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synced 2025-03-10 16:14:39 +00:00
This CL takes a significantly different approach to generating support for protobuf reflection. The previous approach involved generating a large number of Go literals to represent the reflection information. While that approach was correct, it resulted in too much binary bloat. The approach taken here initializes the reflection information from the raw descriptor proto, which is a relatively dense representation of the protobuf reflection information. In order to keep initialization cost low, several measures were taken: * At program init, the bare minimum is parsed in order to initialize naming information for enums, messages, extensions, and services declared in the file. This is done because those top-level declarations are often relevant for registration. * Only upon first are most of the other data structures for protobuf reflection actually initialized. * Instead of using proto.Unmarshal, a hand-written unmarshaler is used. This allows us to avoid a dependendency on the descriptor proto and also because the API for the descriptor proto is fundamentally non-performant since it requires an allocation for every primitive field. At a high-level, the new implementation lives in internal/fileinit. Several changes were made to other parts of the repository: * cmd/protoc-gen-go: * Stop compressing the raw descriptors. While compression does reduce the size of the descriptors by approximately 2x, it is a pre-mature optimization since the descriptors themselves are around 1% of the total binary bloat that is due to generated protobufs. * Seeding protobuf reflection from the raw descriptor significantly simplifies the generator implementation since it is no longer responsible for constructing a tree of Go literals to represent the same information. * We remove the generation of the shadow types and instead call protoimpl.MessageType.MessageOf. Unfortunately, this incurs an allocation for every call to ProtoReflect since we need to allocate a tuple that wraps a pointer to the message value, and a pointer to message type. * internal/impl: * We add a MessageType.GoType field and make it required that it is set prior to first use. This is done so that we can avoid calling MessageType.init except for when it is actually needed. The allows code to call (*FooMessage)(nil).ProtoReflect().Type() without fearing that the init code will run, possibly triggering a recursive deadlock (where the init code depends on getting the Type of some dependency which may be declared within the same file). * internal/cmd/generate-types: * The code to generate reflect/prototype/protofile_list_gen.go was copied and altered to generated internal/fileinit.desc_list_gen.go. At a high-level this CL adds significant technical complexity. However, this is offset by several possible future changes: * The prototype package can be drastically simplified. We can probably reimplement internal/legacy to use internal/fileinit instead, allowing us to drop another dependency on the prototype package. As a result, we can probably delete most of the constructor types in that package. * With the prototype package significantly pruned, and the fact that generated code no longer depend on depends on that package, we can consider merging what's left of prototype into protodesc. Change-Id: I6090f023f2e1b6afaf62bd3ae883566242e30715 Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/158539 Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <herbie@google.com> Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <thebrokentoaster@gmail.com>
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// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package protoregistry provides data structures to register and lookup
// protobuf descriptor types.
// The Files registry contains file descriptors and provides the ability
// to iterate over the files or lookup a specific descriptor within the files.
// Files only contains protobuf descriptors and has no understanding of Go
// type information that may be associated with each descriptor.
// The Types registry contains descriptor types for which there is a known
// Go type associated with that descriptor. It provides the ability to iterate
// over the registered types or lookup a type by name.
package protoregistry
import (
// TODO: Perhaps Register should record the frame of where the function was
// called and surface that in the error? That would help users debug duplicate
// registration issues. This presumes that we provide a way to disable automatic
// registration in generated code.
// GlobalFiles is a global registry of file descriptors.
var GlobalFiles *Files = new(Files)
// GlobalTypes is the registry used by default for type lookups
// unless a local registry is provided by the user.
var GlobalTypes *Types = new(Types)
// NotFound is a sentinel error value to indicate that the type was not found.
var NotFound = errors.New("not found")
// Files is a registry for looking up or iterating over files and the
// descriptors contained within them.
// The Find and Range methods are safe for concurrent use.
type Files struct {
filesByPackage filesByPackage
filesByPath filesByPath
type (
filesByPackage struct {
// files is a list of files all in the same package.
files []protoreflect.FileDescriptor
// subs is a tree of files all in a sub-package scope.
// It also maps all top-level identifiers declared in files
// as the notProtoPackage sentinel value.
subs map[protoreflect.Name]*filesByPackage // invariant: len(Name) > 0
filesByPath map[string][]protoreflect.FileDescriptor
// notProtoPackage is a sentinel value to indicate that some identifier maps
// to an actual protobuf declaration and is not a sub-package.
var notProtoPackage = new(filesByPackage)
// NewFiles returns a registry initialized with the provided set of files.
// If there are duplicates, the first one takes precedence.
func NewFiles(files ...protoreflect.FileDescriptor) *Files {
// TODO: Should last take precedence? This allows a user to intentionally
// overwrite an existing registration.
// The use case is for implementing the existing v1 proto.RegisterFile
// function where the behavior is last wins. However, it could be argued
// that the v1 behavior is broken, and we can switch to first wins
// without violating compatibility.
r := new(Files)
r.Register(files...) // ignore errors; first takes precedence
return r
// Register registers the provided list of file descriptors.
// Placeholder files are ignored.
// If any descriptor within a file conflicts with the descriptor of any
// previously registered file (e.g., two enums with the same full name),
// then that file is not registered and an error is returned.
// It is permitted for multiple files to have the same file path.
func (r *Files) Register(files ...protoreflect.FileDescriptor) error {
var firstErr error
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsPlaceholder() {
continue // TODO: Should this be an error instead?
// Register the file into the filesByPackage tree.
// The prototype package validates that a FileDescriptor is internally
// consistent such it does not have conflicts within itself.
// However, we need to ensure that the inserted file does not conflict
// with other previously inserted files.
pkg := file.Package()
root := &r.filesByPackage
for len(pkg) > 0 {
var prefix protoreflect.Name
prefix, pkg = splitPrefix(pkg)
// Add a new sub-package segment.
switch nextRoot := root.subs[prefix]; nextRoot {
case nil:
nextRoot = new(filesByPackage)
if root.subs == nil {
root.subs = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*filesByPackage)
root.subs[prefix] = nextRoot
root = nextRoot
case notProtoPackage:
if firstErr == nil {
name := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimSuffix(string(file.Package()), string(pkg)), ".")
firstErr = errors.New("file %q has a name conflict over %v", file.Path(), name)
continue fileLoop
root = nextRoot
// Check for top-level conflicts within the same package.
// The current file cannot add any top-level declaration that conflict
// with another top-level declaration or sub-package name.
var conflicts []protoreflect.Name
rangeTopLevelDeclarations(file, func(s protoreflect.Name) {
if root.subs[s] == nil {
if root.subs == nil {
root.subs = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*filesByPackage)
root.subs[s] = notProtoPackage
} else {
conflicts = append(conflicts, s)
if len(conflicts) > 0 {
// Remove inserted identifiers to make registration failure atomic.
sort.Slice(conflicts, func(i, j int) bool { return conflicts[i] < conflicts[j] })
rangeTopLevelDeclarations(file, func(s protoreflect.Name) {
i := sort.Search(len(conflicts), func(i int) bool { return conflicts[i] >= s })
if has := i < len(conflicts) && conflicts[i] == s; !has {
delete(root.subs, s) // remove everything not in conflicts
if firstErr == nil {
name := file.Package().Append(conflicts[0])
firstErr = errors.New("file %q has a name conflict over %v", file.Path(), name)
continue fileLoop
root.files = append(root.files, file)
// Register the file into the filesByPath map.
// There is no check for conflicts in file path since the path is
// heavily dependent on how protoc is invoked. When protoc is being
// invoked by different parties in a distributed manner, it is
// unreasonable to assume nor ensure that the path is unique.
if r.filesByPath == nil {
r.filesByPath = make(filesByPath)
r.filesByPath[file.Path()] = append(r.filesByPath[file.Path()], file)
return firstErr
// FindDescriptorByName looks up any descriptor (except files) by its full name.
// Files are not handled since multiple file descriptors may belong in
// the same package and have the same full name (see RangeFilesByPackage).
// This return (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Files) FindDescriptorByName(name protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.Descriptor, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, NotFound
pkg := name
root := &r.filesByPackage
for len(pkg) > 0 {
var prefix protoreflect.Name
prefix, pkg = splitPrefix(pkg)
switch nextRoot := root.subs[prefix]; nextRoot {
case nil:
return nil, NotFound
case notProtoPackage:
// Search current root's package for the descriptor.
for _, fd := range root.files {
if d := fd.DescriptorByName(name); d != nil {
return d, nil
return nil, NotFound
root = nextRoot
return nil, NotFound
// RangeFiles iterates over all registered files.
// The iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Files) RangeFiles(f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) {
r.RangeFilesByPackage("", f) // empty package is a prefix for all packages
// RangeFilesByPackage iterates over all registered files filtered by
// the given proto package prefix. It iterates over files with an exact package
// match before iterating over files with general prefix match.
// The iteration order is undefined within exact matches or prefix matches.
func (r *Files) RangeFilesByPackage(pkg protoreflect.FullName, f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) {
if r == nil {
if strings.HasSuffix(string(pkg), ".") {
return // avoid edge case where splitPrefix allows trailing dot
root := &r.filesByPackage
for len(pkg) > 0 && root != nil {
var prefix protoreflect.Name
prefix, pkg = splitPrefix(pkg)
root = root.subs[prefix]
rangeFiles(root, f)
func rangeFiles(fs *filesByPackage, f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) bool {
if fs == nil {
return true
// Iterate over exact matches.
for _, fd := range fs.files { // TODO: iterate non-deterministically
if !f(fd) {
return false
// Iterate over prefix matches.
for _, fs := range fs.subs {
if !rangeFiles(fs, f) {
return false
return true
// RangeFilesByPath iterates over all registered files filtered by
// the given proto path. The iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Files) RangeFilesByPath(path string, f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) {
if r == nil {
for _, fd := range r.filesByPath[path] { // TODO: iterate non-deterministically
if !f(fd) {
func splitPrefix(name protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.Name, protoreflect.FullName) {
if i := strings.IndexByte(string(name), '.'); i >= 0 {
return protoreflect.Name(name[:i]), name[i+len("."):]
return protoreflect.Name(name), ""
// rangeTopLevelDeclarations iterates over the name of all top-level
// declarations in the proto file.
func rangeTopLevelDeclarations(fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor, f func(protoreflect.Name)) {
for i := 0; i < fd.Enums().Len(); i++ {
e := fd.Enums().Get(i)
// TODO: Drop ranging over top-level enum values. The current
// implementation of fileinit.FileBuilder does not initialize the names
// for enum values in enums. Doing so reduces init time considerably.
// If we drop this, it means that conflict checks in the registry
// is not complete. However, this may be okay since the most common
// reason for a conflict is due to vendored proto files, which are
// most certainly going to have a name conflict on the parent enum.
for i := 0; i < e.Values().Len(); i++ {
for i := 0; i < fd.Messages().Len(); i++ {
for i := 0; i < fd.Extensions().Len(); i++ {
for i := 0; i < fd.Services().Len(); i++ {
// Type is an interface satisfied by protoreflect.EnumType,
// protoreflect.MessageType, or protoreflect.ExtensionType.
type Type interface {
GoType() reflect.Type
var (
_ Type = protoreflect.EnumType(nil)
_ Type = protoreflect.MessageType(nil)
_ Type = protoreflect.ExtensionType(nil)
// Types is a registry for looking up or iterating over descriptor types.
// The Find and Range methods are safe for concurrent use.
type Types struct {
// Parent sets the parent registry to consult if a find operation
// could not locate the appropriate entry.
// Setting a parent results in each Range operation also iterating over the
// entries contained within the parent. In such a case, it is possible for
// Range to emit duplicates (since they may exist in both child and parent).
// Range iteration is guaranteed to iterate over local entries before
// iterating over parent entries.
Parent *Types
// Resolver sets the local resolver to consult if the local registry does
// not contain an entry. The resolver takes precedence over the parent.
// The url is a URL where the full name of the type is the last segment
// of the path (i.e. string following the last '/' character).
// When missing a '/' character, the URL is the full name of the type.
// See documentation on the google.protobuf.Any.type_url field for details.
// If the resolver returns a result, it is not automatically registered
// into the local registry. Thus, a resolver function should cache results
// such that it deterministically returns the same result given the
// same URL assuming the error returned is nil or NotFound.
// If the resolver returns the NotFound error, the registry will consult the
// parent registry if it is set.
// Setting a resolver has no effect on the result of each Range operation.
Resolver func(url string) (Type, error)
// TODO: The syntax of the URL is ill-defined and the protobuf team recently
// changed the documented semantics in a way that breaks prior usages.
// I do not believe they can do this and need to sync up with the
// protobuf team again to hash out what the proper syntax of the URL is.
// TODO: Should we separate this out as a registry for each type?
// In Java, the extension and message registry are distinct classes.
// Their extension registry has knowledge of distinct Java types,
// while their message registry only contains descriptor information.
// In Go, we have always registered messages, enums, and extensions.
// Messages and extensions are registered with Go information, while enums
// are only registered with descriptor information. We cannot drop Go type
// information for messages otherwise we would be unable to implement
// portions of the v1 API such as ptypes.DynamicAny.
// There is no enum registry in Java. In v1, we used the enum registry
// because enum types provided no reflective methods. The addition of
// ProtoReflect removes that need.
typesByName typesByName
extensionsByMessage extensionsByMessage
type (
typesByName map[protoreflect.FullName]Type
extensionsByMessage map[protoreflect.FullName]extensionsByNumber
extensionsByNumber map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]protoreflect.ExtensionType
// NewTypes returns a registry initialized with the provided set of types.
// If there are conflicts, the first one takes precedence.
func NewTypes(typs ...Type) *Types {
// TODO: Allow setting resolver and parent via constructor?
r := new(Types)
r.Register(typs...) // ignore errors; first takes precedence
return r
// Register registers the provided list of descriptor types.
// If a registration conflict occurs for enum, message, or extension types
// (e.g., two different types have the same full name),
// then the first type takes precedence and an error is returned.
func (r *Types) Register(typs ...Type) error {
var firstErr error
for _, typ := range typs {
switch typ.(type) {
case protoreflect.EnumType, protoreflect.MessageType, protoreflect.ExtensionType:
// Check for conflicts in typesByName.
name := typ.FullName()
if r.typesByName[name] != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.New("%v %v is already registered", typeName(typ), name)
continue typeLoop
// Check for conflicts in extensionsByMessage.
if xt, _ := typ.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); xt != nil {
field := xt.Number()
message := xt.ExtendedType().FullName()
if r.extensionsByMessage[message][field] != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.New("extension %v is already registered on message %v", name, message)
continue typeLoop
// Update extensionsByMessage.
if r.extensionsByMessage == nil {
r.extensionsByMessage = make(extensionsByMessage)
if r.extensionsByMessage[message] == nil {
r.extensionsByMessage[message] = make(extensionsByNumber)
r.extensionsByMessage[message][field] = xt
// Update typesByName.
if r.typesByName == nil {
r.typesByName = make(typesByName)
r.typesByName[name] = typ
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = errors.New("invalid type: %v", typeName(typ))
return firstErr
// FindEnumByName looks up an enum by its full name.
// E.g., "google.protobuf.Field.Kind".
// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Types) FindEnumByName(enum protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.EnumType, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, NotFound
v, _ := r.typesByName[enum]
if v == nil && r.Resolver != nil {
var err error
v, err = r.Resolver(string(enum))
if err != nil && err != NotFound {
return nil, err
if v != nil {
if et, _ := v.(protoreflect.EnumType); et != nil {
return et, nil
return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want enum", typeName(v))
return r.Parent.FindEnumByName(enum)
// FindMessageByName looks up a message by its full name.
// E.g., "google.protobuf.Any"
// This return (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Types) FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
// The full name by itself is a valid URL.
return r.FindMessageByURL(string(message))
// FindMessageByURL looks up a message by a URL identifier.
// See Resolver for the format of the URL.
// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Types) FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, NotFound
message := protoreflect.FullName(url)
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(url, '/'); i >= 0 {
message = message[i+len("/"):]
v, _ := r.typesByName[message]
if v == nil && r.Resolver != nil {
var err error
v, err = r.Resolver(url)
if err != nil && err != NotFound {
return nil, err
if v != nil {
if mt, _ := v.(protoreflect.MessageType); mt != nil {
return mt, nil
return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message", typeName(v))
return r.Parent.FindMessageByURL(url)
// FindExtensionByName looks up a extension field by the field's full name.
// Note that this is the full name of the field as determined by
// where the extension is declared and is unrelated to the full name of the
// message being extended.
// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Types) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, NotFound
v, _ := r.typesByName[field]
if v == nil && r.Resolver != nil {
var err error
v, err = r.Resolver(string(field))
if err != nil && err != NotFound {
return nil, err
if v != nil {
if xt, _ := v.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); xt != nil {
return xt, nil
return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want extension", typeName(v))
return r.Parent.FindExtensionByName(field)
// FindExtensionByNumber looks up a extension field by the field number
// within some parent message, identified by full name.
// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found.
func (r *Types) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
if r == nil {
return nil, NotFound
if xt, ok := r.extensionsByMessage[message][field]; ok {
return xt, nil
return r.Parent.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field)
// RangeEnums iterates over all registered enums.
// Iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Types) RangeEnums(f func(protoreflect.EnumType) bool) {
if r == nil {
for _, typ := range r.typesByName {
if et, ok := typ.(protoreflect.EnumType); ok {
if !f(et) {
// RangeMessages iterates over all registered messages.
// Iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Types) RangeMessages(f func(protoreflect.MessageType) bool) {
if r == nil {
for _, typ := range r.typesByName {
if mt, ok := typ.(protoreflect.MessageType); ok {
if !f(mt) {
// RangeExtensions iterates over all registered extensions.
// Iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Types) RangeExtensions(f func(protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool) {
if r == nil {
for _, typ := range r.typesByName {
if xt, ok := typ.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); ok {
if !f(xt) {
// RangeExtensionsByMessage iterates over all registered extensions filtered
// by a given message type. Iteration order is undefined.
func (r *Types) RangeExtensionsByMessage(message protoreflect.FullName, f func(protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool) {
if r == nil {
for _, xt := range r.extensionsByMessage[message] {
if !f(xt) {
r.Parent.RangeExtensionsByMessage(message, f)
func (r *Types) globalCheck() {
if r == GlobalTypes && (r.Parent != nil || r.Resolver != nil) {
panic("GlobalTypes.Parent and GlobalTypes.Resolver cannot be set")
func typeName(t Type) string {
switch t.(type) {
case protoreflect.EnumType:
return "enum"
case protoreflect.MessageType:
return "message"
case protoreflect.ExtensionType:
return "extension"
return fmt.Sprintf("%T", t)