revert changes to when -nostartfiles is specified in link for 1.5.1 as it can cause link errors with C++; see #1368

This commit is contained in:
graham sanderson 2023-06-13 17:25:13 -05:00
parent 8ecc5ababa
commit 6a7db34ff6

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@ -74,11 +74,9 @@ if (NOT TARGET pico_standard_link)
target_compile_definitions(pico_standard_link INTERFACE PICO_DEOPTIMIZED_DEBUG=1) target_compile_definitions(pico_standard_link INTERFACE PICO_DEOPTIMIZED_DEBUG=1)
endif() endif()
# -nostartfiles will be added if not using C++ exceptions (which is the only thing that seems to need it) # this (arguably wrong) code is restored for 1.5.1 as setting -nostartfiles on many C++ binaries causes link errors. see issue #1368
if (PICO_C_COMPILER_IS_GNU AND NOT PICO_CXX_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) # -nostartfiles will be added if PICO_NO_FLASH would be defined to 1
# target_link_options(pico_standard_link INTERFACE $<$<IF:$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:PICO_TARGET_BINARY_TYPE>,no_flash>,1,$<AND:$<BOOL:${PICO_NO_FLASH}>,$<STREQUAL:,$<TARGET_PROPERTY:PICO_TARGET_BINARY_TYPE>>>>:-nostartfiles>) target_link_options(pico_standard_link INTERFACE $<$<IF:$<STREQUAL:$<TARGET_PROPERTY:PICO_TARGET_BINARY_TYPE>,no_flash>,1,$<AND:$<BOOL:${PICO_NO_FLASH}>,$<STREQUAL:,$<TARGET_PROPERTY:PICO_TARGET_BINARY_TYPE>>>>:-nostartfiles>)
target_link_options(pico_standard_link INTERFACE -nostartfiles)
# boot_stage2 will be linked if PICO_NO_FLASH would be defined to 0 # boot_stage2 will be linked if PICO_NO_FLASH would be defined to 0