This updates all generated code to match the contents of the latest
v24.0-rc2 release candidate of Protobuf. This provides access to the
various new fields and types defined in google/protobuf/descriptor.proto.
Change-Id: I8ec56b308dd7eed52fb9b17b258a45d0669c47ff
Reviewed-by: Lasse Folger <>
Reviewed-by: Michael Stapelberg <>
Update to a protobuf version that contains a fix for
(macOS build error).
Set "CC=clang" when building the protobuf repo on macOS,
which fixes build errors on my machine (macOS 13.3.1, M1).
Change-Id: Id8abb054479454b7ccbded5a6fa4d74f3d3c236d
Run-TryBot: Damien Neil <>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Tsai <>
Reviewed-by: Lasse Folger <>
This updates all generated code to match the contents of the latest
v22.0 release of Protobuf.
This involved a couple of changes to the script that does the sync'ing:
1. The new Protobuf version no longer includes autoconf configuration
and instead requires using bazel to build things.
2. The new Protobuf release does not have an artifact named
"protobuf-all-${VERSION}.tar.gz", but the one named
"protobuf-${VERSION}.tar.gz" has all of the sources and was
sufficient for the regenerate.bash script to complete.
This change does NOT regenerate the protos related to benchmarks.
The Protobuf repo no longer includes benchmarks. The CL removing them
says they are superceded by google/fleetbench:
But that project's proto benchmark files are very different:
So I commented out those steps in the generation code since the benchmarks
will need some work to reconcile with fleetbench.
This code adds known failing tests for conformance. New test cases were
added in, but the
Go protojson package does not behave according to the new tests. There
is an existing issue in GitHub about this:
Change-Id: Iad796ec7889bc2a74b58db5224facf850cd1a1cd
Reviewed-by: Michael Stapelberg <>
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
I updated the protoc version to 21.5 and ran regenerate.bash.
This updates the various *.pb.go files to use the sources from
the latest protobuf release. In particular, this updates the
descriptorpb, so it includes some changes to descriptor.proto
in the past year and a half since this was last re-generated.
The change also pulled over several other generated changes.
Change-Id: Icd9c4e5d47ba85e1f4bae1d0a025f8dec15a3014
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Reviewed-by: Lasse Folger <>
The Go generator has historically always prefixed an enum value
with the name of the enum type, when it was unnecessary to do so.
For example:
enum Status {
would be generated as:
type Status int32
const (
Status_STATUS_FAILED Status = 0
Status_STATUS_PASSED Status = 1
It is common for the enum values to be manually prefixed by the
enum type since protobuf enums use C++ namespace rules where
enum types and enum values are in the same namespace scope.
Thus, having the Go generator add a prefix is redundant.
Some custom Go generators like protoc-gen-gogo allow removing
the prefix with the gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix feature.
However, this leads to interoperability issues between
protoc-gen-go and protoc-gen-gogo, where the enum value names
cannot be accurately inferred.
Avoid this problem by just hard-coding the enum value number
for values declared in other packages. This provides benefits
in interoperability at the small cost of enum values possibly
being stale if their value were ever changed in a remote package.
However, this would only occur with use of proto2 enums and
default values, which seems to be an exceptionally rare situation.
Default_MyMessage_MyField = remotepb.FooEnum_FOO_ENUM
Default_MyMessage_MyField = remotepb.FooEnum(4) // remotepb.FooEnum_FOO_ENUM
func (x *MyMessage) GetField() remotepb.FooEnum {
return remotepb.FooEnum_FOO_ZERO
func (x *MyMessage) GetField() remotepb.FooEnum {
return remotepb.FooEnum(0) // always 0 for proto3 and often 0 for proto2
Change-Id: I3a06cd553f2eaf6124666f6c36c196d500d35718
Trust: Joe Tsai <>
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This updates the dependency on the protobuf toolchain to an unreleased
version that has the go_package option for relevant .proto files in
that repository to reference this module.
Change-Id: Ie1ac8f81a323285efbd14a17d02c7105e810af2d
Trust: Joe Tsai <>
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Trivial adjustments to error handling to reduce differences between
the generated helpers and the legacy ptypes package.
Change-Id: Ib3022eb50d9a9c0906b7809fe7e8011ee9399b0a
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Many usages of the legacy ptypes.Timestamp and ptypes.Duration rely
on the functions implicitly returning an error for a nil message.
In order to migrate previous usages of the ptypes constructors to
the new API, we modify CheckValid to preserve similar semantics.
There is some consistency with this change in that:
(*M)(nil).IsValid() == (*M)(nil).ProtoReflect().IsValid()
where M is Duration, Timestamp, and FieldMask.
Change-Id: I05ae152511f9875ea034e78aefb7aab18d17a318
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
While the MarshalFrom method and function are more flexible since
it permits the reuse of an existing Any, the most common use case
by far is to construct a new Any. Optimize for that use case
by providing a constructor that directly returns a new Any instance.
We do not provide a variant that accepts a MarshalOptions since
the more flexible MarshalFrom function can be used for that.
Change-Id: Iab0219229c7d3aaa7390a2340a4f248002995293
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Add checks so that MarshalFrom and UnmarshalTo consistently matches
the behavior of the proto package with regard to nil messages.
In particular, using a nil message as the destination results in
a panic (which is already the current behavior), while using a
nil message as the source does not panic (it is usually treated as
an untyped empty message). Since an untyped message has no
sensible meaning in the context of Any, return an error.
Change-Id: I99e86c2cdfbd8be57cc039efd550458dc56aadbc
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This CL introduces generation of specialized APIs directly into the
generated packages for certain well-known types. This follows the pattern
set forth by the other language implementations that have specialized
generated support for certain well-known types.
Overview of new API:
package anypb
func MarshalFrom(*Any, proto.Message, proto.MarshalOptions) error
func UnmarshalTo(*Any, proto.Message, proto.UnmarshalOptions) error
func UnmarshalNew(*Any, proto.UnmarshalOptions) (proto.Message, error)
func (*Any) MessageIs(proto.Message) bool
func (*Any) MessageName() protoreflect.FullName
func (*Any) MarshalFrom(proto.Message) error
func (*Any) UnmarshalTo(proto.Message) error
func (*Any) UnmarshalNew() (proto.Message, error)
package timestamppb
func Now() *Timestamp
func New(time.Time) *Timestamp
func (*Timestamp) AsTime() time.Time
func (*Timestamp) IsValid() bool
func (*Timestamp) CheckValid() error
package durationpb
func New(time.Duration) *Duration
func (*Duration) AsDuration() time.Duration
func (*Duration) IsValid() bool
func (*Duration) CheckValid() error
package structpb
func NewStruct(map[string]interface{}) (*Struct, error)
func (*Struct) AsMap() map[string]interface{}
func (*Struct) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Struct) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
func NewList([]interface{}) (*ListValue, error)
func (*ListValue) AsSlice() []interface{}
func (*ListValue) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ListValue) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
func NewValue(interface{}) (*Value, error)
func NewNullValue() *Value
func NewBoolValue(bool) *Value
func NewNumberValue(float64) *Value
func NewStringValue(string) *Value
func NewStructValue(*Struct) *Value
func NewListValue(*ListValue) *Value
func (*Value) AsInterface() interface{}
func (*Value) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*Value) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
package fieldmaskpb
func New(proto.Message, ...string) (*FieldMask, error)
func Union(*FieldMask, *FieldMask, ...*FieldMask) *FieldMask
func Intersect(*FieldMask, *FieldMask, ...*FieldMask) *FieldMask
func (*FieldMask) IsValid(proto.Message) bool
func (*FieldMask) Append(proto.Message, ...string) error
func (*FieldMask) Normalize()
package wrapperspb
func Bool(bool) *BoolValue
func Int32(int32) *Int32Value
func Int64(int64) *Int64Value
func UInt32(uint32) *UInt32Value
func UInt64(uint64) *UInt64Value
func Float(float32) *FloatValue
func Double(float64) *DoubleValue
func String(string) *StringValue
func Bytes([]byte) *BytesValue
This functionality expands upon and supersedes the
older package,
which provided helpers for Any, Timestamp, and Duration.
Comparison with older ptypes package:
* ptypes.AnyMessageName is replaced by anypb.Any.MessageName.
The former returned an error for malformed type URLs,
while the latter simply returns an empty string.
* ptypes.Is is replaced by anypb.Any.MessageIs.
* ptypes.Empty has no direct replacement as it is equivalent to:
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(any.GetTypeUrl())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return mt.New().Interface(), nil
Analysis of user code revealed that this function is seldom used.
* ptypes.MarshalAny is replaced by anypb.Any.MarshalFrom.
The former creates a new Any message and returns it,
while the latter is a method that modifies the receiver.
* ptypes.UnmarshalAny is replaced by anypb.Any.UnmarshalTo.
* ptypes.DynamicAny is loosely replaced by anypb.Any.UnmarshalNew.
The DynamicAny type is a custom proto.Message that is special
to ptypes.UnmarshalAny where it would allocate a new message
and store it into the DynamicAny instance. The UnmarshalNew method
accomplishes the equivalent functionality in a more direct fashion.
* ptypes.TimestampNow is replaced by timestamppb.Now.
* ptypes.TimestampProto is replaced by timestamppb.New.
The former returned an error if the timestamp was outside the
10000-year range recommended by timestamp.proto,
while the latter always succeeded. To preserve the behavior of
the former validation check, the replacement can additionally
call the timestamppb.Timestamp.CheckValid method.
* ptypes.Timestamp is replaced by timestamppb.Timestamp.AsTime.
The former returned an error if the timestamp was outside the
10000-year range recommended by timestamp.proto,
while the latter always succeeded. To preserve the behavior of
the former validation check, the replacement can additionally
call the timestamppb.Timestamp.CheckValid method.
* ptypes.TimestampString has no direct replacement as it is equivalent to:
* ptypes.DurationProto is replaced by durationpb.New.
* ptypes.Duration is replaced by durationpb.Duration.AsDuration.
The former returned an error if the duration would overflow
when converting to a time.Duration, while the latter uses
saturation arithmetic (similiar to the time package itself).
Underflow resulted in time.Duration(math.MinInt64), while
overflow resulted in time.Duration(math.MaxInt64).
To preserve the behavior of former validation checks,
the replacement can call the durationpb.Duration.CheckValid method
and check whether the duration is fixed to one of the overflow values.
Change-Id: Ia996b1037a1fcafced7c7e10e9408ef7fa22863a
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This is step 2 of 6 in a multi-stage migration
to move the well-known types
from the module
to the module.
The generated Go packages for field_mask.proto, api.proto,
type.proto, and source_context.proto are being moved over
to this module alongside all the other well-known types.
In order to move these types between two modules,
there needs to be a sequence of changes submitted in
decently rapid succession. It is impossible to atomically
make these changes, so a brief breakage is inevitable.
The steps are as follows:
Step 1: Submit a change to
to avoid generating the well-known types. Otherwise, the tool
will undo the changes made in step 3.
Step 2: Submit a change to that
adds the generated well-known types being migrated to that module.
In order to prevent the situation where a user links in
too old a version of the genproto module such that
duplicate registration occurs for the well-known types,
the registry is specially modified to provide an error
message that instructs users to upgrade the genproto module.
Step 3: Submit a change to that
switches all generated well-known types to be aliases to the
ones declared in from the previous step.
This will cause the genproto module to incur an dependency
on an unreleased version of the protobuf module.
Step 4: Submit a change to that
adds a weak module depdency on the genproto module at the
revision from the previous step.
Step 5: Release
Step 6: Submit a change to that
updates the protobuf module dependency to v1.24.0.
Change-Id: I36a19049d2240b67a37dfad20e154505aee7c784
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This fixes the conformance test failures which occur because the
conformance protos have not been regenerated.
The generator script has been modified with a sanity check that
files do not exist outside the expected sub-tree.
Change-Id: I473efec4a016f6bc96ddf7e20d54bcf5ff9b55fe
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Remove the generated proto packages that already exist in We want to eventually move these
packages here, but it doesn't need to happen yet.
Add a local copy of fieldmaskpb for use in tests.
Refactor proto generation to override import paths using the
M<source>=<import_path> compiler option instead of by patching the
source files.
Change-Id: I8d31f67e931d70140182f19f3e0106111f71c4b4
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
The MessageInfo cache, once set, must not be cleared, otherwise
there exists a *messageState value where the MessageInfo value is nil.
Fix the generation of the Reset method to avoid clearing this value.
Change-Id: Ic84ca8b2640a43e967c36993da1ccd3f2b7096c4
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
A conformance test has been added for the text format.
Update our conformance runner to handle that format and
update with the list of current failures.
Change-Id: I36a271fcfbe328c4ee8c870caff4661659ad27ef
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
Generate the current index into depIdxs for easier human debugging.
Change-Id: Ida42aa95137b2044a4dc267c31cebec5023bdfb1
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
Drop the dependency from generated files on prototype.Enum: Generated
code should only depend on runtime/proto{iface,impl}.
Drop the Enums, Messages, and Extensions returns form
filetype.Builder.Build. Of these, only Enums was used by generated code.
Change the generated init function to pass the builder a slice of values
to fill in (as is done for messages and extensions).
Remove the filetype dependency on prototype in preparation for
eventually dropping the prototype package entirely.
Change-Id: I28a3420f5dfcc13fed531a64ef07b9afddfd9d55
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
In order for protoc-gen-go to output the current version,
it needs to know what version it is currently running as.
However, we cannot rely on the git tags since the tags are not
made until *after* the commit has been submitted.
Instead, we manually encode the version into the code and
make sure that git tags match up with the version in the code.
The version.go file in runtime/protoimpl contains instructions
for how to make a release. Essentially:
* Every non-release commit has a version string with "devel" in it.
* Every release commit must not have "devel" in it and must be unique.
* The "release process" involves submitting two CLs.
The first CL creates a version string without "devel",
which is the commit that a git tag will actually reference.
The second CL follows immediately and re-introduces "devel"
into the version string.
The following example shows a possible sequence of VersionStrings
for git commits in time-ascending order:
v1.19.0-devel (this CL)
v1.20.0-rc.1 <- tagged
v1.20.0-rc.2 <- tagged
v1.20.0 <- tagged (future public release)
v1.20.1 <- tagged
v1.21.0 <- tagged
Note that we start today with v1.19.0-devel, which means that our initial
release will be v1.20.0. This number was intentionally chosen since
1) the number 20 has some correlation to the fact that we keep calling
the new implementation the "v2" implementation, and
2) the set of tagged versions for
and are unlikely to ever overlap.
This way, the version of protoc-gen-go is never ambiguous which module
it was built from.
Now that we have version information, we add support for generating .pb.go
files with the version information recorded. However, we do not emit
these for .pb.go files in our own repository since they are always guaranteed
to be at the right version (enforced by integration_test.go).
Updates golang/protobuf#524
Change-Id: I25495a45042c2aa39a39cb7e7738ae8e831a9d26
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
The following improvements were made:
* All standalone comments above the "syntax" marker are preserved
similar to Java and some other generators.
* All standalone comments above the "package" marker are preserved
to be consistent with our former behavior.
* Leading comments are now generated for enums and extension fields.
* Single-line trailing comments are now generated for
enum values, message fields, and extension fields.
* The leading comments for each field that is part of a oneof are now
generated with the wrapper types rather than being shoved into the
comment for the oneof itself in an unreadable way.
* The deprecation marker is always generated as being above the declaration
rather than sometimes being an inlined comment.
* The deprecation marker is now properly generated for weak field setters.
Updates golang/protobuf#666
Change-Id: I7fd832dd4f86d15bfff70d7c22c6ba4934c05fcf
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Since the enum maps are here to stay, group the declarations together
in a var block for better readability in godoc.
Change-Id: I9a313266539e9a60781f98b80a5293379f82607b
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
These were originally kept separate to assist Google-internal patches,
but it turns out that Google-internal patches do not use the
genMessageInternalFields function.
Change-Id: Idfa962b943d3bede9982b5b0875ba90c86c6d181
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
The v2 implementation strictly enforces that there are no conflicts at
all in the protobuf namespace unlike the prior v1 implementation.
This change is almost certainly going to cause loud failures for users
that were unknowingly tolerating registration conflicts.
We modify internal/filedesc to be able to record the Go package path
that the file descriptor is declared within. This information is used
by reflect/protoregistry to print both the previous Go package that
registered some declaration, and current Go package that is attempting
to register some declaration.
Change-Id: Ib5eb21c1c98495afc51aa08bd4404bd9d64b5b57
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
CL/174938 removed these methods in favor of a method that returned
only the descriptors. This CL adds back in the Type methods alongside
the Descriptor methods.
In a vast majority of protobuf usages, only the descriptor information
is needed. However, there is a small percentage that legitimately needs
the Go type information. We should provide both, but document that the
descriptor-only information is preferred.
Change-Id: Ia0a098997fb1bd009994940ae8ea5257ccd87cae
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
We define MessageState, which is essentially an atomically set *MessageInfo.
By nesting this as the first field in every generated message, we can
implement the reflective methods on a *MessageState when obtained by
unsafe casting a concrete message pointer as a *MessageState.
The MessageInfo held by MessageState provides additional Go type information
to interpret the memory that comes after the contents of the MessageState.
Since we are nesting a MessageState in every message,
the memory use of every message instance grows by 8B.
On average, the body of ProtoReflect grows from 133B to 202B (+50%).
However, this is offset by XXX_Methods, which is 108B and
will be removed in a future CL. Taking into account the eventual removal
of XXX_Methods, this is a net reduction of 25%.
name old time/op new time/op delta
Name/Value-4 70.3ns ± 2% 17.5ns ± 6% -75.08% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Name/Nil-4 70.6ns ± 3% 33.4ns ± 2% -52.66% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
Name/Value-4 16.0B ± 0% 0.0B -100.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Name/Nil-4 16.0B ± 0% 0.0B -100.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
name old allocs/op new allocs/op delta
Name/Value-4 1.00 ± 0% 0.00 -100.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Name/Nil-4 1.00 ± 0% 0.00 -100.00% (p=0.000 n=10+10)
Change-Id: I92bd58dc681c57c92612fd5ba7fc066aea34e95a
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
The logic for this will be removed entirely in a future CL.
Change-Id: I3a20fb2a207fc5bedc550b3f6deeab7f63eaa2c4
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
We modify protoc-gen-go to stop generating exported XXX fields.
The unsafe implementation is unaffected by this change since unsafe
can access fields regardless of visibility. However, for the purego
implementation, we need to respect Go visibility rules as enforced
by the reflect package.
We work around this by generating a exporter function that given
a reference to the message and the field to export, returns a reference
to the unexported field value. This exporter function is protected by
a constant such that it is not linked into the final binary in non-purego
build environment.
Updates golang/protobuf#276
Change-Id: Idf5c1f158973fa1c61187ff41440acb21c5dac94
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Associate the oneof wrapper types with a message by conveying that
information to the associated MessageInfo.
Change-Id: Iabfca593850e1d6a89498a37eacbf22dbb73bd20
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
If we were starting from scratch, we would not have added the enum maps.
However, they already exist and see a fair amount of usage.
The effort to remove them is not worth it. Thus, remove the deprecation
warning since they are here to stay.
Note that the generated code does not refer to the generated enum maps.
One day, the linker should be able to elide them if unused by the user.
However, would need to be resolved first.
Change-Id: Ia8b9b1812b5d8462ca2fa1d543170e4a09ff9e4f
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
The internal/fileinit package is split apart into two packages:
* internal/filedesc constructs descriptors from the raw proto.
It is very similar to the previous internal/fileinit package.
* internal/filetype wraps descriptors with Go type information
* The internal/fileinit package will be deleted in a future CL.
It is kept around since the v1 repo currently depends on it.
* The internal/prototype package is deleted. All former usages of it
are now using internal/filedesc instead. Most significantly,
the reflect/protodesc package was almost entirely re-written.
* The internal/impl package drops support for messages that do not
have a Descriptor method (pre-2016). This removes a significant amount
of technical debt.
filedesc.Builder to parse raw descriptors.
* The internal/encoding/defval package now handles enum values by name.
Change-Id: I3957bcc8588a70470fd6c7de1122216b80615ab7
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
This is a breaking change in light of new methods added in CL/174918.
This removes:
Enum.Type: replacement is Descriptor
Message.Type: replacement is Descriptor and New
Change-Id: Iaa5328795407c8401ef14ed038bd5ace19d8e03b
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Generate the needed infrastructure to ensure that we can statically
enforce minimum and maximum versions. This enables us to have a policy
when we release v2 where it fails to build for:
* new generated code with really old runtimes
* new runtimes with really old generated code
Change-Id: Ib699ad62c06dff8f9285806394a741c18db00288
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
The name MessageType is easily confused with protoreflect.MessageType.
Rename it as MessageInfo, which follows the pattern set by v1,
where the equivalent data structure is called InternalMessageInfo.
Change-Id: I535956e1f7c6e9b07e9585e889d5e93388d0d2ce
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
A proto2 message can reference a proto3 enum. It is currently cumbersome
to set proto3 enums in proto2 messages. Add the Enum method in all situations
to support this situation. It also removes yet another point of divergence
between proto2 and proto3.
We could consider removing this method if Go ever gets generics,
but that hypothetical future is long ways away.
Change-Id: Ib83bc87e46b49f3271b90bacb2893bb8e278e4f2
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
CL/177623 updates v1 to not depend on the previous import paths.
Change-Id: I46a61b8f8fa136c9c1fe367ff311732ba8841279
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Rename each generated protobuf package such that the base of the
Go package path is always equal to the Go package name to follow
proper Go package naming conventions.
The Go package name is derived from the .proto source file name by
replacing ".proto" with "pb" and stripping all underscores.
Change-Id: Iea05d1b5d94b1b2821ae10276ab771bb2df93c0e
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Temporarily remove go.mod, since we can't generate an accurate one until
the corresponding v1 change is submitted.
Change-Id: I1e1ad97f2b455e33f61ffaeb8676289795e47e72
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
Added methods:
All functionality is switched over to use those methods instead of
implicitly relying on the fact that {Enum,Message}Type implicitly
implement the associated descriptor interface.
This CL does not yet remove {Enum,Message}.Type or prevent
{Enum,Message,Extension}Type from implementating a descriptor.
That is a subsequent CL.
The Message.New method is also added to replace functionality
that will be lost when the Type methods are removed.
Change-Id: I7fefde1673bbd40bfdac489aca05cec9a6c98eb1
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
Using a named fields gives us the flexibility to change the underlying
representation of special fields without needing to regenerate user code.
We add a named type for ExtensionFields, UnknownFields, and SizeCache.
Change-Id: I107cf82899850ea76665310ce79def60f0f7ab97
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Lower-casing the FileDescriptor variable provides for shorter and
more readable global variable names. This has a very minor benefit
that the read-only data section of a binary is slightly smaller
since function names do end up in the final binary.
Change-Id: I077364905e5c9adea69873b3ea580fddc68b9eb8
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>
Seperate out the generation of the oneof wrapper types from the
code block that is about getter methods.
Change-Id: Ief44ef953d0b5ad8c998a8542c830ca70468a3bf
Reviewed-by: Damien Neil <>
Allow message implementations to provide optimized versions of standard
operations. Generated messages now include a ProtoReflectMethods method,
returning a protoiface.Methods struct containing pointers to assorted
optional functions.
The Methods struct also includes a Flags field indicating support for
optional features such as deterministic marshaling.
Implementation of the fast paths (and tests) will come in later CLs.
Change-Id: Idd1beed0ecf43ec5e5e7b8da2ee1e08d3ce32213
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <>
Minor changes:
* Use x as the receiver since "e" and "m" are meaningless in the presence
of user-defined enum and message names.
* Consistently keep enum methods together, rather awkwardly split apart
by the value maps.
Change-Id: I68e5666efb56ac7a4d062fb223b9f826dc72aba9
Reviewed-by: Herbie Ong <>