2018-10-18 18:06:29 +00:00
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package impl
import (
descriptorV1 "github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go/descriptor"
2018-11-10 22:12:21 +00:00
pvalue "github.com/golang/protobuf/v2/internal/value"
2018-10-18 18:06:29 +00:00
pref "github.com/golang/protobuf/v2/reflect/protoreflect"
ptype "github.com/golang/protobuf/v2/reflect/prototype"
2018-11-10 22:12:21 +00:00
var enumTypeCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.EnumType
// wrapLegacyEnum wraps v as a protoreflect.ProtoEnum,
// where v must be an int32 kind and not implement the v2 API already.
func wrapLegacyEnum(v reflect.Value) pref.ProtoEnum {
// Fast-path: check if a EnumType is cached for this concrete type.
if et, ok := enumTypeCache.Load(v.Type()); ok {
return et.(pref.EnumType).New(pref.EnumNumber(v.Int()))
// Slow-path: derive enum descriptor and initialize EnumType.
var m sync.Map // map[protoreflect.EnumNumber]proto.Enum
ed := loadEnumDesc(v.Type())
et := ptype.GoEnum(ed, func(et pref.EnumType, n pref.EnumNumber) pref.ProtoEnum {
if e, ok := m.Load(n); ok {
return e.(pref.ProtoEnum)
e := &legacyEnumWrapper{num: n, pbTyp: et, goTyp: v.Type()}
m.Store(n, e)
return e
enumTypeCache.Store(v.Type(), et)
return et.(pref.EnumType).New(pref.EnumNumber(v.Int()))
type legacyEnumWrapper struct {
num pref.EnumNumber
pbTyp pref.EnumType
goTyp reflect.Type
func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Number() pref.EnumNumber {
return e.num
func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Type() pref.EnumType {
return e.pbTyp
func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) ProtoReflect() pref.Enum {
return e
func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Unwrap() interface{} {
v := reflect.New(e.goTyp).Elem()
return v.Interface()
var (
_ pref.Enum = (*legacyEnumWrapper)(nil)
_ pref.ProtoEnum = (*legacyEnumWrapper)(nil)
_ pvalue.Unwrapper = (*legacyEnumWrapper)(nil)
2018-10-18 18:06:29 +00:00
var enumDescCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.EnumDescriptor
// loadEnumDesc returns an EnumDescriptor derived from the Go type,
// which must be an int32 kind and not implement the v2 API already.
func loadEnumDesc(t reflect.Type) pref.EnumDescriptor {
// Fast-path: check if an EnumDescriptor is cached for this concrete type.
if v, ok := enumDescCache.Load(t); ok {
return v.(pref.EnumDescriptor)
// Slow-path: initialize EnumDescriptor from the proto descriptor.
2018-11-10 22:12:21 +00:00
if t.Kind() != reflect.Int32 || t.PkgPath() == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("got %v, want named int32 kind", t))
2018-10-18 18:06:29 +00:00
// Derive the enum descriptor from the raw descriptor proto.
e := new(ptype.StandaloneEnum)
ev := reflect.Zero(t).Interface()
if _, ok := ev.(pref.ProtoEnum); ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Enum", t))
if ed, ok := ev.(legacyEnum); ok {
b, idxs := ed.EnumDescriptor()
fd := loadFileDesc(b)
// Derive syntax.
switch fd.GetSyntax() {
case "proto2", "":
e.Syntax = pref.Proto2
case "proto3":
e.Syntax = pref.Proto3
// Derive the full name and correct enum descriptor.
var ed *descriptorV1.EnumDescriptorProto
e.FullName = pref.FullName(fd.GetPackage())
if len(idxs) == 1 {
ed = fd.EnumType[idxs[0]]
e.FullName = e.FullName.Append(pref.Name(ed.GetName()))
} else {
md := fd.MessageType[idxs[0]]
e.FullName = e.FullName.Append(pref.Name(md.GetName()))
for _, i := range idxs[1 : len(idxs)-1] {
md = md.NestedType[i]
e.FullName = e.FullName.Append(pref.Name(md.GetName()))
ed = md.EnumType[idxs[len(idxs)-1]]
e.FullName = e.FullName.Append(pref.Name(ed.GetName()))
// Derive the enum values.
for _, vd := range ed.GetValue() {
e.Values = append(e.Values, ptype.EnumValue{
Name: pref.Name(vd.GetName()),
Number: pref.EnumNumber(vd.GetNumber()),
} else {
// If the type does not implement legacyEnum, then there is no reliable
// way to derive the original protobuf type information.
// We are unable to use the global enum registry since it is
// unfortunately keyed by the full name, which we do not know.
// Furthermore, some generated enums register with a fork of
// golang/protobuf so the enum may not even be found in the registry.
// Instead, create a bogus enum descriptor to ensure that
// most operations continue to work. For example, textpb and jsonpb
// will be unable to parse a message with an enum value by name.
e.Syntax = pref.Proto2
e.FullName = deriveFullName(t)
e.Values = []ptype.EnumValue{{Name: "INVALID", Number: math.MinInt32}}
ed, err := ptype.NewEnum(e)
if err != nil {
enumDescCache.Store(t, ed)
return ed