#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Analyze the test outcomes from a full CI run.

This script can also run on outcomes from a partial run, but the results are
less likely to be useful.

import re

import scripts_path # pylint: disable=unused-import
from mbedtls_framework import outcome_analysis

class CoverageTask(outcome_analysis.CoverageTask):
    # We'll populate IGNORED_TESTS soon. In the meantime, lack of coverage
    # is just a warning.
    outcome_analysis.FULL_COVERAGE_BY_DEFAULT = False

# The names that we give to classes derived from DriverVSReference do not
# follow the usual naming convention, because it's more readable to use
# underscores and parts of the configuration names. Also, these classes
# are just there to specify some data, so they don't need repetitive
# documentation.
#pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-class-docstring

class DriverVSReference_hash(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_hash_use_psa'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_hash_use_psa'
        'shax', 'mdx', # the software implementations that are being excluded
        'md.psa',  # purposefully depends on whether drivers are present
        'psa_crypto_low_hash.generated', # testing the builtins
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',

class DriverVSReference_hmac(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_hmac'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_hmac'
        # These suites require legacy hash support, which is disabled
        # in the accelerated component.
        'shax', 'mdx',
        # This suite tests builtins directly, but these are missing
        # in the accelerated case.
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_md': [
            # Builtin HMAC is not supported in the accelerate component.
            # Following tests make use of functions which are not available
            # when MD_C is disabled, as it happens in the accelerated
            # test component.
            re.compile('generic .* Hash file .*'),
            'MD list',
        'test_suite_md.psa': [
            # "legacy only" tests require hash algorithms to be NOT
            # accelerated, but this of course false for the accelerated
            # test component.
            re.compile('PSA dispatch .* legacy only'),
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',

class DriverVSReference_cipher_aead_cmac(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_cipher_aead_cmac'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_cipher_aead_cmac'
    # Modules replaced by drivers.
        # low-level (block/stream) cipher modules
        'aes', 'aria', 'camellia', 'des', 'chacha20',
        # AEAD modes and CMAC
        'ccm', 'chachapoly', 'cmac', 'gcm',
        # The Cipher abstraction layer
        'test_suite_config': [
        # PEM decryption is not supported so far.
        # The rest of PEM (write, unencrypted read) works though.
        'test_suite_pem': [
            re.compile(r'PEM read .*(AES|DES|\bencrypt).*'),
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # Following tests depend on AES_C/DES_C but are not about
        # them really, just need to know some error code is there.
        'test_suite_error': [
            'Low and high error',
            'Single low error'
        # Similar to test_suite_error above.
        'test_suite_version': [
            'Check for MBEDTLS_AES_C when already present',
        # The en/decryption part of PKCS#12 is not supported so far.
        # The rest of PKCS#12 (key derivation) works though.
        'test_suite_pkcs12': [
            re.compile(r'PBE Encrypt, .*'),
            re.compile(r'PBE Decrypt, .*'),
        # The en/decryption part of PKCS#5 is not supported so far.
        # The rest of PKCS#5 (PBKDF2) works though.
        'test_suite_pkcs5': [
            re.compile(r'PBES2 Encrypt, .*'),
            re.compile(r'PBES2 Decrypt .*'),
        # Encrypted keys are not supported so far.
        # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        'test_suite_pkparse': [
            'Key ASN1 (Encrypted key PKCS12, trailing garbage data)',
            'Key ASN1 (Encrypted key PKCS5, trailing garbage data)',
            re.compile(r'Parse (RSA|EC) Key .*\(.* ([Ee]ncrypted|password).*\)'),
        # Encrypted keys are not supported so far.
        'ssl-opt': [
            'TLS: password protected server key',
            'TLS: password protected client key',
            'TLS: password protected server key, two certificates',

class DriverVSReference_ecp_light_only(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_ecp_light_only'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_ecp_light_only'
        # Modules replaced by drivers
        'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # This test wants a legacy function that takes f_rng, p_rng
        # arguments, and uses legacy ECDSA for that. The test is
        # really about the wrapper around the PSA RNG, not ECDSA.
        'test_suite_random': [
            'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
        # In the accelerated test ECP_C is not set (only ECP_LIGHT is)
        # so we must ignore disparities in the tests for which ECP_C
        # is required.
        'test_suite_ecp': [
            re.compile(r'ECP check public-private .*'),
            re.compile(r'ECP calculate public: .*'),
            re.compile(r'ECP gen keypair .*'),
            re.compile(r'ECP point muladd .*'),
            re.compile(r'ECP point multiplication .*'),
            re.compile(r'ECP test vectors .*'),
        'test_suite_ssl': [
            # This deprecated function is only present when ECP_C is On.
            'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',

class DriverVSReference_no_ecp_at_all(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_no_ecp_at_all'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_no_ecp_at_all'
        # Modules replaced by drivers
        'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_random': [
            'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
        'test_suite_pkparse': [
            # When PK_PARSE_C and ECP_C are defined then PK_PARSE_EC_COMPRESSED
            # is automatically enabled in build_info.h (backward compatibility)
            # even if it is disabled in config_psa_crypto_no_ecp_at_all(). As a
            # consequence compressed points are supported in the reference
            # component but not in the accelerated one, so they should be skipped
            # while checking driver's coverage.
            re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
            re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_ssl': [
            'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',

class DriverVSReference_ecc_no_bignum(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_no_bignum'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_no_bignum'
        # Modules replaced by drivers
        'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
        'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
        'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_random': [
            'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
        # See no_ecp_at_all
        'test_suite_pkparse': [
            re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
            re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
        'test_suite_asn1parse': [
            'INTEGER too large for mpi',
        'test_suite_asn1write': [
            re.compile(r'ASN.1 Write mpi.*'),
        'test_suite_debug': [
            re.compile(r'Debug print mbedtls_mpi.*'),
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_ssl': [
            'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',

class DriverVSReference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum'
        # Modules replaced by drivers
        'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake', 'dhm',
        'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
        'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
        'ssl-opt': [
            # DHE support in TLS 1.2 requires built-in MBEDTLS_DHM_C
            # (because it needs custom groups, which PSA does not
            # provide), even with MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO.
            re.compile(r'PSK callback:.*\bdhe-psk\b.*'),
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_random': [
            'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',
        # See no_ecp_at_all
        'test_suite_pkparse': [
            re.compile(r'Parse EC Key .*compressed\)'),
            re.compile(r'Parse Public EC Key .*compressed\)'),
        'test_suite_asn1parse': [
            'INTEGER too large for mpi',
        'test_suite_asn1write': [
            re.compile(r'ASN.1 Write mpi.*'),
        'test_suite_debug': [
            re.compile(r'Debug print mbedtls_mpi.*'),
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_ssl': [
            'Test configuration of groups for DHE through mbedtls_ssl_conf_curves()',

class DriverVSReference_ffdh_alg(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_ffdh'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_ffdh'
    IGNORED_SUITES = ['dhm']
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',

class DriverVSReference_tfm_config(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_tfm_config_no_p256m'
    DRIVER = 'test_tfm_config_p256m_driver_accel_ec'
        # Modules replaced by drivers
        'asn1parse', 'asn1write',
        'ecp', 'ecdsa', 'ecdh', 'ecjpake',
        'bignum_core', 'bignum_random', 'bignum_mod', 'bignum_mod_raw',
        'bignum.generated', 'bignum.misc',
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_config.crypto_combinations': [
            'Config: ECC: Weierstrass curves only',
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # See ecp_light_only
        'test_suite_random': [
            'PSA classic wrapper: ECDSA signature (SECP256R1)',

class DriverVSReference_rsa(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_psa_crypto_config_reference_rsa_crypto'
    DRIVER = 'test_psa_crypto_config_accel_rsa_crypto'
        # Modules replaced by drivers.
        'rsa', 'pkcs1_v15', 'pkcs1_v21',
        # We temporarily don't care about PK stuff.
        'pk', 'pkwrite', 'pkparse'
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',
        # Following tests depend on RSA_C but are not about
        # them really, just need to know some error code is there.
        'test_suite_error': [
            'Low and high error',
            'Single high error'
        # Constant time operations only used for PKCS1_V15
        'test_suite_constant_time': [
            re.compile(r'mbedtls_ct_zeroize_if .*'),
            re.compile(r'mbedtls_ct_memmove_left .*')
        'test_suite_psa_crypto': [
            # We don't support generate_key_custom entry points
            # in drivers yet.
            re.compile(r'PSA generate key custom: RSA, e=.*'),
            re.compile(r'PSA generate key ext: RSA, e=.*'),

class DriverVSReference_block_cipher_dispatch(outcome_analysis.DriverVSReference):
    REFERENCE = 'test_full_block_cipher_legacy_dispatch'
    DRIVER = 'test_full_block_cipher_psa_dispatch'
        # Skipped in the accelerated component
        'aes', 'aria', 'camellia',
        # These require AES_C, ARIA_C or CAMELLIA_C to be enabled in
        # order for the cipher module (actually cipher_wrapper) to work
        # properly. However these symbols are disabled in the accelerated
        # component so we ignore them.
        'cipher.ccm', 'cipher.gcm', 'cipher.aes', 'cipher.aria',
        'test_suite_config': [
        'test_suite_cmac': [
            # Following tests require AES_C/ARIA_C/CAMELLIA_C to be enabled,
            # but these are not available in the accelerated component.
            'CMAC null arguments',
            re.compile('CMAC.* (AES|ARIA|Camellia).*'),
        'test_suite_cipher.padding': [
            # Following tests require AES_C/CAMELLIA_C to be enabled,
            # but these are not available in the accelerated component.
            re.compile('Set( non-existent)? padding with (AES|CAMELLIA).*'),
        'test_suite_pkcs5': [
            # The AES part of PKCS#5 PBES2 is not yet supported.
            # The rest of PKCS#5 (PBKDF2) works, though.
            re.compile(r'PBES2 .* AES-.*')
        'test_suite_pkparse': [
            # PEM (called by pkparse) requires AES_C in order to decrypt
            # the key, but this is not available in the accelerated
            # component.
            re.compile('Parse RSA Key.*(password|AES-).*'),
        'test_suite_pem': [
            # Following tests require AES_C, but this is diabled in the
            # accelerated component.
            re.compile('PEM read .*AES.*'),
            'PEM read (unknown encryption algorithm)',
        'test_suite_error': [
            # Following tests depend on AES_C but are not about them
            # really, just need to know some error code is there.
            'Single low error',
            'Low and high error',
        'test_suite_version': [
            # Similar to test_suite_error above.
            'Check for MBEDTLS_AES_C when already present',
        'test_suite_platform': [
            # Incompatible with sanitizers (e.g. ASan). If the driver
            # component uses a sanitizer but the reference component
            # doesn't, we have a PASS vs SKIP mismatch.
            'Check mbedtls_calloc overallocation',

#pylint: enable=invalid-name,missing-class-docstring

# List of tasks with a function that can handle this task and additional arguments if required
    'analyze_coverage': CoverageTask,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_hash': DriverVSReference_hash,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_hmac': DriverVSReference_hmac,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_cipher_aead_cmac': DriverVSReference_cipher_aead_cmac,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecp_light_only': DriverVSReference_ecp_light_only,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_no_ecp_at_all': DriverVSReference_no_ecp_at_all,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecc_no_bignum': DriverVSReference_ecc_no_bignum,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum': DriverVSReference_ecc_ffdh_no_bignum,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_ffdh_alg': DriverVSReference_ffdh_alg,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_tfm_config': DriverVSReference_tfm_config,
    'analyze_driver_vs_reference_rsa': DriverVSReference_rsa,
    'analyze_block_cipher_dispatch': DriverVSReference_block_cipher_dispatch,

if __name__ == '__main__':