Damien Neil 6bb8dec7f6 cmd/protoc-gen-go: change some arrays to slices to save bytes
Using arrays in the generated reflection information adds unnecessary
eq and hash functions being added to the package. Change to slices
to reduce bloat.

Change-Id: I1a4f6d59021644d93dd6c24679b9233141e89a75
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
2019-03-01 23:53:03 +00:00

248 lines
8.0 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package internal_gengo
import (
// TODO: Remove this flag.
// Remember to remove the copy in internal/protogen/goldentest.
var enableReflectFlag = os.Getenv("PROTOC_GEN_GO_ENABLE_REFLECT") != ""
func enableReflection(f *protogen.File) bool {
return enableReflectFlag || isDescriptor(f)
// TODO: Remove special-casing for descriptor proto.
func isDescriptor(f *protogen.File) bool {
return f.Desc.Path() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" && f.Desc.Package() == "google.protobuf"
// minimumVersion is minimum version of the v2 proto package that is required.
// This is incremented every time the generated code relies on some property
// in the proto package that was introduced in a later version.
const minimumVersion = 0
const (
reflectPackage = protogen.GoImportPath("reflect")
protoimplPackage = protogen.GoImportPath("")
protoreflectPackage = protogen.GoImportPath("")
prototypePackage = protogen.GoImportPath("")
// TODO: Add support for proto options.
func genReflectFileDescriptor(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo) {
if !enableReflection(f.File) {
// Emit a static check that enforces a minimum version of the proto package.
// TODO: This should appear higher up in the Go source file.
g.P("const _ = ", protoimplPackage.Ident("EnforceVersion"), "(", protoimplPackage.Ident("Version"), " - ", minimumVersion, ")")
g.P("var ", f.GoDescriptorIdent, " ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("FileDescriptor"))
if len(f.allEnums) > 0 {
g.P("var ", enumTypesVarName(f), " = make([]", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumType"), ",", len(f.allEnums), ")")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("var ", messageTypesVarName(f), " = make([]", protoimplPackage.Ident("MessageType"), ",", len(f.allMessages), ")")
// Generate a unique list of Go types for all declarations and dependencies,
// and the associated index into the type list for all dependencies.
var goTypes []string
var depIdxs []string
seen := map[protoreflect.FullName]int{}
genDep := func(name protoreflect.FullName, depSource string) {
if depSource != "" {
line := fmt.Sprintf("%d, // %s -> %s", seen[name], depSource, name)
depIdxs = append(depIdxs, line)
genEnum := func(e *protogen.Enum, depSource string) {
if e != nil {
name := e.Desc.FullName()
if _, ok := seen[name]; !ok {
line := fmt.Sprintf("(%s)(0), // %d: %s", g.QualifiedGoIdent(e.GoIdent), len(goTypes), name)
goTypes = append(goTypes, line)
seen[name] = len(seen)
if depSource != "" {
genDep(name, depSource)
genMessage := func(m *protogen.Message, depSource string) {
if m != nil {
name := m.Desc.FullName()
if _, ok := seen[name]; !ok {
line := fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)(nil), // %d: %s", g.QualifiedGoIdent(m.GoIdent), len(goTypes), name)
if m.Desc.IsMapEntry() {
// Map entry messages have no associated Go type.
line = fmt.Sprintf("nil, // %d: %s", len(goTypes), name)
goTypes = append(goTypes, line)
seen[name] = len(seen)
if depSource != "" {
genDep(name, depSource)
// This ordering is significant. See protoimpl.FileBuilder.GoTypes.
for _, enum := range f.allEnums {
genEnum(enum, "")
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
genMessage(message, "")
for _, extension := range f.allExtensions {
source := string(extension.Desc.FullName())
genMessage(extension.ExtendedType, source+":extendee")
for _, message := range f.allMessages {
for _, field := range message.Fields {
if field.Desc.IsWeak() {
source := string(field.Desc.FullName())
genEnum(field.EnumType, source+":type_name")
genMessage(field.MessageType, source+":type_name")
for _, extension := range f.allExtensions {
source := string(extension.Desc.FullName())
genEnum(extension.EnumType, source+":type_name")
genMessage(extension.MessageType, source+":type_name")
for _, service := range f.Services {
for _, method := range service.Methods {
source := string(method.Desc.FullName())
genMessage(method.InputType, source+":input_type")
genMessage(method.OutputType, source+":output_type")
if len(depIdxs) > math.MaxInt32 {
panic("too many dependencies") // sanity check
g.P("var ", goTypesVarName(f), " = []interface{}{")
for _, s := range goTypes {
g.P("var ", depIdxsVarName(f), " = []int32{")
for _, s := range depIdxs {
g.P("func init() {")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("messageTypes := make([]", protoreflectPackage.Ident("MessageType"), ",", len(f.allMessages), ")")
if len(f.allExtensions) > 0 {
g.P("extensionTypes := make([]", protoreflectPackage.Ident("ExtensionType"), ",", len(f.allExtensions), ")")
g.P(f.GoDescriptorIdent, " = ", protoimplPackage.Ident("FileBuilder"), "{")
g.P("RawDescriptor: ", f.descriptorRawVar, ",")
g.P("GoTypes: ", goTypesVarName(f), ",")
g.P("DependencyIndexes: ", depIdxsVarName(f), ",")
if len(f.allEnums) > 0 {
g.P("EnumOutputTypes: ", enumTypesVarName(f), ",")
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("MessageOutputTypes: messageTypes,")
if len(f.allExtensions) > 0 {
g.P("ExtensionOutputTypes: extensionTypes,")
// Copy the local list of message types into the global array.
if len(f.allMessages) > 0 {
g.P("messageGoTypes := ", goTypesVarName(f), "[", len(f.allEnums), ":][:", len(f.allMessages), "]")
g.P("for i, mt := range messageTypes {")
g.P(messageTypesVarName(f), "[i].GoType = ", reflectPackage.Ident("TypeOf"), "(messageGoTypes[i])")
g.P(messageTypesVarName(f), "[i].PBType = mt")
// Copy the local list of extension types into each global variable.
for i, extension := range f.allExtensions {
g.P(extensionVar(f.File, extension), ".Type = extensionTypes[", i, "]")
// TODO: Add v2 registration and stop v1 registration in genInitFunction.
// The descriptor proto needs to register the option types with the
// prototype so that the package can properly handle those option types.
if isDescriptor(f.File) {
for _, m := range f.allMessages {
name := m.GoIdent.GoName
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "Options") {
g.P(prototypePackage.Ident("X"), ".Register", name, "((*", name, ")(nil))")
g.P(goTypesVarName(f), " = nil") // allow GC to reclaim resource
g.P(depIdxsVarName(f), " = nil") // allow GC to reclaim resource
func genReflectEnum(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo, enum *protogen.Enum) {
if !enableReflection(f.File) {
idx := f.allEnumsByPtr[enum]
typesVar := enumTypesVarName(f)
g.P("func (e ", enum.GoIdent, ") Type() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumType"), " {")
g.P("return ", typesVar, "[", idx, "]")
g.P("func (e ", enum.GoIdent, ") Number() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumNumber"), " {")
g.P("return ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("EnumNumber"), "(e)")
func genReflectMessage(gen *protogen.Plugin, g *protogen.GeneratedFile, f *fileInfo, message *protogen.Message) {
if !enableReflection(f.File) {
idx := f.allMessagesByPtr[message]
typesVar := messageTypesVarName(f)
g.P("func (m *", message.GoIdent, ") ProtoReflect() ", protoreflectPackage.Ident("Message"), " {")
g.P("return ", typesVar, "[", idx, "].MessageOf(m)")
func goTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return "xxx_" + f.GoDescriptorIdent.GoName + "_goTypes"
func depIdxsVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return "xxx_" + f.GoDescriptorIdent.GoName + "_depIdxs"
func enumTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return "xxx_" + f.GoDescriptorIdent.GoName + "_enumTypes"
func messageTypesVarName(f *fileInfo) string {
return "xxx_" + f.GoDescriptorIdent.GoName + "_messageTypes"