# components-basic-checks.sh
# Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later

# This file contains test components that are executed by all.sh

#### Basic checks

component_check_recursion () {
    msg "Check: recursion.pl" # < 1s
    tests/scripts/recursion.pl library/*.c

component_check_generated_files () {
    msg "Check: check-generated-files, files generated with make" # 2s
    make generated_files

    msg "Check: check-generated-files -u, files present" # 2s
    tests/scripts/check-generated-files.sh -u
    # Check that the generated files are considered up to date.

    msg "Check: check-generated-files -u, files absent" # 2s
    command make neat
    tests/scripts/check-generated-files.sh -u
    # Check that the generated files are considered up to date.

    # This component ends with the generated files present in the source tree.
    # This is necessary for subsequent components!

component_check_doxy_blocks () {
    msg "Check: doxygen markup outside doxygen blocks" # < 1s

component_check_files () {
    msg "Check: file sanity checks (permissions, encodings)" # < 1s

component_check_changelog () {
    msg "Check: changelog entries" # < 1s
    rm -f ChangeLog.new
    scripts/assemble_changelog.py -o ChangeLog.new
    if [ -e ChangeLog.new ]; then
        # Show the diff for information. It isn't an error if the diff is
        # non-empty.
        diff -u ChangeLog ChangeLog.new || true
        rm ChangeLog.new

component_check_names () {
    msg "Check: declared and exported names (builds the library)" # < 3s
    tests/scripts/check_names.py -v

component_check_test_cases () {
    msg "Check: test case descriptions" # < 1s
    if [ $QUIET -eq 1 ]; then
    framework/scripts/check_test_cases.py -q $opt
    unset opt

component_check_test_dependencies () {
    msg "Check: test case dependencies: legacy vs PSA" # < 1s
    # The purpose of this component is to catch unjustified dependencies on
    # legacy feature macros (MBEDTLS_xxx) in PSA tests. Generally speaking,
    # PSA test should use PSA feature macros (PSA_WANT_xxx, more rarely
    # MBEDTLS_PSA_xxx).
    # Most of the time, use of legacy MBEDTLS_xxx macros are mistakes, which
    # this component is meant to catch. However a few of them are justified,
    # mostly by the absence of a PSA equivalent, so this component includes a
    # list of expected exceptions.


    # Find legacy dependencies in PSA tests
    grep 'depends_on' \
        tests/suites/test_suite_psa*.data tests/suites/test_suite_psa*.function |
        grep -Eo '!?MBEDTLS_[^: ]*' |
        grep -v -e MBEDTLS_PSA_ -e MBEDTLS_TEST_ |
        sort -u > $found

    # Expected ones with justification - keep in sorted order by ASCII table!
    rm -f $expected
    # No PSA equivalent - WANT_KEY_TYPE_AES means all sizes
    echo "!MBEDTLS_AES_ONLY_128_BIT_KEY_LENGTH" >> $expected
    # No PSA equivalent - used to skip decryption tests in PSA-ECB, CBC/XTS/NIST_KW/DES
    echo "!MBEDTLS_BLOCK_CIPHER_NO_DECRYPT" >> $expected
    # MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C is used by import_rsa_made_up() in test_suite_psa_crypto
    # in order to build a fake RSA key of the wanted size based on
    # PSA_VENDOR_RSA_MAX_KEY_BITS. The legacy module is only used by
    # the test code and that's probably the most convenient way of achieving
    # the test's goal.
    echo "MBEDTLS_ASN1_WRITE_C" >> $expected
    # No PSA equivalent - we should probably have one in the future.
    echo "MBEDTLS_ECP_RESTARTABLE" >> $expected
    # No PSA equivalent - needed by some init tests
    echo "MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED" >> $expected
    # No PSA equivalent - required to run threaded tests.
    echo "MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD" >> $expected

    # Compare reality with expectation.
    # We want an exact match, to ensure the above list remains up-to-date.
    # The output should be empty. When it's not:
    # - Each '+' line is a macro that was found but not expected. You want to
    # find where that macro occurs, and either replace it with PSA macros, or
    # add it to the exceptions list above with a justification.
    # - Each '-' line is a macro that was expected but not found; it means the
    # exceptions list above should be updated by removing that macro.
    diff -U0 $expected $found

    rm $found $expected

component_check_doxygen_warnings () {
    msg "Check: doxygen warnings (builds the documentation)" # ~ 3s

component_check_code_style () {
    msg "Check C code style"

support_check_code_style () {
    case $(uncrustify --version) in
        *0.75.1*) true;;
        *) false;;

component_check_python_files () {
    msg "Lint: Python scripts"

component_check_test_helpers () {
    msg "unit test: generate_test_code.py"
    # unittest writes out mundane stuff like number or tests run on stderr.
    # Our convention is to reserve stderr for actual errors, and write
    # harmless info on stdout so it can be suppress with --quiet.
    ./framework/scripts/test_generate_test_code.py 2>&1

    msg "unit test: translate_ciphers.py"
    python3 -m unittest framework/scripts/translate_ciphers.py 2>&1