{ lib, androidenv, buildPackages, pkgs, targetPackages }: { "18b" = let ndkVersion = "18.1.5063045"; buildAndroidComposition = buildPackages.buildPackages.androidenv.composeAndroidPackages { includeNDK = true; inherit ndkVersion; }; androidComposition = androidenv.composeAndroidPackages { includeNDK = true; inherit ndkVersion; }; in import ./androidndk-pkgs.nix { inherit lib; inherit (buildPackages) makeWrapper python autoPatchelfHook; inherit (pkgs) stdenv runCommand wrapBintoolsWith wrapCCWith; # buildPackages.foo rather than buildPackages.buildPackages.foo would work, # but for splicing messing up on infinite recursion for the variants we # *dont't* use. Using this workaround, but also making a test to ensure # these two really are the same. buildAndroidndk = buildAndroidComposition.ndk-bundle; androidndk = androidComposition.ndk-bundle; targetAndroidndkPkgs = targetPackages.androidndkPkgs_18b; }; "21" = let ndkVersion = "21.0.6113669"; buildAndroidComposition = buildPackages.buildPackages.androidenv.composeAndroidPackages { includeNDK = true; inherit ndkVersion; }; androidComposition = androidenv.composeAndroidPackages { includeNDK = true; inherit ndkVersion; }; in import ./androidndk-pkgs.nix { inherit lib; inherit (buildPackages) makeWrapper python autoPatchelfHook; inherit (pkgs) stdenv runCommand wrapBintoolsWith wrapCCWith; # buildPackages.foo rather than buildPackages.buildPackages.foo would work, # but for splicing messing up on infinite recursion for the variants we # *dont't* use. Using this workaround, but also making a test to ensure # these two really are the same. buildAndroidndk = buildAndroidComposition.ndk-bundle; androidndk = androidComposition.ndk-bundle; targetAndroidndkPkgs = targetPackages.androidndkPkgs_21; }; }