if ( logWarning )
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldstr , $"[Client] function '{md.FullName}' called when client was not active" ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Call , weaverTypes . logWarningReference ) ) ;
InjectGuardParameters ( md , worker , top ) ;
InjectGuardReturnValue ( md , worker , top ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ret ) ) ;
// this is required to early-out from a function with "ref" or "out" parameters
static void InjectGuardParameters ( MethodDefinition md , ILProcessor worker , Instruction top )
int offset = md . Resolve ( ) . IsStatic ? 0 : 1 ;
for ( int index = 0 ; index < md . Parameters . Count ; index + + )
ParameterDefinition param = md . Parameters [ index ] ;
if ( param . IsOut )
2023-06-09 19:03:55 -07:00
// this causes IL2CPP build issues with generic out parameters:
// https://github.com/MirrorNetworking/Mirror/issues/3482
// TypeReference elementType = param.ParameterType.GetElementType();
// instead we need to use ElementType not GetElementType()
// GetElementType() will get the element type of the inner elementType
// which will return wrong type for arrays and generic
// credit: JamesFrowen
ByReferenceType byRefType = ( ByReferenceType ) param . ParameterType ;
TypeReference elementType = byRefType . ElementType ;
2021-12-27 22:30:22 -08:00
md . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( elementType ) ) ;
md . Body . InitLocals = true ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldarg , index + offset ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldloca_S , ( byte ) ( md . Body . Variables . Count - 1 ) ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Initobj , elementType ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldloc , md . Body . Variables . Count - 1 ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Stobj , elementType ) ) ;
// this is required to early-out from a function with a return value.
static void InjectGuardReturnValue ( MethodDefinition md , ILProcessor worker , Instruction top )
if ( ! md . ReturnType . Is ( typeof ( void ) ) )
md . Body . Variables . Add ( new VariableDefinition ( md . ReturnType ) ) ;
md . Body . InitLocals = true ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldloca_S , ( byte ) ( md . Body . Variables . Count - 1 ) ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Initobj , md . ReturnType ) ) ;
worker . InsertBefore ( top , worker . Create ( OpCodes . Ldloc , md . Body . Variables . Count - 1 ) ) ;