Package protogen provides support for writing protoc plugins.
A "plugin" in this case is a program run by protoc to generate output.
The protoc-gen-go command is a protoc plugin to generate Go code.
cmd/protoc-gen-go/golden_test.go is mostly a straight copy from
the golden test in
Change-Id: I332d0df1e4b60bb8cd926320b8721e16b99a4b71
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
Package json provides a parser and serializer for the JSON format.
This focuses on the grammar of the format and is agnostic towards specific
semantics of protobuf types.
High-level API:
func Marshal(v Value, indent string) ([]byte, error)
func Unmarshal(b []byte) (Value, error)
type Type uint8
const Null Type ...
type Value struct{ ... }
func ValueOf(v interface{}) Value
func (v Value) Type() Type
func (v Value) Bool() bool
func (v Value) Number() float64
func (v Value) String() string
func (v Value) Array() []Value
func (v Value) Object() [][2]Value
func (v Value) Raw() []byte
Change-Id: I26422f6b3881ef1a11b8aa95160645b1384b27b8
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
Use module support in Go1.11 to download the exact version of dependencies
as specified in the go.mod file, this is contrary to "go get -u", which grabs
the latest version, making reproducible builds and tests difficult.
In order for Go1.9 and Go1.10 to work, we also emit a vendor directory for
pre-module support.
Lastly, check whether the go.mod or go.sum files changed
(by shelling to "git diff"). This provides protection in case
a new dependency was added and the go.mod file was not updated.
Change-Id: Iac4e9b224ca9188dc9e63be720f188bfb5ee56ef
Reviewed-by: Bryan C. Mills <>