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synced 2025-03-09 22:13:27 +00:00
The golden tests are sensitive to the exact version used: * Protobuf toolchain since the generated Descriptor is dependendent on protoc (for example, default json_names were auto-populated in later versions of protoc) * Go toolchain since the generated .pb.go files is dependent on the exact output of gofmt and the gzip compression used. There are other areas where it depends on unstable output, but the above are the major causes. Since test.bash ensures that the golden tests are run with exact versions of the protobuf and Go toolchains, we can ensure that the tests are reproducible across different developer workstations. Thus, we add a "golden" build tag to disable them for normal invocations of "go test ./..." and only run them if test.bash is run. If test.bash is ever updated with newer versions, the golden testdata can be updated at the same time. Change-Id: Ia2b7b039aad2ddaef7652e332215bf9403a6d856 Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/142458 Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <dneil@google.com>
136 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
136 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
REPO_ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
function print() { echo -e "\x1b[1m> $@\x1b[0m"; }
# The test directory contains the Go and protobuf toolchains used for testing.
# The bin directory contains symlinks to each tool by version.
# It is safe to delete this directory and run the test script from scratch.
mkdir -p $TEST_DIR/bin
function register_binary() {
rm -f $TEST_DIR/bin/$1 # best-effort delete
ln -s $TEST_DIR/$2 $TEST_DIR/bin/$1
export PATH=$TEST_DIR/bin:$PATH
cd $TEST_DIR # install toolchains relative to test directory
# Download and build the protobuf toolchain.
# We avoid downloading the pre-compiled binaries since they do not contain
# the conformance test runner.
if [ ! -d $PROTOBUF_DIR ]; then
print "download and build $PROTOBUF_DIR"
(curl -s -L https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v$PROTOBUF_VERSION/protobuf-all-$PROTOBUF_VERSION.tar.gz | tar -zxf -) || exit 1
(cd $PROTOBUF_DIR && ./configure && make && cd conformance && make) || exit 1
register_binary conformance-test-runner $PROTOBUF_DIR/conformance/conformance-test-runner
register_binary protoc $PROTOBUF_DIR/src/protoc
# Allow protoc to find google/protobuf/*.proto.
rm -rf $PROTOBUF_DIR/src/include
mkdir -p $PROTOBUF_DIR/src/include
ln -s ../google $PROTOBUF_DIR/src/include/google
# Download each Go toolchain version.
GO_VERSIONS=(go1.9.7 go1.10.4 $GO_LATEST)
for GO_VERSION in ${GO_VERSIONS[@]}; do
if [ ! -d $GO_VERSION ]; then
print "download $GO_VERSION"
GOOS=$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
(mkdir $GO_VERSION && curl -s -L https://dl.google.com/go/$GO_VERSION.$GOOS-amd64.tar.gz | tar -zxf - -C $GO_VERSION --strip-components 1) || exit 1
register_binary $GO_VERSION $GO_VERSION/bin/go
register_binary go $GO_LATEST/bin/go
register_binary gofmt $GO_LATEST/bin/gofmt
# Travis-CI sets GOROOT, which confuses later invocations of the Go toolchains.
# Explicitly clear GOROOT, so each toolchain uses their default GOROOT.
unset GOROOT
# Setup GOPATH for pre-module support.
export GOPATH=$TEST_DIR/gopath
MODULE_PATH=$(cd $REPO_ROOT && go list -m -f "{{.Path}}")
rm -rf gopath/src # best-effort delete
mkdir -p gopath/src/$(dirname $MODULE_PATH)
(cd gopath/src/$(dirname $MODULE_PATH) && ln -s $REPO_ROOT $(basename $MODULE_PATH))
# Download dependencies using modules.
# For pre-module support, dump the dependencies in a vendor directory.
(cd $REPO_ROOT && go mod tidy && go mod vendor) || exit 1
# Run tests across every supported version of Go.
function cleanup() { for OUT in ${OUTS[@]}; do rm $OUT; done; }
trap cleanup EXIT
for GO_VERSION in ${GO_VERSIONS[@]}; do
# Run the go command in a background process.
function go() {
# Use a per-version Go cache to work around bugs in Go build caching.
# See https://golang.org/issue/26883
LABELS+=("$(echo "$GO_VERSION $@")")
go build ./...
go test -race ./...
go test -race -tags purego ./...
go test -race -tags proto1_legacy ./...
# Only run golden tests with the latest Go version since
# the test results are sensitive to the exact version used.
if [ $GO_VERSION = $GO_LATEST ]; then
go test -tags golden ./...
unset go # to avoid confusing later invocations of "go"
# Wait for all processes to finish.
for I in ${!PIDS[@]}; do
print "${LABELS[$I]}"
if ! wait ${PIDS[$I]}; then
cat ${OUTS[$I]} # only output upon error
# Run commands that produce output when there is a failure.
function check() {
OUT=$(cd $REPO_ROOT && "$@" 2>&1)
if [ ! -z "$OUT" ]; then
print "$@"
echo "$OUT"
# Check for stale or unformatted source files.
check go run ./internal/cmd/generate-types
check gofmt -d $(cd $REPO_ROOT && git ls-files '*.go')
# Check for changed or untracked files.
check git diff --no-prefix HEAD
check git ls-files --others --exclude-standard
# Print termination status.
if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "\x1b[32;1mPASS\x1b[0m"
echo -e "\x1b[31;1mFAIL\x1b[0m"
exit $RET