""" mbed TLS Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from StringIO import StringIO from unittest import TestCase, main as unittest_main from mock import patch from generate_code import * """ Unit tests for generate_code.py """ class GenDep(TestCase): """ Test suite for function gen_dep() """ def test_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_disabled_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', '!DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if !defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if !defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* !DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* !DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_mixed_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if !defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* !DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_empty_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_start, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(dep_end, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_large_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] count = 10 for i in range(count): deps.append('DEP%d' % i) dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) self.assertEqual(len(dep_start.splitlines()), count, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(len(dep_end.splitlines()), count, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') class GenDepOneLine(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing gen_deps_one_line() """ def test_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_disabled_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', '!DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if !defined(DEP1) && !defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_mixed_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if !defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_empty_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_large_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] count = 10 for i in range(count): deps.append('DEP%d' % i) dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) expected = '#if ' + ' && '.join(['defined(%s)' % x for x in deps]) self.assertEqual(dep_str, expected, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') class GenFunctionWrapper(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing gen_function_wrapper() """ def test_params_unpack(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', '', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { test_a( a, b, c, d ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_local(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', 'int x = 1;', ('x', 'b', 'c', 'd')) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { int x = 1; test_a( x, b, c, d ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_empty_params(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', '', ()) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_a( ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class GenDispatch(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing gen_dispatch() """ def test_dispatch(self): """ Test that dispatch table entry is generated correctly. :return: """ code = gen_dispatch('test_a', ['DEP1', 'DEP2']) expected = ''' #if defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2) test_a_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_empty_deps(self): """ Test empty dependency list. :return: """ code = gen_dispatch('test_a', []) expected = ''' test_a_wrapper, ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class StringIOWrapper(StringIO, object): """ file like class to mock file object in tests. """ def __init__(self, file_name, data, line_no = 1): """ Init file handle. :param file_name: :param data: :param line_no: """ super(StringIOWrapper, self).__init__(data) self.line_no = line_no self.name = file_name def next(self): """ Iterator return impl. :return: """ line = super(StringIOWrapper, self).next() return line def readline(self, limit=0): """ Wrap the base class readline. :param limit: :return: """ line = super(StringIOWrapper, self).readline() if line: self.line_no += 1 return line class ParseSuiteHeaders(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_suite_headers(). """ def test_suite_headers(self): """ Test that suite headers are parsed correctly. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' expected = '''#line 1 "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data, line_no=0) headers = parse_suite_headers(s) self.assertEqual(headers, expected) def test_line_no(self): """ Test that #line is set to correct line no. in source .function file. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' offset_line_no = 5 expected = '''#line %d "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' % (offset_line_no + 1) s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data, offset_line_no) headers = parse_suite_headers(s) self.assertEqual(headers, expected) def test_no_end_header_comment(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end header comment is missing. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_suite_headers, s) class ParseSuiteDeps(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_suite_deps(). """ def test_suite_deps(self): """ :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C'] s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) deps = parse_suite_deps(s) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) def test_no_end_dep_comment(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end dep comment is missing. :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_suite_deps, s) def test_deps_split(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end dep comment is missing. :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C:A:B: C : D :F : G: !H * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', '!H'] s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) deps = parse_suite_deps(s) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) class ParseFuncDeps(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_function_deps() """ def test_function_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED', 'MBEDTLS_FS_IO'] deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) def test_no_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE */' deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, []) def test_poorly_defined_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_FS_IO: A : !B:C : F*/' deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, ['MBEDTLS_FS_IO', 'A', '!B', 'C', 'F']) class ParseFuncSignature(TestCase): """ Test Suite for parse_function_signature(). """ def test_int_and_char_params(self): """ :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold( char * a, int b, int result )' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, ['char*', 'int', 'int']) self.assertEqual(local, '') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, ['(char *) params[0]', '*( (int *) params[1] )', '*( (int *) params[2] )']) def test_hex_params(self): """ :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int result )' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, ['char*', 'hex', 'int']) self.assertEqual(local, ' HexParam_t hex1 = {(uint8_t *) params[1], *( (uint32_t *) params[2] )};\n') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, ['(char *) params[0]', '&hex1', '*( (int *) params[3] )']) def test_non_void_function(self): """ :return: """ line = 'int entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int result )' self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_function_signature, line) def test_unsupported_arg(self): """ :return: """ line = 'int entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int * result )' self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_function_signature, line) def test_no_params(self): """ :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold()' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, []) self.assertEqual(local, '') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, []) class ParseFunctionCode(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing parse_function_code() """ def test_no_function(self): """ :return: """ data = ''' No test function ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) def test_no_end_case_comment(self): """ :return: """ data = ''' void test_func() { } ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_parse_function_signature_called(self, parse_function_signature_mock): """ :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('test_func', [], '', []) data = ''' void test_func() { } ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) self.assertTrue(parse_function_signature_mock.called) parse_function_signature_mock.assert_called_with('void test_func()\n') @patch("generate_code.gen_dispatch") @patch("generate_code.gen_deps") @patch("generate_code.gen_function_wrapper") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_return(self, parse_function_signature_mock, gen_function_wrapper_mock, gen_deps_mock, gen_dispatch_mock): """ :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('func', [], '', []) gen_function_wrapper_mock.return_value = '' gen_deps_mock.side_effect = gen_deps gen_dispatch_mock.side_effect = gen_dispatch data = ''' void func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) name, arg, code, dispatch_code = parse_function_code(s, [], []) #self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) self.assertTrue(parse_function_signature_mock.called) parse_function_signature_mock.assert_called_with('void func()\n') gen_function_wrapper_mock.assert_called_with('test_func', '', []) self.assertEqual(name, 'test_func') self.assertEqual(arg, []) expected = '''#line 2 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: ;; } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, "\n test_func_wrapper,\n") @patch("generate_code.gen_dispatch") @patch("generate_code.gen_deps") @patch("generate_code.gen_function_wrapper") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_with_exit_label(self, parse_function_signature_mock, gen_function_wrapper_mock, gen_deps_mock, gen_dispatch_mock): """ :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('func', [], '', []) gen_function_wrapper_mock.return_value = '' gen_deps_mock.side_effect = gen_deps gen_dispatch_mock.side_effect = gen_dispatch data = ''' void func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: yes sir yes sir 3 bags full } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) name, arg, code, dispatch_code = parse_function_code(s, [], []) expected = '''#line 2 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: yes sir yes sir 3 bags full } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class ParseFunction(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_functions() """ @patch("generate_code.parse_suite_headers") def test_begin_header(self, parse_suite_headers_mock): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_suite_headers_mock.side_effect = stop data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_suite_headers_mock.assert_called_with(s) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_suite_deps") def test_begin_dep(self, parse_suite_deps_mock): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_suite_deps_mock.side_effect = stop data = '''/* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_suite_deps_mock.assert_called_with(s) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_deps") def test_begin_function_dep(self, parse_function_deps_mock): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_function_deps_mock.side_effect = stop deps_str = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */\n' data = '''%svoid test_func() { } ''' % deps_str s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_function_deps_mock.assert_called_with(deps_str) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_code") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_deps") def test_return(self, parse_function_deps_mock, parse_function_code_mock): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_function_deps_mock.return_value = [] in_func_code= '''void test_func() { } ''' func_dispatch = ''' test_func_wrapper, ''' parse_function_code_mock.return_value = 'test_func', [], in_func_code, func_dispatch deps_str = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */\n' data = '''%svoid test_func() { } ''' % deps_str s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info = parse_functions(s) parse_function_deps_mock.assert_called_with(deps_str) parse_function_code_mock.assert_called_with(s, [], []) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 5) self.assertEqual(suite_deps, []) expected_dispatch_code = '''/* Function Id: 0 */ test_func_wrapper, ''' self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, expected_dispatch_code) self.assertEqual(func_code, in_func_code) self.assertEqual(func_info, {'test_func': (0, [])}) def test_parsing(self): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ /* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func1() { } /* END_CASE */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func2() { } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info = parse_functions(s) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 23) self.assertEqual(suite_deps, ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C']) expected_dispatch_code = '''/* Function Id: 0 */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) && defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) && defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) test_func1_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif /* Function Id: 1 */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) && defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) && defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) test_func2_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif ''' self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, expected_dispatch_code) expected_func_code = '''#if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) #line 3 "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 #if defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) #if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) #line 14 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func1() { exit: ;; } void test_func1_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_func1( ); } #endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) #if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) #line 20 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func2() { exit: ;; } void test_func2_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_func2( ); } #endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_C */ ''' self.assertEqual(func_code, expected_func_code) self.assertEqual(func_info, {'test_func1': (0, []), 'test_func2': (1, [])}) def test_same_function_name(self): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_suite_headers() is called. :return: """ data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ /* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func() { } /* END_CASE */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func() { } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, parse_functions, s) class ExcapedSplit(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing escaped_split(). Note: Since escaped_split() output is used to write back to the intermediate data file. Any escape characters in the input are retained in the output. """ def test_invalid_input(self): """ Test when input split character is not a character. :return: """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, escaped_split, '', 'string') def test_empty_string(self): """ Test empty strig input. :return: """ splits = escaped_split('', ':') self.assertEqual(splits, []) def test_no_escape(self): """ Test with no escape character. The behaviour should be same as str.split() :return: """ s = 'yahoo:google' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, s.split(':')) def test_escaped_input(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\:google:facebook' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\:google', 'facebook']) def test_escaped_escape(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\\\:google:facebook' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\\\\', 'google', 'facebook']) def test_all_at_once(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\\\:google:facebook\:instagram\\\:bbc\\\\:wikipedia' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\\\\', 'google', 'facebook\:instagram\\\\', 'bbc\\\\', 'wikipedia']) class ParseTestData(TestCase): """ Test suite for parse test data. """ def test_parser(self): """ Test that tests are parsed correctly from data file. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 dhm_do_dhm:10:"23":10:"5" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #3 dhm_do_dhm:10:"9345098382739712938719287391879381271":10:"9345098792137312973297123912791271" Diffie-Hellman selftest dhm_selftest: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) tests = [(name, function, deps, args) for name, function, deps, args in parse_test_data(s)] t1, t2, t3, t4 = tests self.assertEqual(t1[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1') self.assertEqual(t1[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t1[2], []) self.assertEqual(t1[3], ['10', '"23"', '10', '"5"']) self.assertEqual(t2[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2') self.assertEqual(t2[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t2[2], []) self.assertEqual(t2[3], ['10', '"93450983094850938450983409623"', '10', '"9345098304850938450983409622"']) self.assertEqual(t3[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #3') self.assertEqual(t3[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t3[2], []) self.assertEqual(t3[3], ['10', '"9345098382739712938719287391879381271"', '10', '"9345098792137312973297123912791271"']) self.assertEqual(t4[0], 'Diffie-Hellman selftest') self.assertEqual(t4[1], 'dhm_selftest') self.assertEqual(t4[2], []) self.assertEqual(t4[3], []) def test_with_dependencies(self): """ Test that tests with dependencies are parsed. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO dhm_do_dhm:10:"23":10:"5" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) tests = [(name, function, deps, args) for name, function, deps, args in parse_test_data(s)] t1, t2 = tests self.assertEqual(t1[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1') self.assertEqual(t1[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t1[2], ['YAHOO']) self.assertEqual(t1[3], ['10', '"23"', '10', '"5"']) self.assertEqual(t2[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2') self.assertEqual(t2[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t2[2], []) self.assertEqual(t2[3], ['10', '"93450983094850938450983409623"', '10', '"9345098304850938450983409622"']) def test_no_args(self): """ Test AssertionError is raised when test function name and args line is missing. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) e = None try: for x, y, z, a in parse_test_data(s): pass except AssertionError, e: pass self.assertEqual(type(e), AssertionError) def test_incomplete_data(self): """ Test AssertionError is raised when test function name and args line is missing. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) e = None try: for x, y, z, a in parse_test_data(s): pass except AssertionError, e: pass self.assertEqual(type(e), AssertionError) class GenDepCheck(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_dep_check(). It is assumed this function is called with valid inputs. """ def test_gen_dep_check(self): """ Test that dependency check code generated correctly. :return: """ expected = """ if ( dep_id == 5 ) { #if defined(YAHOO) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else """ out = gen_dep_check(5, 'YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_noT(self): """ Test dependency with !. :return: """ expected = """ if ( dep_id == 5 ) { #if !defined(YAHOO) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else """ out = gen_dep_check(5, '!YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_empty_dependency(self): """ Test invalid dependency input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_dep_check, 5, '!') def test_negative_dep_id(self): """ Test invalid dependency input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_dep_check, -1, 'YAHOO') class GenExpCheck(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_expression_check(). It is assumed this function is called with valid inputs. """ def test_gen_exp_check(self): """ Test that expression check code generated correctly. :return: """ expected = """ if ( exp_id == 5 ) { *out_value = YAHOO; } else """ out = gen_expression_check(5, 'YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_invalid_expression(self): """ Test invalid expression input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_expression_check, 5, '') def test_negative_exp_id(self): """ Test invalid expression id. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_expression_check, -1, 'YAHOO') class WriteDeps(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing write_deps. """ def test_no_test_deps(self): """ Test when test_deps is empty. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = write_deps(s, [], unique_deps) self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, '') self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 0) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '') def test_unique_dep_ids(self): """ :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = write_deps(s, ['DEP3', 'DEP2', 'DEP1'], unique_deps) expect_dep_check_code = ''' if ( dep_id == 0 ) { #if defined(DEP3) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else if ( dep_id == 1 ) { #if defined(DEP2) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else if ( dep_id == 2 ) { #if defined(DEP1) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else ''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expect_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 3) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), 'depends_on:0:1:2\n') def test_dep_id_repeat(self): """ :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = '' dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP3', 'DEP2'], unique_deps) dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP2', 'DEP1'], unique_deps) dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP1', 'DEP3'], unique_deps) expect_dep_check_code = ''' if ( dep_id == 0 ) { #if defined(DEP3) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else if ( dep_id == 1 ) { #if defined(DEP2) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else if ( dep_id == 2 ) { #if defined(DEP1) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else ''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expect_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 3) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), 'depends_on:0:1\ndepends_on:1:2\ndepends_on:2:0\n') class WriteParams(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing write_parameters(). """ def test_no_params(self): """ Test with empty test_args :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, [], [], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '\n') def test_no_exp_param(self): """ Test when there is no macro or expression in the params. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0\n') def test_hex_format_int_param(self): """ Test int parameter in hex format. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0xAA'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0xAA\n') def test_with_exp_param(self): """ Test when there is macro or expression in the params. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0', 'MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int', 'int', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 3) self.assertEqual(unique_expressions, ['MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3']) expected_expression_code = ''' if ( exp_id == 0 ) { *out_value = MACRO1; } else if ( exp_id == 1 ) { *out_value = MACRO2; } else if ( exp_id == 2 ) { *out_value = MACRO3; } else ''' self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0:exp:0:exp:1:exp:2\n') def test_with_repeate_calls(self): """ Test when write_parameter() is called with same macro or expression. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = '' expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', 'MACRO1', 'MACRO2'], ['char*', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['"abcdef00"', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3'], ['hex', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['0', 'MACRO3', 'MACRO1'], ['int', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 3) self.assertEqual(unique_expressions, ['MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3']) expected_expression_code = ''' if ( exp_id == 0 ) { *out_value = MACRO1; } else if ( exp_id == 1 ) { *out_value = MACRO2; } else if ( exp_id == 2 ) { *out_value = MACRO3; } else ''' self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) expected_data_file = ''':char*:"Yahoo":exp:0:exp:1 :hex:"abcdef00":exp:1:exp:2 :int:0:exp:2:exp:0 ''' self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), expected_data_file) class GenTestSuiteDepsChecks(TestCase): """ """ def test_empty_suite_deps(self): """ Test with empty suite_deps list. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks([], 'DEP_CHECK_CODE', 'EXPRESSION_CODE') self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, 'DEP_CHECK_CODE') self.assertEqual(expression_code, 'EXPRESSION_CODE') def test_suite_deps(self): """ Test with suite_deps list. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks(['SUITE_DEP'], 'DEP_CHECK_CODE', 'EXPRESSION_CODE') exprectd_dep_check_code = ''' #if defined(SUITE_DEP) DEP_CHECK_CODE #else (void) dep_id; #endif ''' expected_expression_code = ''' #if defined(SUITE_DEP) EXPRESSION_CODE #else (void) exp_id; (void) out_value; #endif ''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, exprectd_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) def test_no_dep_no_exp(self): """ Test when there are no dependency and expression code. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks([], '', '') self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, '(void) dep_id;\n') self.assertEqual(expression_code, '(void) exp_id;\n(void) out_value;\n') class GenFromTestData(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_from_test_data() """ @patch("generate_code.write_deps") @patch("generate_code.write_parameters") @patch("generate_code.gen_suite_deps_checks") def test_intermediate_data_file(self, gen_suite_deps_checks_mock, write_parameters_mock, write_deps_mock): """ Test that intermediate data file is written with expected data. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func1': (1, ('int',))} suite_deps = [] write_parameters_mock.side_effect = write_parameters write_deps_mock.side_effect = write_deps gen_suite_deps_checks_mock.side_effect = gen_suite_deps_checks gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) write_deps_mock.assert_called_with(out_data_f, ['DEP1'], ['DEP1']) write_parameters_mock.assert_called_with(out_data_f, ['0'], ('int',), []) expected_dep_check_code = ''' if ( dep_id == 0 ) { #if defined(DEP1) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else ''' gen_suite_deps_checks_mock.assert_called_with(suite_deps, expected_dep_check_code, '') def test_function_not_found(self): """ Test that AssertError is raised when function info in not found. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func2': (1, ('int',))} suite_deps = [] self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_from_test_data, data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) def test_different_func_args(self): """ Test that AssertError is raised when no. of parameters and function args differ. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func2': (1, ('int','hex'))} suite_deps = [] self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_from_test_data, data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) def test_output(self): """ Test that intermediate data file is written with expected data. :return: """ data = ''' My test 1 depends_on:DEP1 func1:0:0xfa:MACRO1:MACRO2 My test 2 depends_on:DEP1:DEP2 func2:"yahoo":88:MACRO1 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func1': (0, ('int', 'int', 'int', 'int')), 'test_func2': (1, ('char*', 'int', 'int'))} suite_deps = [] dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) expected_dep_check_code = ''' if ( dep_id == 0 ) { #if defined(DEP1) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else if ( dep_id == 1 ) { #if defined(DEP2) return( DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED ); #else return( DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED ); #endif } else ''' expecrted_data = '''My test 1 depends_on:0 0:int:0:int:0xfa:exp:0:exp:1 My test 2 depends_on:0:1 1:char*:"yahoo":int:88:exp:0 ''' expected_expression_code = ''' if ( exp_id == 0 ) { *out_value = MACRO1; } else if ( exp_id == 1 ) { *out_value = MACRO2; } else ''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expected_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(out_data_f.getvalue(), expecrted_data) self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) if __name__=='__main__': unittest_main()