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synced 2025-03-01 04:13:29 +00:00
Usage: run setup_and_run_MBEDTLS_PRIVATE.sh Signed-off-by: Mateusz Starzyk <mateusz.starzyk@mobica.com>
85 lines
4.2 KiB
85 lines
4.2 KiB
import re
import fileinput
import glob
import pprint
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
files_to_visit = {}
struct_files = glob.glob("apidoc/xml/structmbedtls*.xml") + glob.glob("apidoc/xml/structpsa*.xml")
for struct_file in struct_files:
struct_file_tree = ET.parse(struct_file)
all_struct_members_definitions = struct_file_tree.getroot().findall(".//memberdef[@kind='variable']")
# Create dictionary with following structre
# "filepath" : { "variable_name1": (1, 2, 40, 61), # line numbers
# "variable_name2": (60, 64),
# }
for struct_member_def in all_struct_members_definitions:
# find file path for this variable
member_id = struct_member_def.attrib["id"]
location = struct_member_def.find("location")
file_path = location.attrib["file"]
variable_name = struct_member_def.find("name").text
# if path not yet in dictionary, create empty record to initialize
if file_path not in files_to_visit:
files_to_visit[file_path] = {}
# if variable is not yet in this file's dictionary, create empty set to initialize
if variable_name not in files_to_visit[file_path]:
files_to_visit[file_path][variable_name] = set()
# add variable definition
# check where the variable was referenced
references = struct_member_def.findall("referencedby")
for reference in references:
refid = reference.attrib["refid"]
# assuming that compound name is related to header's xml file
header_file = "apidoc/xml/" + reference.attrib["compoundref"] + ".xml"
header_file_tree = ET.parse(header_file)
# check if this reference is created by static inline function
static_inline_function_definition = header_file_tree.getroot().find(f".//memberdef[@id='{refid}'][@kind='function'][@static='yes'][@inline='yes']")
if static_inline_function_definition:
static_inline_function_file_path = static_inline_function_definition.find("location").attrib["file"]
# if path not yet in dictionary, create empty record to initialize.
# This could happen if reference is inside header file which was not yet processed in search for variable definitions
if static_inline_function_file_path not in files_to_visit:
files_to_visit[static_inline_function_file_path] = {}
# if variable is not yet in this file's dictionary, create empty set to initialize
if variable_name not in files_to_visit[static_inline_function_file_path]:
files_to_visit[static_inline_function_file_path][variable_name] = set()
# function block scope
function_lines_from = int(reference.attrib["startline"])
function_lines_to = int(reference.attrib["endline"])
# find codelines referencing struct's variable
codelines_xml = header_file_tree.getroot().findall(f".//ref[@refid='{member_id}']/../..")
# filter by function's scope
codelines = [int(line.attrib["lineno"]) for line in codelines_xml if int(line.attrib["lineno"]) >= function_lines_from and int(line.attrib["lineno"]) <= function_lines_to]
# add variable reference
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
for file_path, variables in files_to_visit.items():
with fileinput.FileInput(file_path, inplace=True) as file:
output_line_number = 1
re_include_guard = re.compile(r"^#define.*{name}$".format(name=os.path.basename(file_path).replace('.','_').upper()))
for line in file:
insert_allow_private_include = False
if re_include_guard.match(line):
insert_allow_private_include = True
for variable, var_lines in variables.items():
for var_line in var_lines:
if output_line_number == var_line:
line = re.sub(r"(^.*?\W+)({var})(\W+.*$)".format(var=variable), r"\1MBEDTLS_PRIVATE(\2)\3", line)
output_line_number += 1
print(line, end='') # fileinput redirects stdout to the target file
if insert_allow_private_include:
insert_allow_private_include = False
print("#include \"mbedtls/private_access.h\"")