Joe Tsai af57087245 reflect/protoregistry: provide more informative errors for conflicts
The v2 implementation strictly enforces that there are no conflicts at
all in the protobuf namespace unlike the prior v1 implementation.
This change is almost certainly going to cause loud failures for users
that were unknowingly tolerating registration conflicts.

We modify internal/filedesc to be able to record the Go package path
that the file descriptor is declared within. This information is used
by reflect/protoregistry to print both the previous Go package that
registered some declaration, and current Go package that is attempting
to register some declaration.

Change-Id: Ib5eb21c1c98495afc51aa08bd4404bd9d64b5b57
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
2019-07-15 20:39:24 +00:00

346 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package internal_gengo
import (
func genReflectFileDescriptor(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo) {
g.P("var ", f.GoDescriptorIdent, " ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("FileDescriptor"))
genFileDescriptor(gen, g, f)
if len(f.allEnums) > 0 {
g.P("var ", enumTypesVarName(f), " = make([]", prototypePackage.Ident("Enum"), ",", len(f.allEnums), ")")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("var ", messageTypesVarName(f), " = make([]", protoimplPackage.Ident("MessageInfo"), ",", len(f.allMessages), ")")
// Generate a unique list of Go types for all declarations and dependencies,
// and the associated index into the type list for all dependencies.
var goTypes []string
var depIdxs []string
seen := map[protoreflect.FullName]int{}
genDep := func(name protoreflect.FullName, depSource string) {
if depSource != "" {
line := fmt.Sprintf("%d, // %s -> %s", seen[name], depSource, name)
depIdxs = append(depIdxs, line)
genEnum := func(e *protogen.Enum, depSource string) {
if e != nil {
name := e.Desc.FullName()
if _, ok := seen[name]; !ok {
line := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)(0), // %d: %s", g.QualifiedGoIdent(e.GoIdent), len(goTypes), name)
goTypes = append(goTypes, line)
seen[name] = len(seen)
if depSource != "" {
genDep(name, depSource)
genMessage := func(m *protogen.Message, depSource string) {
if m != nil {
name := m.Desc.FullName()
if _, ok := seen[name]; !ok {
line := fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil), // %d: %s", g.QualifiedGoIdent(m.GoIdent), len(goTypes), name)
if m.Desc.IsMapEntry() {
// Map entry messages have no associated Go type.
line = fmt.Sprintf("nil, // %d: %s", len(goTypes), name)
goTypes = append(goTypes, line)
seen[name] = len(seen)
if depSource != "" {
genDep(name, depSource)
// This ordering is significant.
// See filetype.TypeBuilder.DependencyIndexes.
var depOffsets []string
for _, enum := range f.allEnums {
genEnum(enum, "")
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
genMessage(message, "")
depOffsets = append(depOffsets, fmt.Sprintf("%d, // starting offset of field type_name sub-list", len(depIdxs)))
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
for _, field := range message.Fields {
if field.Desc.IsWeak() {
source := string(field.Desc.FullName())
genEnum(field.Enum, source+":type_name")
genMessage(field.Message, source+":type_name")
depOffsets = append(depOffsets, fmt.Sprintf("%d, // starting offset of extension extendee sub-list", len(depIdxs)))
for _, extension := range f.allExtensions {
source := string(extension.Desc.FullName())
genMessage(extension.Extendee, source+":extendee")
depOffsets = append(depOffsets, fmt.Sprintf("%d, // starting offset of extension type_name sub-list", len(depIdxs)))
for _, extension := range f.allExtensions {
source := string(extension.Desc.FullName())
genEnum(extension.Enum, source+":type_name")
genMessage(extension.Message, source+":type_name")
depOffsets = append(depOffsets, fmt.Sprintf("%d, // starting offset of method input_type sub-list", len(depIdxs)))
for _, service := range f.Services {
for _, method := range service.Methods {
source := string(method.Desc.FullName())
genMessage(method.Input, source+":input_type")
depOffsets = append(depOffsets, fmt.Sprintf("%d, // starting offset of method output_type sub-list", len(depIdxs)))
for _, service := range f.Services {
for _, method := range service.Methods {
source := string(method.Desc.FullName())
genMessage(method.Output, source+":output_type")
for i := len(depOffsets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
depIdxs = append(depIdxs, depOffsets[i])
if len(depIdxs) > math.MaxInt32 {
panic("too many dependencies") // sanity check
g.P("var ", goTypesVarName(f), " = []interface{}{")
for _, s := range goTypes {
g.P("var ", depIdxsVarName(f), " = []int32{")
for _, s := range depIdxs {
g.P("func init() { ", initFuncName(f.File), "() }")
g.P("func ", initFuncName(f.File), "() {")
g.P("if ", f.GoDescriptorIdent, " != nil {")
// Ensure that initialization functions for different files in the same Go
// package run in the correct order: Call the init funcs for every .proto file
// imported by this one that is in the same Go package.
for i, imps := 0, f.Desc.Imports(); i < imps.Len(); i++ {
impFile, _ := gen.FileByName(imps.Get(i).Path())
if impFile.GoImportPath != f.GoImportPath {
g.P(initFuncName(impFile), "()")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
// Populate MessageInfo.Exporters.
g.P("if !", protoimplPackage.Ident("UnsafeEnabled"), " {")
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
if sf := f.allMessageFieldsByPtr[message]; len(sf.unexported) > 0 {
idx := f.allMessagesByPtr[message]
typesVar := messageTypesVarName(f)
g.P(typesVar, "[", idx, "].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} {")
g.P("switch v := v.(*", message.GoIdent, "); i {")
for i := 0; i < sf.count; i++ {
if name := sf.unexported[i]; name != "" {
g.P("case ", i, ": return &v.", name)
g.P("default: return nil")
// Populate MessageInfo.OneofWrappers.
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
if len(message.Oneofs) > 0 {
idx := f.allMessagesByPtr[message]
typesVar := messageTypesVarName(f)
// Associate the wrapper types by directly passing them to the MessageInfo.
g.P(typesVar, "[", idx, "].OneofWrappers = []interface{} {")
for _, oneof := range message.Oneofs {
for _, field := range oneof.Fields {
g.P("(*", fieldOneofType(field), ")(nil),")
g.P("type x struct{}")
g.P("out := ", protoimplPackage.Ident("TypeBuilder"), "{")
g.P("File: ", protoimplPackage.Ident("DescBuilder"), "{")
g.P("GoPackagePath: ", reflectPackage.Ident("TypeOf"), "(x{}).PkgPath(),")
g.P("RawDescriptor: ", rawDescVarName(f), ",")
g.P("NumEnums: ", len(f.allEnums), ",")
g.P("NumMessages: ", len(f.allMessages), ",")
g.P("NumExtensions: ", len(f.allExtensions), ",")
g.P("NumServices: ", len(f.Services), ",")
g.P("GoTypes: ", goTypesVarName(f), ",")
g.P("DependencyIndexes: ", depIdxsVarName(f), ",")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("MessageInfos: ", messageTypesVarName(f), ",")
if len(f.allExtensions) > 0 {
g.P("LegacyExtensions: ", extDescsVarName(f), ",")
g.P(f.GoDescriptorIdent, " = out.File")
if len(f.allEnums) > 0 {
g.P(enumTypesVarName(f), " = out.Enums")
// Set inputs to nil to allow GC to reclaim resources.
g.P(rawDescVarName(f), " = nil")
g.P(goTypesVarName(f), " = nil")
g.P(depIdxsVarName(f), " = nil")
func genFileDescriptor(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo) {
descProto := new(descriptorpb.FileDescriptorProto)
proto.Merge(descProto, f.Proto)
descProto.SourceCodeInfo = nil // drop source code information
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true, Deterministic: true}.Marshal(descProto)
if err != nil {
g.P("var ", rawDescVarName(f), " = []byte{")
for len(b) > 0 {
n := 16
if n > len(b) {
n = len(b)
s := ""
for _, c := range b[:n] {
s += fmt.Sprintf("0x%02x,", c)
b = b[n:]
if generateRawDescMethods {
onceVar := rawDescVarName(f) + "Once"
dataVar := rawDescVarName(f) + "Data"
g.P("var (")
g.P(onceVar, " ", syncPackage.Ident("Once"))
g.P(dataVar, " = ", rawDescVarName(f))
g.P("func ", rawDescVarName(f), "GZIP() []byte {")
g.P(onceVar, ".Do(func() {")
g.P(dataVar, " = ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".CompressGZIP(", dataVar, ")")
g.P("return ", dataVar)
func genReflectEnum(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo, enum *protogen.Enum) {
idx := f.allEnumsByPtr[enum]
typesVar := enumTypesVarName(f)
// Descriptor method.
g.P("func (", enum.GoIdent, ") Descriptor() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumDescriptor"), " {")
g.P("return ", typesVar, "[", idx, "].EnumDescriptor")
// Type method.
g.P("func (", enum.GoIdent, ") Type() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumType"), " {")
g.P("return &", typesVar, "[", idx, "]")
// Number method.
g.P("func (x ", enum.GoIdent, ") Number() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumNumber"), " {")
g.P("return ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumNumber"), "(x)")
func genReflectMessage(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo, message *protogen.Message) {
idx := f.allMessagesByPtr[message]
typesVar := messageTypesVarName(f)
// ProtoReflect method.
g.P("func (x *", message.GoIdent, ") ProtoReflect() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("Message"), " {")
g.P("mi := &", typesVar, "[", idx, "]")
if generateMessateStateFields {
g.P("if ", protoimplPackage.Ident("UnsafeEnabled"), " && x != nil {")
g.P("ms := ", protoimplPackage.Ident("X"), ".MessageStateOf(", protoimplPackage.Ident("Pointer"), "(x))")
g.P("if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil {")
g.P("return ms")
g.P("return mi.MessageOf(x)")
func fileVarName(f *protogen.File, suffix string) string {
prefix := f.GoDescriptorIdent.GoName
_, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(prefix)
prefix = strings.ToLower(prefix[:n]) + prefix[n:]
return prefix + "_" + suffix
func rawDescVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "rawDesc")
func goTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "goTypes")
func depIdxsVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "depIdxs")
func enumTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "enumTypes")
func messageTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "msgTypes")
func extDescsVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return fileVarName(f.File, "extDescs")
func initFuncName(f *protogen.File) string {
return fileVarName(f, "init")