Joe Tsai 2d80e9b3ab encoding/prototext: adjust handling of invalid UTF-8
The following changes are made:
* Permit invalid UTF-8 in proto2. This goes against specified behavior,
but matches functional behavior in wire marshaling (not just for Go,
but also in the other major language implementations as well).
* The Format function is specified as ignoring errors since its intended
purpose is to surface information to the human user even if it's not
exactly parsible back into a message. As such, add an unexported
allowInvalidUTF8 option that is specially used by Format.
* Add an EmitASCII option that forces the formatting of
strings and bytes to always be encoded as ASCII.
This ensures that the entire output is always ASCII as well.

Note that we do not replicate this behavior for protojson since:
* The JSON format fundamentally has a stricter and well-specified
grammar for exactly what is valid/invalid, while the text format
has not had a well-specified grammar for the longest time,
leading to all sorts of weird usages due to Hyrum's law.
* This is to ease migration from the legacy implementation,
which did permit invalid UTF-8 in proto2.
* The EmitASCII option relies on the ability to always escape
Unicode characters using ASCII escape sequences, but this is not
possible in JSON since the grammar only has an escape sequence defined
for Unicode characters \u0000 to \uffff, inclusive.
However, Unicode v12.0.0 defines characters up to \U0010FFFF,
which is beyond what the JSON grammar provides escape sequences for.

Change-Id: I2b524a904e9ec59f9ed5500e299613bc27c31a14
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
2020-05-13 05:25:02 +00:00

1438 lines
34 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package prototext_test
import (
preg ""
pb2 ""
pb3 ""
func init() {
// Disable detrand to enable direct comparisons on outputs.
func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
desc string
mo prototext.MarshalOptions
input proto.Message
want string
wantErr bool // TODO: Verify error message content.
skip bool
desc: "proto2 optional scalars not set",
input: &pb2.Scalars{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto3 scalars not set",
input: &pb3.Scalars{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto3 optional not set",
input: &pb3.Proto3Optional{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto2 optional scalars set to zero values",
input: &pb2.Scalars{
OptBool: proto.Bool(false),
OptInt32: proto.Int32(0),
OptInt64: proto.Int64(0),
OptUint32: proto.Uint32(0),
OptUint64: proto.Uint64(0),
OptSint32: proto.Int32(0),
OptSint64: proto.Int64(0),
OptFixed32: proto.Uint32(0),
OptFixed64: proto.Uint64(0),
OptSfixed32: proto.Int32(0),
OptSfixed64: proto.Int64(0),
OptFloat: proto.Float32(0),
OptDouble: proto.Float64(0),
OptBytes: []byte{},
OptString: proto.String(""),
want: `opt_bool: false
opt_int32: 0
opt_int64: 0
opt_uint32: 0
opt_uint64: 0
opt_sint32: 0
opt_sint64: 0
opt_fixed32: 0
opt_fixed64: 0
opt_sfixed32: 0
opt_sfixed64: 0
opt_float: 0
opt_double: 0
opt_bytes: ""
opt_string: ""
}, {
desc: "proto3 optional set to zero values",
input: &pb3.Proto3Optional{
OptBool: proto.Bool(false),
OptInt32: proto.Int32(0),
OptInt64: proto.Int64(0),
OptUint32: proto.Uint32(0),
OptUint64: proto.Uint64(0),
OptFloat: proto.Float32(0),
OptDouble: proto.Float64(0),
OptString: proto.String(""),
OptBytes: []byte{},
OptEnum: pb3.Enum_ZERO.Enum(),
OptMessage: &pb3.Nested{},
want: `opt_bool: false
opt_int32: 0
opt_int64: 0
opt_uint32: 0
opt_uint64: 0
opt_float: 0
opt_double: 0
opt_string: ""
opt_bytes: ""
opt_enum: ZERO
opt_message: {}
}, {
desc: "proto3 scalars set to zero values",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SBool: false,
SInt32: 0,
SInt64: 0,
SUint32: 0,
SUint64: 0,
SSint32: 0,
SSint64: 0,
SFixed32: 0,
SFixed64: 0,
SSfixed32: 0,
SSfixed64: 0,
SFloat: 0,
SDouble: 0,
SBytes: []byte{},
SString: "",
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto2 optional scalars set to some values",
input: &pb2.Scalars{
OptBool: proto.Bool(true),
OptInt32: proto.Int32(0xff),
OptInt64: proto.Int64(0xdeadbeef),
OptUint32: proto.Uint32(47),
OptUint64: proto.Uint64(0xdeadbeef),
OptSint32: proto.Int32(-1001),
OptSint64: proto.Int64(-0xffff),
OptFixed64: proto.Uint64(64),
OptSfixed32: proto.Int32(-32),
OptFloat: proto.Float32(1.02),
OptDouble: proto.Float64(1.0199999809265137),
OptBytes: []byte("\xe8\xb0\xb7\xe6\xad\x8c"),
OptString: proto.String("谷歌"),
want: `opt_bool: true
opt_int32: 255
opt_int64: 3735928559
opt_uint32: 47
opt_uint64: 3735928559
opt_sint32: -1001
opt_sint64: -65535
opt_fixed64: 64
opt_sfixed32: -32
opt_float: 1.02
opt_double: 1.0199999809265137
opt_bytes: "谷歌"
opt_string: "谷歌"
}, {
desc: "proto2 string with invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb2.Scalars{
OptString: proto.String("abc\xff"),
want: `opt_string: "abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "proto3 string with invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SString: "abc\xff",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "float nan",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SFloat: float32(math.NaN()),
want: "s_float: nan\n",
}, {
desc: "float positive infinity",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SFloat: float32(math.Inf(1)),
want: "s_float: inf\n",
}, {
desc: "float negative infinity",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SFloat: float32(math.Inf(-1)),
want: "s_float: -inf\n",
}, {
desc: "double nan",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SDouble: math.NaN(),
want: "s_double: nan\n",
}, {
desc: "double positive infinity",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SDouble: math.Inf(1),
want: "s_double: inf\n",
}, {
desc: "double negative infinity",
input: &pb3.Scalars{
SDouble: math.Inf(-1),
want: "s_double: -inf\n",
}, {
desc: "proto2 enum not set",
input: &pb2.Enums{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto2 enum set to zero value",
input: &pb2.Enums{
OptEnum: pb2.Enum(0).Enum(),
OptNestedEnum: pb2.Enums_NestedEnum(0).Enum(),
want: `opt_enum: 0
opt_nested_enum: 0
}, {
desc: "proto2 enum",
input: &pb2.Enums{
OptEnum: pb2.Enum_ONE.Enum(),
OptNestedEnum: pb2.Enums_UNO.Enum(),
want: `opt_enum: ONE
opt_nested_enum: UNO
}, {
desc: "proto2 enum set to numeric values",
input: &pb2.Enums{
OptEnum: pb2.Enum(2).Enum(),
OptNestedEnum: pb2.Enums_NestedEnum(2).Enum(),
want: `opt_enum: TWO
opt_nested_enum: DOS
}, {
desc: "proto2 enum set to unnamed numeric values",
input: &pb2.Enums{
OptEnum: pb2.Enum(101).Enum(),
OptNestedEnum: pb2.Enums_NestedEnum(-101).Enum(),
want: `opt_enum: 101
opt_nested_enum: -101
}, {
desc: "proto3 enum not set",
input: &pb3.Enums{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto3 enum set to zero value",
input: &pb3.Enums{
SEnum: pb3.Enum_ZERO,
SNestedEnum: pb3.Enums_CERO,
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto3 enum",
input: &pb3.Enums{
SEnum: pb3.Enum_ONE,
SNestedEnum: pb3.Enums_UNO,
want: `s_enum: ONE
s_nested_enum: UNO
}, {
desc: "proto3 enum set to numeric values",
input: &pb3.Enums{
SEnum: 2,
SNestedEnum: 2,
want: `s_enum: TWO
s_nested_enum: DOS
}, {
desc: "proto3 enum set to unnamed numeric values",
input: &pb3.Enums{
SEnum: -47,
SNestedEnum: 47,
want: `s_enum: -47
s_nested_enum: 47
}, {
desc: "proto2 nested message not set",
input: &pb2.Nests{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto2 nested message set to empty",
input: &pb2.Nests{
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{},
Optgroup: &pb2.Nests_OptGroup{},
want: `opt_nested: {}
OptGroup: {}
}, {
desc: "proto2 nested messages",
input: &pb2.Nests{
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("nested message"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("another nested message"),
want: `opt_nested: {
opt_string: "nested message"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "another nested message"
}, {
desc: "proto2 groups",
input: &pb2.Nests{
Optgroup: &pb2.Nests_OptGroup{
OptString: proto.String("inside a group"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("nested message inside a group"),
Optnestedgroup: &pb2.Nests_OptGroup_OptNestedGroup{
OptFixed32: proto.Uint32(47),
want: `OptGroup: {
opt_string: "inside a group"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "nested message inside a group"
OptNestedGroup: {
opt_fixed32: 47
}, {
desc: "proto3 nested message not set",
input: &pb3.Nests{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "proto3 nested message set to empty",
input: &pb3.Nests{
SNested: &pb3.Nested{},
want: "s_nested: {}\n",
}, {
desc: "proto3 nested message",
input: &pb3.Nests{
SNested: &pb3.Nested{
SString: "nested message",
SNested: &pb3.Nested{
SString: "another nested message",
want: `s_nested: {
s_string: "nested message"
s_nested: {
s_string: "another nested message"
}, {
desc: "proto3 nested message contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb3.Nests{
SNested: &pb3.Nested{
SString: "abc\xff",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "oneof not set",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "oneof set to empty string",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofString{},
want: `oneof_string: ""
}, {
desc: "oneof set to string",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofString{
OneofString: "hello",
want: `oneof_string: "hello"
}, {
desc: "oneof set to enum",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofEnum{
OneofEnum: pb3.Enum_ZERO,
want: `oneof_enum: ZERO
}, {
desc: "oneof set to empty message",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofNested{
OneofNested: &pb3.Nested{},
want: "oneof_nested: {}\n",
}, {
desc: "oneof set to message",
input: &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofNested{
OneofNested: &pb3.Nested{
SString: "nested message",
want: `oneof_nested: {
s_string: "nested message"
}, {
desc: "repeated fields not set",
input: &pb2.Repeats{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "repeated fields set to empty slices",
input: &pb2.Repeats{
RptBool: []bool{},
RptInt32: []int32{},
RptInt64: []int64{},
RptUint32: []uint32{},
RptUint64: []uint64{},
RptFloat: []float32{},
RptDouble: []float64{},
RptBytes: [][]byte{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "repeated fields set to some values",
input: &pb2.Repeats{
RptBool: []bool{true, false, true, true},
RptInt32: []int32{1, 6, 0, 0},
RptInt64: []int64{-64, 47},
RptUint32: []uint32{0xff, 0xffff},
RptUint64: []uint64{0xdeadbeef},
RptFloat: []float32{float32(math.NaN()), float32(math.Inf(1)), float32(math.Inf(-1)), 1.034},
RptDouble: []float64{math.NaN(), math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1), 1.23e-308},
RptString: []string{"hello", "世界"},
RptBytes: [][]byte{
want: `rpt_bool: true
rpt_bool: false
rpt_bool: true
rpt_bool: true
rpt_int32: 1
rpt_int32: 6
rpt_int32: 0
rpt_int32: 0
rpt_int64: -64
rpt_int64: 47
rpt_uint32: 255
rpt_uint32: 65535
rpt_uint64: 3735928559
rpt_float: nan
rpt_float: inf
rpt_float: -inf
rpt_float: 1.034
rpt_double: nan
rpt_double: inf
rpt_double: -inf
rpt_double: 1.23e-308
rpt_string: "hello"
rpt_string: "世界"
rpt_bytes: "hello"
rpt_bytes: "世界"
}, {
desc: "repeated proto2 contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb2.Repeats{
RptString: []string{"abc\xff"},
want: `rpt_string: "abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "repeated proto3 contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb3.Repeats{
RptString: []string{"abc\xff"},
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "repeated enums",
input: &pb2.Enums{
RptEnum: []pb2.Enum{pb2.Enum_ONE, 2, pb2.Enum_TEN, 42},
RptNestedEnum: []pb2.Enums_NestedEnum{2, 47, 10},
want: `rpt_enum: ONE
rpt_enum: TWO
rpt_enum: TEN
rpt_enum: 42
rpt_nested_enum: DOS
rpt_nested_enum: 47
rpt_nested_enum: DIEZ
}, {
desc: "repeated messages set to empty",
input: &pb2.Nests{
RptNested: []*pb2.Nested{},
Rptgroup: []*pb2.Nests_RptGroup{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "repeated messages",
input: &pb2.Nests{
RptNested: []*pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("repeat nested one"),
OptString: proto.String("repeat nested two"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("inside repeat nested two"),
want: `rpt_nested: {
opt_string: "repeat nested one"
rpt_nested: {
opt_string: "repeat nested two"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "inside repeat nested two"
rpt_nested: {}
}, {
desc: "repeated messages contains nil value",
input: &pb2.Nests{
RptNested: []*pb2.Nested{nil, {}},
want: `rpt_nested: {}
rpt_nested: {}
}, {
desc: "repeated groups",
input: &pb2.Nests{
Rptgroup: []*pb2.Nests_RptGroup{
RptString: []string{"hello", "world"},
want: `RptGroup: {
rpt_string: "hello"
rpt_string: "world"
RptGroup: {}
RptGroup: {}
}, {
desc: "map fields not set",
input: &pb3.Maps{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "map fields set to empty",
input: &pb3.Maps{
Int32ToStr: map[int32]string{},
BoolToUint32: map[bool]uint32{},
Uint64ToEnum: map[uint64]pb3.Enum{},
StrToNested: map[string]*pb3.Nested{},
StrToOneofs: map[string]*pb3.Oneofs{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "map fields 1",
input: &pb3.Maps{
Int32ToStr: map[int32]string{
-101: "-101",
0xff: "0xff",
0: "zero",
BoolToUint32: map[bool]uint32{
true: 42,
false: 101,
want: `int32_to_str: {
key: -101
value: "-101"
int32_to_str: {
key: 0
value: "zero"
int32_to_str: {
key: 255
value: "0xff"
bool_to_uint32: {
key: false
value: 101
bool_to_uint32: {
key: true
value: 42
}, {
desc: "map fields 2",
input: &pb3.Maps{
Uint64ToEnum: map[uint64]pb3.Enum{
1: pb3.Enum_ONE,
2: pb3.Enum_TWO,
10: pb3.Enum_TEN,
47: 47,
want: `uint64_to_enum: {
key: 1
value: ONE
uint64_to_enum: {
key: 2
value: TWO
uint64_to_enum: {
key: 10
value: TEN
uint64_to_enum: {
key: 47
value: 47
}, {
desc: "map fields 3",
input: &pb3.Maps{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb3.Nested{
"nested": &pb3.Nested{
SString: "nested in a map",
want: `str_to_nested: {
key: "nested"
value: {
s_string: "nested in a map"
}, {
desc: "map fields 4",
input: &pb3.Maps{
StrToOneofs: map[string]*pb3.Oneofs{
"string": &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofString{
OneofString: "hello",
"nested": &pb3.Oneofs{
Union: &pb3.Oneofs_OneofNested{
OneofNested: &pb3.Nested{
SString: "nested oneof in map field value",
want: `str_to_oneofs: {
key: "nested"
value: {
oneof_nested: {
s_string: "nested oneof in map field value"
str_to_oneofs: {
key: "string"
value: {
oneof_string: "hello"
}, {
desc: "proto2 map field value contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb2.Maps{
Int32ToStr: map[int32]string{
101: "abc\xff",
want: `int32_to_str: {
key: 101
value: "abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "proto2 map field key contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb2.Maps{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb2.Nested{
"abc\xff": {},
want: `str_to_nested: {
key: "abc\xff"
value: {}
}, {
desc: "proto3 map field value contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb3.Maps{
Int32ToStr: map[int32]string{
101: "abc\xff",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "proto3 map field key contains invalid UTF-8",
input: &pb3.Maps{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb3.Nested{
"abc\xff": {},
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "map field contains nil value",
input: &pb3.Maps{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb3.Nested{
"nil": nil,
want: `str_to_nested: {
key: "nil"
value: {}
}, {
desc: "required fields not set",
input: &pb2.Requireds{},
want: "",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "required fields partially set",
input: &pb2.Requireds{
ReqBool: proto.Bool(false),
ReqSfixed64: proto.Int64(0xbeefcafe),
ReqDouble: proto.Float64(math.NaN()),
ReqString: proto.String("hello"),
ReqEnum: pb2.Enum_ONE.Enum(),
want: `req_bool: false
req_sfixed64: 3203386110
req_double: nan
req_string: "hello"
req_enum: ONE
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "required fields not set with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: &pb2.Requireds{
ReqBool: proto.Bool(false),
ReqSfixed64: proto.Int64(0xbeefcafe),
ReqDouble: proto.Float64(math.NaN()),
ReqString: proto.String("hello"),
ReqEnum: pb2.Enum_ONE.Enum(),
want: `req_bool: false
req_sfixed64: 3203386110
req_double: nan
req_string: "hello"
req_enum: ONE
}, {
desc: "required fields all set",
input: &pb2.Requireds{
ReqBool: proto.Bool(false),
ReqSfixed64: proto.Int64(0),
ReqDouble: proto.Float64(1.23),
ReqString: proto.String(""),
ReqEnum: pb2.Enum_ONE.Enum(),
ReqNested: &pb2.Nested{},
want: `req_bool: false
req_sfixed64: 0
req_double: 1.23
req_string: ""
req_enum: ONE
req_nested: {}
}, {
desc: "indirect required field",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
OptNested: &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "opt_nested: {}\n",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "indirect required field with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
OptNested: &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "opt_nested: {}\n",
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in empty repeated",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
RptNested: []*pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in repeated",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
RptNested: []*pb2.NestedWithRequired{
want: "rpt_nested: {}\n",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in repeated with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
RptNested: []*pb2.NestedWithRequired{
want: "rpt_nested: {}\n",
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in empty map",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "",
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in map",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb2.NestedWithRequired{
"fail": &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: `str_to_nested: {
key: "fail"
value: {}
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in map with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
StrToNested: map[string]*pb2.NestedWithRequired{
"fail": &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: `str_to_nested: {
key: "fail"
value: {}
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in oneof",
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
Union: &pb2.IndirectRequired_OneofNested{
OneofNested: &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "oneof_nested: {}\n",
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "indirect required field in oneof with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: &pb2.IndirectRequired{
Union: &pb2.IndirectRequired_OneofNested{
OneofNested: &pb2.NestedWithRequired{},
want: "oneof_nested: {}\n",
}, {
desc: "unknown fields not printed",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Scalars{
OptString: proto.String("this message contains unknown fields"),
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Bool(true),
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Varint(0xff),
protopack.Tag{103, protopack.Fixed32Type}, protopack.Uint32(47),
protopack.Tag{104, protopack.Fixed64Type}, protopack.Int64(0xdeadbeef),
return m
want: `opt_string: "this message contains unknown fields"
}, {
desc: "unknown varint and fixed types",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitUnknown: true},
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Scalars{
OptString: proto.String("this message contains unknown fields"),
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Bool(true),
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Varint(0xff),
protopack.Tag{103, protopack.Fixed32Type}, protopack.Uint32(0x47),
protopack.Tag{104, protopack.Fixed64Type}, protopack.Int64(0xdeadbeef),
return m
want: `opt_string: "this message contains unknown fields"
101: 1
102: 255
103: 0x47
104: 0xdeadbeef
}, {
desc: "unknown length-delimited",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitUnknown: true},
input: func() proto.Message {
m := new(pb2.Scalars)
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix{protopack.Bool(true), protopack.Bool(false)},
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.String("hello world"),
protopack.Tag{103, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.Bytes("\xe4\xb8\x96\xe7\x95\x8c"),
return m
want: `101: "\x01\x00"
102: "hello world"
103: "世界"
}, {
desc: "unknown group type",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitUnknown: true},
input: func() proto.Message {
m := new(pb2.Scalars)
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.StartGroupType}, protopack.Tag{101, protopack.EndGroupType},
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.StartGroupType},
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Bool(false),
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.String("inside a group"),
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.EndGroupType},
return m
want: `101: {}
102: {
101: 0
102: "inside a group"
}, {
desc: "unknown unpack repeated field",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitUnknown: true},
input: func() proto.Message {
m := new(pb2.Scalars)
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.LengthPrefix{protopack.Bool(true), protopack.Bool(false), protopack.Bool(true)},
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.String("hello"),
protopack.Tag{101, protopack.VarintType}, protopack.Bool(true),
protopack.Tag{102, protopack.BytesType}, protopack.String("世界"),
return m
want: `101: "\x01\x00\x01"
102: "hello"
101: 1
102: "世界"
}, {
desc: "extensions of non-repeated fields",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{
OptString: proto.String("non-extension field"),
OptBool: proto.Bool(true),
OptInt32: proto.Int32(42),
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtBool, true)
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtString, "extension field")
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtEnum, pb2.Enum_TEN)
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtNested, &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("nested in an extension"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("another nested in an extension"),
return m
want: `opt_string: "non-extension field"
opt_bool: true
opt_int32: 42
[pb2.opt_ext_bool]: true
[pb2.opt_ext_enum]: TEN
[pb2.opt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "nested in an extension"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "another nested in an extension"
[pb2.opt_ext_string]: "extension field"
}, {
desc: "proto2 extension field contains invalid UTF-8",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtString, "abc\xff")
return m
want: `[pb2.opt_ext_string]: "abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "extension partial returns error",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtPartial, &pb2.PartialRequired{
OptString: proto.String("partial1"),
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_OptExtPartial, &pb2.PartialRequired{
OptString: proto.String("partial2"),
return m
want: `[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.opt_ext_partial]: {
opt_string: "partial2"
[pb2.opt_ext_partial]: {
opt_string: "partial1"
wantErr: true,
}, {
desc: "extension partial with AllowPartial",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true},
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_OptExtPartial, &pb2.PartialRequired{
OptString: proto.String("partial1"),
return m
want: `[pb2.opt_ext_partial]: {
opt_string: "partial1"
}, {
desc: "extensions of repeated fields",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_RptExtEnum, []pb2.Enum{pb2.Enum_TEN, 101, pb2.Enum_ONE})
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_RptExtFixed32, []uint32{42, 47})
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_RptExtNested, []*pb2.Nested{
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("one")},
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("two")},
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("three")},
return m
want: `[pb2.rpt_ext_enum]: TEN
[pb2.rpt_ext_enum]: 101
[pb2.rpt_ext_enum]: ONE
[pb2.rpt_ext_fixed32]: 42
[pb2.rpt_ext_fixed32]: 47
[pb2.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "one"
[pb2.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "two"
[pb2.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "three"
}, {
desc: "extensions of non-repeated fields in another message",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_OptExtBool, true)
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_OptExtString, "extension field")
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_OptExtEnum, pb2.Enum_TEN)
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_OptExtNested, &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("nested in an extension"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("another nested in an extension"),
return m
want: `[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.opt_ext_bool]: true
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.opt_ext_enum]: TEN
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.opt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "nested in an extension"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "another nested in an extension"
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.opt_ext_string]: "extension field"
}, {
desc: "extensions of repeated fields in another message",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Extensions{
OptString: proto.String("non-extension field"),
OptBool: proto.Bool(true),
OptInt32: proto.Int32(42),
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_RptExtEnum, []pb2.Enum{pb2.Enum_TEN, 101, pb2.Enum_ONE})
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_RptExtString, []string{"hello", "world"})
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_ExtensionsContainer_RptExtNested, []*pb2.Nested{
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("one")},
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("two")},
&pb2.Nested{OptString: proto.String("three")},
return m
want: `opt_string: "non-extension field"
opt_bool: true
opt_int32: 42
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_enum]: TEN
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_enum]: 101
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_enum]: ONE
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "one"
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "two"
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "three"
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_string]: "hello"
[pb2.ExtensionsContainer.rpt_ext_string]: "world"
}, {
desc: "MessageSet",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.MessageSet{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_MessageSetExtension_MessageSetExtension, &pb2.MessageSetExtension{
OptString: proto.String("a messageset extension"),
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_MessageSetExtension_NotMessageSetExtension, &pb2.MessageSetExtension{
OptString: proto.String("not a messageset extension"),
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_MessageSetExtension_ExtNested, &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("just a regular extension"),
return m
want: `[pb2.MessageSetExtension]: {
opt_string: "a messageset extension"
[pb2.MessageSetExtension.ext_nested]: {
opt_string: "just a regular extension"
[pb2.MessageSetExtension.not_message_set_extension]: {
opt_string: "not a messageset extension"
skip: !flags.ProtoLegacy,
}, {
desc: "not real MessageSet 1",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.FakeMessageSet{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_FakeMessageSetExtension_MessageSetExtension, &pb2.FakeMessageSetExtension{
OptString: proto.String("not a messageset extension"),
return m
want: `[pb2.FakeMessageSetExtension.message_set_extension]: {
opt_string: "not a messageset extension"
skip: !flags.ProtoLegacy,
}, {
desc: "not real MessageSet 2",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.MessageSet{}
proto.SetExtension(m, pb2.E_MessageSetExtension, &pb2.FakeMessageSetExtension{
OptString: proto.String("another not a messageset extension"),
return m
want: `[pb2.message_set_extension]: {
opt_string: "another not a messageset extension"
skip: !flags.ProtoLegacy,
}, {
desc: "Any not expanded",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{
Resolver: new(preg.Types),
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("embedded inside Any"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("inception"),
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb2.Nested",
Value: b,
want: `type_url: "pb2.Nested"
value: "\n\x13embedded inside Any\x12\x0b\n\tinception"
}, {
desc: "Any expanded",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("embedded inside Any"),
OptNested: &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("inception"),
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "foo/pb2.Nested",
Value: b,
want: `[foo/pb2.Nested]: {
opt_string: "embedded inside Any"
opt_nested: {
opt_string: "inception"
}, {
desc: "Any expanded with missing required",
input: func() proto.Message {
m := &pb2.PartialRequired{
OptString: proto.String("embedded inside Any"),
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
Deterministic: true,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: string(m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName()),
Value: b,
want: `[pb2.PartialRequired]: {
opt_string: "embedded inside Any"
}, {
desc: "Any with invalid value",
input: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "foo/pb2.Nested",
Value: []byte("\x80"),
want: `type_url: "foo/pb2.Nested"
value: "\x80"
}, {
desc: "Any expanded in another message",
input: func() *pb2.KnownTypes {
m1 := &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("message inside Any of another Any field"),
b1, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
m2 := &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb2.Nested",
Value: b1,
b2, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m2)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &pb2.KnownTypes{
OptAny: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "google.protobuf.Any",
Value: b2,
want: `opt_any: {
[google.protobuf.Any]: {
[pb2.Nested]: {
opt_string: "message inside Any of another Any field"
}, {
desc: "Any expanded with invalid UTF-8 in proto2",
input: func() *pb2.KnownTypes {
m := &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("invalid UTF-8 abc\xff"),
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &pb2.KnownTypes{
OptAny: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb2.Nested",
Value: b,
want: `opt_any: {
[pb2.Nested]: {
opt_string: "invalid UTF-8 abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "Any not expanded due to invalid data",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitASCII: true},
input: func() *pb2.KnownTypes {
return &pb2.KnownTypes{
OptAny: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb3.Scalar",
Value: []byte("\xde\xad\xbe\xef"),
want: `opt_any: {
type_url: "pb3.Scalar"
value: "\u07ad\xbe\xef"
}, {
desc: "Any inside Any expanded",
input: func() *pb2.KnownTypes {
m1 := &pb2.Nested{
OptString: proto.String("invalid UTF-8 abc\xff"),
b1, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
m2 := &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb2.Nested",
Value: b1,
b2, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m2)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &pb2.KnownTypes{
OptAny: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "google.protobuf.Any",
Value: b2,
want: `opt_any: {
[google.protobuf.Any]: {
[pb2.Nested]: {
opt_string: "invalid UTF-8 abc\xff"
}, {
desc: "Any inside Any not expanded due to invalid data",
mo: prototext.MarshalOptions{EmitASCII: true},
input: func() *pb2.KnownTypes {
m := &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "pb2.Nested",
Value: []byte("\xde\xad\xbe\xef"),
b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error in binary marshaling message for Any.value: %v", err)
return &pb2.KnownTypes{
OptAny: &anypb.Any{
TypeUrl: "google.protobuf.Any",
Value: b,
want: `opt_any: {
[google.protobuf.Any]: {
type_url: "pb2.Nested"
value: "\u07ad\xbe\xef"
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
if tt.skip {
t.Run(tt.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
// Use 2-space indentation on all MarshalOptions. = " "
b, err :=
if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
t.Errorf("Marshal() returned error: %v\n", err)
if err == nil && tt.wantErr {
t.Error("Marshal() got nil error, want error\n")
got := string(b)
if tt.want != "" && got != tt.want {
t.Errorf("Marshal()\n<got>\n%v\n<want>\n%v\n", got, tt.want)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("Marshal() diff -want +got\n%v\n", diff)