mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 01:13:43 +00:00
Temporarily remove go.mod, since we can't generate an accurate one until the corresponding v1 change is submitted. Change-Id: I1e1ad97f2b455e33f61ffaeb8676289795e47e72 Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/protobuf/+/177000 Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <thebrokentoaster@gmail.com>
867 lines
27 KiB
867 lines
27 KiB
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package text
import (
// Disable detrand to enable direct comparisons on outputs.
func init() { detrand.Disable() }
var S = fmt.Sprintf
var V = ValueOf
var ID = func(n protoreflect.Name) Value { return V(n) }
type Lst = []Value
type Msg = [][2]Value
func Test(t *testing.T) {
const space = " \n\r\t"
tests := []struct {
in string
wantVal Value
wantOut string
wantOutBracket string
wantOutASCII string
wantOutIndent string
wantErr string
in: "",
wantVal: V(Msg{}),
wantOutIndent: "\n",
}, {
in: S("%s# hello%s", space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{}),
}, {
in: S("%s# hello\rfoo:bar", space),
wantVal: V(Msg{}),
}, {
// Comments only extend until the newline.
in: S("%s# hello\nfoo:bar", space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), ID("bar")}}),
wantOut: "foo:bar",
wantOutIndent: "foo: bar\n",
}, {
// NUL is an invalid whitespace since C++ uses C-strings.
in: "\x00",
wantErr: `invalid "\x00" as identifier`,
}, {
in: "foo:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "foo:0",
}, {
in: S("%sfoo%s:0", space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: "foo bar:0",
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: "[foo]:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("foo"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "[foo]:0",
wantOutIndent: "[foo]: 0\n",
}, {
in: S("%s[%sfoo%s]%s:0", space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("foo"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: "[proto.package.name]:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "[proto.package.name]:0",
wantOutIndent: "[proto.package.name]: 0\n",
}, {
in: S("%s[%sproto.package.name%s]%s:0", space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: "['sub.domain.com\x2fpath\x2fto\x2fproto.package.name']:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "[sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name]:0",
wantOutIndent: "[sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name]: 0\n",
}, {
in: "[\"sub.domain.com\x2fpath\x2fto\x2fproto.package.name\"]:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: S("%s[%s'sub.domain.com\x2fpath\x2fto\x2fproto.package.name'%s]%s:0", space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: S("%s[%s\"sub.domain.com\x2fpath\x2fto\x2fproto.package.name\"%s]%s:0", space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("sub.domain.com/path/to/proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
}, {
in: `['http://example.com/path/to/proto.package.name']:0`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("http://example.com/path/to/proto.package.name"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: `["http://example.com/path/to/proto.package.name"]:0`,
wantOutIndent: `["http://example.com/path/to/proto.package.name"]: 0` + "\n",
}, {
in: "[proto.package.name:0",
wantErr: `invalid character ':', expected ']' at end of extension name`,
}, {
in: "[proto.package name]:0",
wantErr: `invalid character 'n', expected ']' at end of extension name`,
}, {
in: `["proto.package" "name"]:0`,
wantErr: `invalid character '"', expected ']' at end of extension name`,
}, {
in: `["\z"]`,
wantErr: `invalid escape code "\\z" in string`,
}, {
in: "[$]",
wantErr: `invalid "$" as identifier`,
}, {
// This parses fine, but should result in a error later since no
// type name in proto will ever be just a number.
in: "[20]:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V("20"), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "[20]:0",
}, {
in: "20:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V(uint32(20)), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "20:0",
}, {
in: "0x20:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V(uint32(0x20)), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "32:0",
}, {
in: "020:0",
wantVal: V(Msg{{V(uint32(020)), V(uint32(0))}}),
wantOut: "16:0",
}, {
in: "-20:0",
wantErr: `invalid "-20" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `foo:true bar:"s" baz:{} qux:[] wib:id`,
wantVal: V(Msg{
{ID("foo"), V(true)},
{ID("bar"), V("s")},
{ID("baz"), V(Msg{})},
{ID("qux"), V(Lst{})},
{ID("wib"), ID("id")},
wantOut: `foo:true bar:"s" baz:{} qux:[] wib:id`,
wantOutIndent: "foo: true\nbar: \"s\"\nbaz: {}\nqux: []\nwib: id\n",
}, {
in: S(`%sfoo%s:%strue%s %sbar%s:%s"s"%s %sbaz%s:%s<>%s %squx%s:%s[]%s %swib%s:%sid%s`,
space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{
{ID("foo"), V(true)},
{ID("bar"), V("s")},
{ID("baz"), V(Msg{})},
{ID("qux"), V(Lst{})},
{ID("wib"), ID("id")},
}, {
in: `foo:true;`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(true)}}),
wantOut: "foo:true",
wantOutIndent: "foo: true\n",
}, {
in: `foo:true,`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(true)}}),
}, {
in: `foo:bar;,`,
wantErr: `invalid "," as identifier`,
}, {
in: `foo:bar,;`,
wantErr: `invalid ";" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `footrue`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `foo true`,
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: `foo"s"`,
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: `foo "s"`,
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: `foo{}`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{})}}),
wantOut: "foo:{}",
wantOutBracket: "foo:<>",
wantOutIndent: "foo: {}\n",
}, {
in: `foo {}`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{})}}),
}, {
in: `foo<>`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{})}}),
}, {
in: `foo <>`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{})}}),
}, {
in: `foo[]`,
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: `foo []`,
wantErr: `expected ':' after message key`,
}, {
in: `foo:truebar:true`,
wantErr: `invalid ":" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `foo:"s"bar:true`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V("s")}, {ID("bar"), V(true)}}),
wantOut: `foo:"s" bar:true`,
wantOutIndent: "foo: \"s\"\nbar: true\n",
}, {
in: `foo:0bar:true`,
wantErr: `invalid "0bar" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `foo:{}bar:true`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{})}, {ID("bar"), V(true)}}),
wantOut: "foo:{} bar:true",
wantOutBracket: "foo:<> bar:true",
wantOutIndent: "foo: {}\nbar: true\n",
}, {
in: `foo:[]bar:true`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Lst{})}, {ID("bar"), V(true)}}),
}, {
in: `foo{bar:true}`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{{ID("bar"), V(true)}})}}),
wantOut: "foo:{bar:true}",
wantOutBracket: "foo:<bar:true>",
wantOutIndent: "foo: {\n\tbar: true\n}\n",
}, {
in: `foo<bar:true>`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{{ID("bar"), V(true)}})}}),
}, {
in: `foo{bar:true,}`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{{ID("bar"), V(true)}})}}),
}, {
in: `foo{bar:true;}`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{{ID("bar"), V(true)}})}}),
}, {
in: `foo{`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `foo{ `,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `foo{[`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `foo{[ `,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `foo{bar:true,;}`,
wantErr: `invalid ";" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `foo{bar:true;,}`,
wantErr: `invalid "," as identifier`,
}, {
in: `foo<bar:{}>`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("foo"), V(Msg{{ID("bar"), V(Msg{})}})}}),
wantOut: "foo:{bar:{}}",
wantOutBracket: "foo:<bar:<>>",
wantOutIndent: "foo: {\n\tbar: {}\n}\n",
}, {
in: `foo<bar:{>`,
wantErr: `invalid character '>', expected '}' at end of message`,
}, {
in: `foo<bar:{}`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `arr:[]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("arr"), V(Lst{})}}),
wantOut: "arr:[]",
wantOutBracket: "arr:[]",
wantOutIndent: "arr: []\n",
}, {
in: `arr:[,]`,
wantErr: `invalid "," as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `arr:[0 0]`,
wantErr: `invalid character '0', expected ']' at end of list`,
}, {
in: `arr:["foo" "bar"]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("arr"), V(Lst{V("foobar")})}}),
wantOut: `arr:["foobar"]`,
wantOutBracket: `arr:["foobar"]`,
wantOutIndent: "arr: [\n\t\"foobar\"\n]\n",
}, {
in: `arr:[0,]`,
wantErr: `invalid "]" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `arr:[true,0,"",id,[],{}]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("arr"), V(Lst{
V(true), V(uint32(0)), V(""), ID("id"), V(Lst{}), V(Msg{}),
wantOut: `arr:[true,0,"",id,[],{}]`,
wantOutBracket: `arr:[true,0,"",id,[],<>]`,
wantOutIndent: "arr: [\n\ttrue,\n\t0,\n\t\"\",\n\tid,\n\t[],\n\t{}\n]\n",
}, {
in: S(`arr:[%strue%s,%s0%s,%s""%s,%sid%s,%s[]%s,%s{}%s]`,
space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space),
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("arr"), V(Lst{
V(true), V(uint32(0)), V(""), ID("id"), V(Lst{}), V(Msg{}),
}, {
in: `arr:[`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `{`,
wantErr: `invalid "{" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `<`,
wantErr: `invalid "<" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `[`,
wantErr: "unexpected EOF",
}, {
in: `}`,
wantErr: "1 bytes of unconsumed input",
}, {
in: `>`,
wantErr: "1 bytes of unconsumed input",
}, {
in: `]`,
wantErr: `invalid "]" as identifier`,
}, {
in: `str: "'"`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V(`'`)}}),
wantOut: `str:"'"`,
}, {
in: `str: '"'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V(`"`)}}),
wantOut: `str:"\""`,
}, {
// String that has as few escaped characters as possible.
in: `str: ` + func() string {
var b []byte
for i := 0; i < utf8.RuneSelf; i++ {
switch i {
case 0, '\\', '\n', '\'': // these must be escaped, so ignore them
b = append(b, byte(i))
return "'" + string(b) + "'"
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\a\b\t\v\f\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !\"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\u007f")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !\"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_` + "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f\"",
wantOutASCII: `str:"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f !\"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_` + "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\x7f\"",
}, {
in: "str: '\xde\xad\xbe\xef'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xde\xad\xbe\xef")}}),
wantOut: "str:\"\u07ad\\xbe\\xef\"",
wantOutASCII: `str:"\u07ad\xbe\xef"`,
wantErr: "invalid UTF-8 detected",
}, {
// Valid UTF-8 wire encoding, but sub-optimal encoding.
in: "str: '\xc0\x80'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xc0\x80")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xc0\x80"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xc0\x80"`,
wantErr: "invalid UTF-8 detected",
}, {
// Valid UTF-8 wire encoding, but invalid rune (surrogate pair).
in: "str: '\xed\xa0\x80'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xed\xa0\x80")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xed\xa0\x80"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xed\xa0\x80"`,
wantErr: "invalid UTF-8 detected",
}, {
// Valid UTF-8 wire encoding, but invalid rune (above max rune).
in: "str: '\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf"`,
wantErr: "invalid UTF-8 detected",
}, {
// Valid UTF-8 wire encoding of the RuneError rune.
in: "str: '\xef\xbf\xbd'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V(string(utf8.RuneError))}}),
wantOut: `str:"` + string(utf8.RuneError) + `"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\ufffd"`,
}, {
in: "str: 'hello\u1234world'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("hello\u1234world")}}),
wantOut: "str:\"hello\u1234world\"",
wantOutASCII: `str:"hello\u1234world"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\"\'\\\?\a\b\n\r\t\v\f\1\12\123\xA\xaB\x12\uAb8f\U0010FFFF'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\"'\\?\a\b\n\r\t\v\f\x01\nS\n\xab\x12\uab8f\U0010ffff")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\"'\\?\x07\x08\n\r\t\x0b\x0c\x01\nS\n\xab\x12` + "\uab8f\U0010ffff" + `"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\"'\\?\x07\x08\n\r\t\x0b\x0c\x01\nS\n\xab\x12\uab8f\U0010ffff"`,
}, {
in: `str: '`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `str: '\`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `str: '\'`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `str: '\8'`,
wantErr: `invalid escape code "\\8" in string`,
}, {
in: `str: '\1x'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\001x")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\x01x"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\x01x"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\12x'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\012x")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\nx"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\nx"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\123x'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\123x")}}),
wantOut: `str:"Sx"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"Sx"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\1234x'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\1234x")}}),
wantOut: `str:"S4x"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"S4x"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\1'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\001")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\x01"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\x01"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\12'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\012")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\n"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\n"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\123'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\123")}}),
wantOut: `str:"S"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"S"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\1234'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\1234")}}),
wantOut: `str:"S4"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"S4"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\377'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\377")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xff"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xff"`,
}, {
// Overflow octal escape.
in: `str: '\400'`,
wantErr: `invalid octal escape code "\\400" in string`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xfx'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\x0fx")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\x0fx"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\x0fx"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xffx'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xffx")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xffx"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xffx"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xfffx'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xfffx")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xfffx"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xfffx"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xf'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\x0f")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\x0f"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\x0f"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xff'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xff")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xff"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xff"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xfff'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("\xfff")}}),
wantOut: `str:"\xfff"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\xfff"`,
}, {
in: `str: '\xz'`,
wantErr: `invalid hex escape code "\\x" in string`,
}, {
in: `str: '\uPo'`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`,
}, {
in: `str: '\uPoo'`,
wantErr: `invalid Unicode escape code "\\uPoo'" in string`,
}, {
in: `str: '\uPoop'`,
wantErr: `invalid Unicode escape code "\\uPoop" in string`,
}, {
// Unmatched surrogate pair.
in: `str: '\uDEAD'`,
wantErr: `unexpected EOF`, // trying to reader other half
}, {
// Surrogate pair with invalid other half.
in: `str: '\uDEAD\u0000'`,
wantErr: `invalid Unicode escape code "\\u0000" in string`,
}, {
// Properly matched surrogate pair.
in: `str: '\uD800\uDEAD'`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("str"), V("𐊭")}}),
wantOut: `str:"𐊭"`,
wantOutASCII: `str:"\U000102ad"`,
}, {
// Overflow on Unicode rune.
in: `str: '\U00110000'`,
wantErr: `invalid Unicode escape code "\\U00110000" in string`,
}, {
in: `str: '\z'`,
wantErr: `invalid escape code "\\z" in string`,
}, {
// Strings cannot have NUL literal since C-style strings forbid them.
in: "str: '\x00'",
wantErr: `invalid character '\x00' in string`,
}, {
// Strings cannot have newline literal. The C++ permits them if an
// option is specified to allow them. In Go, we always forbid them.
in: "str: '\n'",
wantErr: `invalid character '\n' in string`,
}, {
in: "name: \"My name is \"\n\"elsewhere\"",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("name"), V("My name is elsewhere")}}),
wantOut: `name:"My name is elsewhere"`,
wantOutASCII: `name:"My name is elsewhere"`,
}, {
in: "name: 'My name is '\n'elsewhere'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("name"), V("My name is elsewhere")}}),
}, {
in: "name: 'My name is '\n\"elsewhere\"",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("name"), V("My name is elsewhere")}}),
}, {
in: "name: \"My name is \"\n'elsewhere'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("name"), V("My name is elsewhere")}}),
}, {
in: "name: \"My \"'name '\"is \"\n'elsewhere'",
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("name"), V("My name is elsewhere")}}),
}, {
in: `crazy:"x'"'\""\''"'z"`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("crazy"), V(`x'""''z`)}}),
}, {
in: `nums: [t,T,true,True,TRUE,f,F,false,False,FALSE]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("nums"), V(Lst{
wantOut: "nums:[true,T,true,true,TRUE,false,F,false,false,FALSE]",
wantOutIndent: "nums: [\n\ttrue,\n\tT,\n\ttrue,\n\ttrue,\n\tTRUE,\n\tfalse,\n\tF,\n\tfalse,\n\tfalse,\n\tFALSE\n]\n",
}, {
in: `nums: [nan,inf,-inf,NaN,NAN,Inf,INF]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("nums"), V(Lst{
wantOut: "nums:[nan,inf,-inf,NaN,NAN,Inf,INF]",
wantOutIndent: "nums: [\n\tnan,\n\tinf,\n\t-inf,\n\tNaN,\n\tNAN,\n\tInf,\n\tINF\n]\n",
}, {
// C++ permits this, but we currently reject this.
in: `num: -nan`,
wantErr: `invalid "-nan" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `nums: [0,-0,-9876543210,9876543210,0x0,0x0123456789abcdef,-0x0123456789abcdef,01234567,-01234567]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("nums"), V(Lst{
wantOut: "nums:[0,0,-9876543210,9876543210,0,81985529216486895,-81985529216486895,342391,-342391]",
wantOutIndent: "nums: [\n\t0,\n\t0,\n\t-9876543210,\n\t9876543210,\n\t0,\n\t81985529216486895,\n\t-81985529216486895,\n\t342391,\n\t-342391\n]\n",
}, {
in: `nums: [0.,0f,1f,10f,-0f,-1f,-10f,1.0,0.1e-3,1.5e+5,1e10,.0]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("nums"), V(Lst{
wantOut: "nums:[0,0,1,10,0,-1,-10,1,0.0001,150000,1e+10,0]",
wantOutIndent: "nums: [\n\t0,\n\t0,\n\t1,\n\t10,\n\t0,\n\t-1,\n\t-10,\n\t1,\n\t0.0001,\n\t150000,\n\t1e+10,\n\t0\n]\n",
}, {
in: `nums: [0xbeefbeef,0xbeefbeefbeefbeef]`,
wantVal: V(Msg{{ID("nums"), func() Value {
if flags.Proto1Legacy {
return V(Lst{V(int32(-1091584273)), V(int64(-4688318750159552785))})
} else {
return V(Lst{V(uint32(0xbeefbeef)), V(uint64(0xbeefbeefbeefbeef))})
}, {
in: `num: +0`,
wantErr: `invalid "+0" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: 01.1234`,
wantErr: `invalid "01.1234" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: 0x`,
wantErr: `invalid "0x" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: 0xX`,
wantErr: `invalid "0xX" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: 0800`,
wantErr: `invalid "0800" as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: true.`,
wantErr: `invalid "true." as number or bool`,
}, {
in: `num: .`,
wantErr: `parsing ".": invalid syntax`,
}, {
in: `num: -.`,
wantErr: `parsing "-.": invalid syntax`,
}, {
in: `num: 1e10000`,
wantErr: `parsing "1e10000": value out of range`,
}, {
in: `num: 99999999999999999999`,
wantErr: `parsing "99999999999999999999": value out of range`,
}, {
in: `num: -99999999999999999999`,
wantErr: `parsing "-99999999999999999999": value out of range`,
}, {
in: "x: -",
wantErr: `syntax error (line 1:5)`,
}, {
in: "x:[\"💩\"x",
wantErr: `syntax error (line 1:7)`,
}, {
in: "x:\n\n[\"🔥🔥🔥\"x",
wantErr: `syntax error (line 3:7)`,
}, {
in: "x:[\"👍🏻👍🏿\"x",
wantErr: `syntax error (line 1:10)`, // multi-rune emojis; could be column:8
}, {
in: `
firstName : "John",
lastName : "Smith" ,
isAlive : true,
age : 27,
address { # missing colon is okay for messages
streetAddress : "21 2nd Street" ,
city : "New York" ,
state : "NY" ,
postalCode : "10021-3100" ; # trailing semicolon is okay
phoneNumbers : [ {
type : "home" ,
number : "212 555-1234"
} , {
type : "office" ,
number : "646 555-4567"
} , {
type : "mobile" ,
number : "123 456-7890" , # trailing comma is okay
} ],
children : [] ,
spouse : null`,
wantVal: V(Msg{
{ID("firstName"), V("John")},
{ID("lastName"), V("Smith")},
{ID("isAlive"), V(true)},
{ID("age"), V(27.0)},
{ID("address"), V(Msg{
{ID("streetAddress"), V("21 2nd Street")},
{ID("city"), V("New York")},
{ID("state"), V("NY")},
{ID("postalCode"), V("10021-3100")},
{ID("phoneNumbers"), V([]Value{
{ID("type"), V("home")},
{ID("number"), V("212 555-1234")},
{ID("type"), V("office")},
{ID("number"), V("646 555-4567")},
{ID("type"), V("mobile")},
{ID("number"), V("123 456-7890")},
{ID("children"), V([]Value{})},
{ID("spouse"), V(protoreflect.Name("null"))},
wantOut: `firstName:"John" lastName:"Smith" isAlive:true age:27 address:{streetAddress:"21 2nd Street" city:"New York" state:"NY" postalCode:"10021-3100"} phoneNumbers:[{type:"home" number:"212 555-1234"},{type:"office" number:"646 555-4567"},{type:"mobile" number:"123 456-7890"}] children:[] spouse:null`,
wantOutBracket: `firstName:"John" lastName:"Smith" isAlive:true age:27 address:<streetAddress:"21 2nd Street" city:"New York" state:"NY" postalCode:"10021-3100"> phoneNumbers:[<type:"home" number:"212 555-1234">,<type:"office" number:"646 555-4567">,<type:"mobile" number:"123 456-7890">] children:[] spouse:null`,
wantOutIndent: `firstName: "John"
lastName: "Smith"
isAlive: true
age: 27
address: {
streetAddress: "21 2nd Street"
city: "New York"
state: "NY"
postalCode: "10021-3100"
phoneNumbers: [
type: "home"
number: "212 555-1234"
type: "office"
number: "646 555-4567"
type: "mobile"
number: "123 456-7890"
children: []
spouse: null
opts := cmp.Options{
// Transform composites (List and Message).
cmp.FilterValues(func(x, y Value) bool {
return (x.Type() == List && y.Type() == List) || (x.Type() == Message && y.Type() == Message)
}, cmp.Transformer("", func(v Value) interface{} {
if v.Type() == List {
return v.List()
} else {
return v.Message()
// Compare scalars (Bool, Int, Uint, Float, String, Name).
cmp.FilterValues(func(x, y Value) bool {
return !(x.Type() == List && y.Type() == List) && !(x.Type() == Message && y.Type() == Message)
}, cmp.Comparer(func(x, y Value) bool {
if x.Type() == List || x.Type() == Message || y.Type() == List || y.Type() == Message {
return false
// Ensure golden value is always in x variable.
if len(x.raw) > 0 {
x, y = y, x
switch x.Type() {
case Bool:
want, _ := x.Bool()
got, ok := y.Bool()
return got == want && ok
case Int:
want, _ := x.Int(true)
got, ok := y.Int(want < math.MinInt32 || math.MaxInt32 < want)
return got == want && ok
case Uint:
want, _ := x.Uint(true)
got, ok := y.Uint(math.MaxUint32 < want)
return got == want && ok
case Float32, Float64:
want, _ := x.Float(true)
got, ok := y.Float(math.MaxFloat32 < math.Abs(want))
if math.IsNaN(got) || math.IsNaN(want) {
return math.IsNaN(got) == math.IsNaN(want)
return got == want && ok
case Name:
want, _ := x.Name()
got, ok := y.Name()
return got == want && ok
return x.String() == y.String()
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run("", func(t *testing.T) {
if tt.in != "" || tt.wantVal.Type() != 0 || tt.wantErr != "" {
gotVal, err := Unmarshal([]byte(tt.in))
if err == nil {
if tt.wantErr != "" {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(): got nil error, want %v", tt.wantErr)
} else {
if tt.wantErr == "" {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(): got %v, want nil error", err)
} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tt.wantErr) {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(): got %v, want %v", err, tt.wantErr)
if diff := cmp.Diff(gotVal, tt.wantVal, opts); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Unmarshal(): output mismatch (-got +want):\n%s", diff)
if tt.wantOut != "" {
gotOut, err := Marshal(tt.wantVal, "", [2]byte{0, 0}, false)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Marshal(): got %v, want nil error", err)
if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOut {
t.Errorf("Marshal():\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", gotOut, tt.wantOut)
if tt.wantOutBracket != "" {
gotOut, err := Marshal(tt.wantVal, "", [2]byte{'<', '>'}, false)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Marshal(Bracket): got %v, want nil error", err)
if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutBracket {
t.Errorf("Marshal(Bracket):\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", gotOut, tt.wantOutBracket)
if tt.wantOutASCII != "" {
gotOut, err := Marshal(tt.wantVal, "", [2]byte{0, 0}, true)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Marshal(ASCII): got %v, want nil error", err)
if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutASCII {
t.Errorf("Marshal(ASCII):\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", gotOut, tt.wantOutASCII)
if tt.wantOutIndent != "" {
gotOut, err := Marshal(tt.wantVal, "\t", [2]byte{0, 0}, false)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Marshal(Indent): got %v, want nil error", err)
if string(gotOut) != tt.wantOutIndent {
t.Errorf("Marshal(Indent):\ngot: %s\nwant: %s", gotOut, tt.wantOutIndent)