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synced 2025-03-04 13:13:31 +00:00
Running the generation script with "include_crypto" input parameter set to 1 makes the mbedtls sources being overshadowed by crypto sources. In case of any duplicate sources, crypto ones take precedence.
230 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
230 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Generate main file, individual apps and solution files for MS Visual Studio
# 2010
# Must be run from mbedTLS root or scripts directory.
# Takes "include_crypto" as an argument that can be either 0 (don't include) or
# 1 (include). Off by default.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
my $vsx_dir = "visualc/VS2010";
my $vsx_ext = "vcxproj";
my $vsx_app_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-app-template.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_main_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-main-template.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_main_file = "$vsx_dir/mbedTLS.$vsx_ext";
my $vsx_sln_tpl_file = "scripts/data_files/vs2010-sln-template.sln";
my $vsx_sln_file = "$vsx_dir/mbedTLS.sln";
my $include_crypto = 0;
if( @ARGV ) {
die "Invalid number of arguments" if scalar @ARGV != 1;
($include_crypto) = @ARGV;
my $programs_dir = 'programs';
my $header_dir = 'include/mbedtls';
my $source_dir = 'library';
my $crypto_dir = 'crypto';
# Need windows line endings!
my $vsx_hdr_tpl = <<EOT;
<ClInclude Include="..\\..\\{NAME}" />\r
my $vsx_src_tpl = <<EOT;
<ClCompile Include="..\\..\\{NAME}" />\r
my $vsx_sln_app_entry_tpl = <<EOT;
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "{APPNAME}", "{APPNAME}.vcxproj", "{GUID}"\r
ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r
{46CF2D25-6A36-4189-B59C-E4815388E554} = {46CF2D25-6A36-4189-B59C-E4815388E554}\r
my $vsx_sln_conf_entry_tpl = <<EOT;
{GUID}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32\r
{GUID}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32\r
{GUID}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64\r
{GUID}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64\r
{GUID}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32\r
{GUID}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32\r
{GUID}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64\r
{GUID}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64\r
exit( main() );
sub check_dirs {
return -d $vsx_dir
&& -d $header_dir
&& -d $source_dir
&& -d $programs_dir;
sub slurp_file {
my ($filename) = @_;
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Could not read $filename\n";
my $content = <$fh>;
close $fh;
return $content;
sub content_to_file {
my ($content, $filename) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die "Could not write to $filename\n";
print $fh $content;
close $fh;
sub gen_app_guid {
my ($path) = @_;
my $guid = md5_hex( "mbedTLS:$path" );
$guid =~ s/(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12})/\U{$1-$2-$3-$4-$5}/;
return $guid;
sub gen_app {
my ($path, $template, $dir, $ext) = @_;
my $guid = gen_app_guid( $path );
$path =~ s!/!\\!g;
(my $appname = $path) =~ s/.*\\//;
my $srcs = "\n <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\programs\\$path.c\" \/>\r";
if( $appname eq "ssl_client2" or $appname eq "ssl_server2" or
$appname eq "query_compile_time_config" ) {
$srcs .= "\n <ClCompile Include=\"..\\..\\programs\\ssl\\query_config.c\" \/>\r";
my $content = $template;
$content =~ s/<SOURCES>/$srcs/g;
$content =~ s/<APPNAME>/$appname/g;
$content =~ s/<GUID>/$guid/g;
content_to_file( $content, "$dir/$appname.$ext" );
sub get_app_list {
my $app_list = `cd $programs_dir && make list`;
die "make list failed: $!\n" if $?;
return split /\s+/, $app_list;
sub gen_app_files {
my @app_list = @_;
my $vsx_tpl = slurp_file( $vsx_app_tpl_file );
for my $app ( @app_list ) {
gen_app( $app, $vsx_tpl, $vsx_dir, $vsx_ext );
sub gen_entry_list {
my ($tpl, @names) = @_;
my $entries;
for my $name (@names) {
(my $entry = $tpl) =~ s/{NAME}/$name/g;
$entries .= $entry;
return $entries;
sub gen_main_file {
my ($headers, $sources, $hdr_tpl, $src_tpl, $main_tpl, $main_out) = @_;
my $header_entries = gen_entry_list( $hdr_tpl, @$headers );
my $source_entries = gen_entry_list( $src_tpl, @$sources );
my $out = slurp_file( $main_tpl );
$out =~ s/SOURCE_ENTRIES\r\n/$source_entries/m;
$out =~ s/HEADER_ENTRIES\r\n/$header_entries/m;
content_to_file( $out, $main_out );
sub gen_vsx_solution {
my (@app_names) = @_;
my ($app_entries, $conf_entries);
for my $path (@app_names) {
my $guid = gen_app_guid( $path );
(my $appname = $path) =~ s!.*/!!;
my $app_entry = $vsx_sln_app_entry_tpl;
$app_entry =~ s/{APPNAME}/$appname/g;
$app_entry =~ s/{GUID}/$guid/g;
$app_entries .= $app_entry;
my $conf_entry = $vsx_sln_conf_entry_tpl;
$conf_entry =~ s/{GUID}/$guid/g;
$conf_entries .= $conf_entry;
my $out = slurp_file( $vsx_sln_tpl_file );
$out =~ s/APP_ENTRIES\r\n/$app_entries/m;
$out =~ s/CONF_ENTRIES\r\n/$conf_entries/m;
content_to_file( $out, $vsx_sln_file );
sub del_vsx_files {
unlink glob "'$vsx_dir/*.$vsx_ext'";
unlink $vsx_main_file;
unlink $vsx_sln_file;
sub main {
if( ! check_dirs() ) {
chdir '..' or die;
check_dirs or die "Must but run from mbedTLS root or scripts dir\n";
# Remove old files to ensure that, for example, project files from deleted
# apps are not kept
my @app_list = get_app_list();
my @headers = <$header_dir/*.h>;
my @sources = ();
if ($include_crypto) {
@sources = <$crypto_dir/$source_dir/*.c>;
foreach my $file (<$source_dir/*.c>) {
my $basename = $file; $basename =~ s!.*/!!;
push @sources, $file unless -e "$crypto_dir/$source_dir/$basename";
} else {
@sources = <$source_dir/*.c>;
map { s!/!\\!g } @headers;
map { s!/!\\!g } @sources;
gen_app_files( @app_list );
gen_main_file( \@headers, \@sources,
$vsx_hdr_tpl, $vsx_src_tpl,
$vsx_main_tpl_file, $vsx_main_file );
gen_vsx_solution( @app_list );
return 0;