The marshaler, unmarshaler, and sizer functions are unused ever since
the underlying implementation was switched to be table-driven.
Change the function to only return the wrapper structs.
This change:
* enables generated protos to drop dependencies on certain proto types
* reduces the size of generated protos
* simplifies the implementation of oneofs in protoc-gen-go
Updates #708
Change-Id: I845c9009bc0236d1b51d34b014dc3e184303c0f2
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This is a straight translation of the v1 API gRPC "plugin" to protogen.
Add a protoc-gen-go-grpc command. The preferred way to generate gRPC
services is to invoke both plugins separately:
protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. foo.proto
When invoked in this fashion, the generators will produce separate
foo.pb.go and foo_grpc.pb.go files.
Change-Id: Ie180385dab3da7063db96f7c2f9de3abbd749f63
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>