mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:18:36 +00:00
Refactored and added logging to SystemService to improve notification synchronization issues -- looks like we should debounce all updates to both the notification and the MediaSession or the internals can get confused.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package io.casey.musikcube.remote.service.system
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.app.*
import android.content.*
import android.graphics.Bitmap
@ -37,6 +38,10 @@ import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.util.Size
import io.casey.musikcube.remote.util.Debouncer
import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat.Action as NotifAction
import io.casey.musikcube.remote.ui.shared.util.AlbumArtLookup.getUrl as getAlbumArtUrl
import android.app.NotificationManager
private fun log(format: String, vararg params: Any?) =
Log.d("musikdroid.Service", String.format(format, *params))
* a service used to interact with all of the system media-related components -- notifications,
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
private val sessionData = SessionMetadata()
override fun onCreate() {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate")
state = State.Sleeping
@ -93,7 +98,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
override fun onDestroy() {
Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy")
state = State.Dead
@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int {
Log.d(TAG, "onStartCommand")
if (intent != null && intent.action != null) {
when (intent.action) {
@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
override fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder? = null
private fun wakeupNow() {
Log.d(TAG, "SystemService WAKE_UP")
log("SystemService WAKE_UP")
val sleeping = playback == null || wakeLock == null
@ -141,13 +146,13 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
state = State.Active
private fun shutdownNow() {
Log.d(TAG, "SystemService SHUT_DOWN")
log("SystemService SHUT_DOWN")
@ -160,12 +165,13 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
private fun sleepNow() {
Log.d(TAG, "SystemService SLEEP")
log("SystemService SLEEP")
state = State.Sleeping
private fun acquireWakeLock() {
if (wakeLock == null) {
wakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(
@ -189,12 +195,14 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
private fun checkInitMediaSession() {
log("checkInitMediaSession: isActive=${mediaSession?.isActive}")
if (mediaSession == null || mediaSession?.isActive != true) {
val receiver = ComponentName(
packageName, MediaButtonReceiver::class.java.name)
log("checkInitMediaSession: creating new session")
mediaSession = MediaSessionCompat(
this, SESSION_TAG, receiver, null)
.apply {
@ -205,6 +213,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
private fun deinitMediaSession() {
log("deinitMediaSession: destroying session")
mediaSession = null
@ -219,44 +228,15 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
catch (ex: Exception) {
Log.e(TAG, "unable to unregister headset (un)plugged BroadcastReceiver")
log("unregisterReceivers: unable to unregister headset (un)plugged BroadcastReceiver")
private fun updateMediaSessionPlaybackState() {
mediaSession?.let { session ->
var mediaSessionState = PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED
var duration = 0
var playing: ITrack? = null
playback?.let { pb ->
mediaSessionState = when (pb.state) {
PlaybackState.Playing -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_PLAYING
PlaybackState.Buffering -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_BUFFERING
/* HACK: if we return STATE_PAUSED, the playback controls will disappear
from the lock screen! wtf? we don't want that, so we return
STATE_BUFFERING instead, which seems to keep the play controls visible,
and also display the "PLAY" button like the user expects. sigh */
PlaybackState.Paused -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_BUFFERING
PlaybackState.Stopped -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED
playing = pb.playingTrack
duration = (pb.duration * 1000).toInt()
updateMediaSession(playing, duration)
updateNotification(playing, playback?.state ?: PlaybackState.Stopped)
.setState(mediaSessionState, 0, 0f)
private fun downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary(track: ITrack, duration: Int) {
if (!albumArt.same(track) || (albumArt.request == null && albumArt.bitmap == null)) {
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: detected different different track")
if (track.artist.isNotBlank() && track.album.isNotBlank()) {
Log.d(TAG, "downloading album art")
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: metadata available, attempting to download artwork")
val url = getAlbumArtUrl(track, Size.Mega)
@ -273,13 +253,18 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
/* make sure the instance's current request is the same as this request. it's
possible we had another download request come in before this one finished */
if (albumArt.request == request) {
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: artwork downloaded")
albumArt.bitmap = bitmap
albumArt.request = null
updateMediaSession(track, duration)
else {
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: artwork downloaded, but request does not match!")
override fun onLoadFailed(errorDrawable: Drawable?) {
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: artwork failed to download. albumArt.request=${albumArt.request}, request=$request")
if (albumArt.request == request) {
albumArt.request = null
@ -288,7 +273,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
else {
Log.d(TAG, "downloadAlbumArt already in flight")
log("downloadAlbumArtIfNecessary: downloadAlbumArt already in flight")
@ -301,18 +286,10 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
if (!sessionData.matches(track, currentImage)) {
log("updateMediaSession: stale data detected, updating")
sessionData.update(track, currentImage, duration)
/* some versions of the OS seem to have problems if we update the lockscreen
artwork more quickly than twice a second. this can happen if we just loaded
a new track but don't have artwork yet, but artwork comes back right away.
this debouncer ensures we wait at least half a second between updates */
private val mediaSessionDebouncer = object: Debouncer<Unit>(500) {
override fun onDebounced(last: Unit?) {
val track = sessionData.track
log("updateMediaSession: updating with title=${track?.title}, album=${track?.album}, artist=${track?.artist}")
.putString(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_ARTIST, track?.artist ?: "-")
.putString(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM, track?.album ?: "-")
@ -321,19 +298,74 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
.putBitmap(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_ALBUM_ART, sessionData.bitmap)
else {
log("updateMediaSession: data up to date, not updating")
/* Updating either MediaSession or the NotificationCompat.MediaStyle too quickly (or from different
threads) can spin it into a weird, unsynchronized state. Let's ensure we debounce updates to
these system-provided APIs. */
private val updateNotificationAndSessionDebouncer = object: Debouncer<Unit>(NOTIFICATION_DEBOUNCE_MS) {
override fun onDebounced(last: Unit?) {
mediaSession?.let { session ->
var mediaSessionState = PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED
var duration = 0
var playing: ITrack? = null
playback?.let { pb ->
mediaSessionState = when (pb.state) {
PlaybackState.Playing -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_PLAYING
PlaybackState.Buffering -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_BUFFERING
/* HACK: if we return STATE_PAUSED, the playback controls will disappear
from the lock screen! wtf? we don't want that, so we return
STATE_BUFFERING instead, which seems to keep the play controls visible,
and also display the "PLAY" button like the user expects. sigh */
PlaybackState.Paused -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_BUFFERING
PlaybackState.Stopped -> PlaybackStateCompat.STATE_STOPPED
playing = pb.playingTrack
duration = (pb.duration * 1000).toInt()
updateMediaSession(playing, duration)
updateNotification(playing, playback?.state ?: PlaybackState.Stopped)
.setState(mediaSessionState, 0, 0f)
private fun getPendingActivityIntentCompat(intent: Intent) =
PendingIntent.getActivity(applicationContext, 1, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE)
else {
PendingIntent.getActivity(applicationContext, 1, intent, 0)
private fun getPendingServiceIntentCompat(intent: Intent) =
PendingIntent.getService(applicationContext, 1, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE)
else {
PendingIntent.getService(applicationContext, 1, intent, 0)
private fun updateNotification(track: ITrack?, state: PlaybackState) {
val contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
val contentIntent = getPendingActivityIntentCompat(MainActivity.getStartIntent(this))
val title = fallback(track?.title, "-")
val artist = fallback(track?.artist, "-")
val album = fallback(track?.album, "-")
log("updateNotification: state=$state title=$title, album=$album, artist=$artist")
val notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL)
@ -385,15 +417,13 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification.build())
private fun action(icon: Int, title: String, intentAction: String): NotifAction {
val intent = Intent(applicationContext, SystemService::class.java)
intent.action = intentAction
val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(
applicationContext, 1, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_IMMUTABLE)
return NotifAction.Builder(icon, title, pendingIntent).build()
val intent = Intent(applicationContext, SystemService::class.java).apply { action = intentAction }
return NotifAction.Builder(icon, title, getPendingServiceIntentCompat(intent)).build()
private fun handlePlaybackAction(action: String?): Boolean {
@ -540,7 +570,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
if (playback?.state == PlaybackState.Playing) {
headsetDoublePauseHack = false
private val headsetUnpluggedReceiver = object : BroadcastReceiver() {
@ -572,6 +602,7 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
var track: ITrack? = null
fun reset(t: ITrack? = null) {
bitmap = null
request = null
target = null
@ -594,19 +625,28 @@ class SystemService : Service() {
fun matches(otherTrack: ITrack?, otherBitmap: Bitmap?): Boolean {
return (track != null && otherTrack != null) &&
log("updateMediaSession.matches(): " +
"track=$track, " +
"otherTrack=$otherTrack " +
"otherTrack.externalId=${otherTrack?.externalId} " +
"track.externalId=${track?.externalId} " +
"otherBitmap=$otherBitmap " +
val result = (track != null && otherTrack != null) &&
otherTrack.externalId == track?.externalId &&
bitmap === otherBitmap
log("updateMediaSession.matches(): result=$result")
return result
companion object {
private const val TAG = "SystemService"
private const val SESSION_TAG = "musikdroid.SystemService"
private const val NOTIFICATION_ID = 0xdeadbeef.toInt()
private const val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL = "musikdroid"
private const val HEADSET_HOOK_DEBOUNCE_MS = 500L
private const val NOTIFICATION_DEBOUNCE_MS = 750L
private const val ACTION_NOTIFICATION_PLAY = "io.casey.musikcube.remote.NOTIFICATION_PLAY"
private const val ACTION_NOTIFICATION_PAUSE = "io.casey.musikcube.remote.NOTIFICATION_PAUSE"
private const val ACTION_NOTIFICATION_NEXT = "io.casey.musikcube.remote.NOTIFICATION_NEXT"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user