# components-sanitizers.sh
# Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later

# This file contains test components that are executed by all.sh

#### Sanitizer Testing

skip_suites_without_constant_flow () {
    # Skip the test suites that don't have any constant-flow annotations.
    # This will need to be adjusted if we ever start declaring things as
    # secret from macros or functions inside tests/include or tests/src.
        git -C tests/suites grep -L TEST_CF_ 'test_suite_*.function' |
            sed 's/test_suite_//; s/\.function$//' |
            tr '\n' ,)

skip_all_except_given_suite () {
    # Skip all but the given test suite
        ls -1 tests/suites/test_suite_*.function |
        grep -v $1.function |
         sed 's/tests.suites.test_suite_//; s/\.function$//' |
        tr '\n' ,)

component_test_memsan_constant_flow () {
    # This tests both (1) accesses to undefined memory, and (2) branches or
    # memory access depending on secret values. To distinguish between those:
    # - unset MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_MEMSAN - does the failure persist?
    # - or alternatively, change the build type to MemSanDbg, which enables
    # origin tracking and nicer stack traces (which are useful for debugging
    # anyway), and check if the origin was TEST_CF_SECRET() or something else.
    msg "build: cmake MSan (clang), full config minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO with constant flow testing"
    scripts/config.py full
    scripts/config.py set MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_MEMSAN
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C # memsan doesn't grok asm
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=MemSan .

    msg "test: main suites (full minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO, Msan + constant flow)"
    make test

component_test_memsan_constant_flow_psa () {
    # This tests both (1) accesses to undefined memory, and (2) branches or
    # memory access depending on secret values. To distinguish between those:
    # - unset MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_MEMSAN - does the failure persist?
    # - or alternatively, change the build type to MemSanDbg, which enables
    # origin tracking and nicer stack traces (which are useful for debugging
    # anyway), and check if the origin was TEST_CF_SECRET() or something else.
    msg "build: cmake MSan (clang), full config with constant flow testing"
    scripts/config.py full
    scripts/config.py set MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_MEMSAN
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C # memsan doesn't grok asm
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=MemSan .

    msg "test: main suites (Msan + constant flow)"
    make test

component_release_test_valgrind_constant_flow () {
    # This tests both (1) everything that valgrind's memcheck usually checks
    # (heap buffer overflows, use of uninitialized memory, use-after-free,
    # etc.) and (2) branches or memory access depending on secret values,
    # which will be reported as uninitialized memory. To distinguish between
    # secret and actually uninitialized:
    # - unset MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_VALGRIND - does the failure persist?
    # - or alternatively, build with debug info and manually run the offending
    # test suite with valgrind --track-origins=yes, then check if the origin
    # was TEST_CF_SECRET() or something else.
    msg "build: cmake release GCC, full config minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO with constant flow testing"
    scripts/config.py full
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    # this only shows a summary of the results (how many of each type)
    # details are left in Testing/<date>/DynamicAnalysis.xml
    msg "test: some suites (full minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO, valgrind + constant flow)"
    make memcheck

    # Test asm path in constant time module - by default, it will test the plain C
    # path under Valgrind or Memsan. Running only the constant_time tests is fast (<1s)
    msg "test: valgrind asm constant_time"
    skip_all_except_given_suite test_suite_constant_time
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .
    make clean
    make memcheck

component_release_test_valgrind_constant_flow_no_asm () {
    # This tests both (1) everything that valgrind's memcheck usually checks
    # (heap buffer overflows, use of uninitialized memory, use-after-free,
    # etc.) and (2) branches or memory access depending on secret values,
    # which will be reported as uninitialized memory. To distinguish between
    # secret and actually uninitialized:
    # - unset MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_VALGRIND - does the failure persist?
    # - or alternatively, build with debug info and manually run the offending
    # test suite with valgrind --track-origins=yes, then check if the origin
    # was TEST_CF_SECRET() or something else.
    msg "build: cmake release GCC, full config minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO, minus MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM with constant flow testing"
    scripts/config.py full
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    # this only shows a summary of the results (how many of each type)
    # details are left in Testing/<date>/DynamicAnalysis.xml
    msg "test: some suites (full minus MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO, minus MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM, valgrind + constant flow)"
    make memcheck

component_release_test_valgrind_constant_flow_psa () {
    # This tests both (1) everything that valgrind's memcheck usually checks
    # (heap buffer overflows, use of uninitialized memory, use-after-free,
    # etc.) and (2) branches or memory access depending on secret values,
    # which will be reported as uninitialized memory. To distinguish between
    # secret and actually uninitialized:
    # - unset MBEDTLS_TEST_CONSTANT_FLOW_VALGRIND - does the failure persist?
    # - or alternatively, build with debug info and manually run the offending
    # test suite with valgrind --track-origins=yes, then check if the origin
    # was TEST_CF_SECRET() or something else.
    msg "build: cmake release GCC, full config with constant flow testing"
    scripts/config.py full
    cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    # this only shows a summary of the results (how many of each type)
    # details are left in Testing/<date>/DynamicAnalysis.xml
    msg "test: some suites (valgrind + constant flow)"
    make memcheck

component_test_tsan () {
    msg "build: TSan (clang)"
    scripts/config.py full
    scripts/config.py set MBEDTLS_THREADING_C
    scripts/config.py set MBEDTLS_THREADING_PTHREAD
    # Self-tests do not currently use multiple threads.
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_SELF_TEST

    # The deprecated MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SE_C interface is not thread safe.
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SE_C

    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=TSan .

    msg "test: main suites (TSan)"
    make test

component_test_memsan () {
    msg "build: MSan (clang)" # ~ 1 min 20s
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_AESNI_C # memsan doesn't grok asm
    scripts/config.py unset MBEDTLS_HAVE_ASM
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=MemSan .

    msg "test: main suites (MSan)" # ~ 10s
    make test

    msg "test: metatests (MSan)"
    tests/scripts/run-metatests.sh any msan

    msg "program demos (MSan)" # ~20s

    msg "test: ssl-opt.sh (MSan)" # ~ 1 min

    # Optional part(s)

    if [ "$MEMORY" -gt 0 ]; then
        msg "test: compat.sh (MSan)" # ~ 6 min 20s

component_release_test_valgrind () {
    msg "build: Release (clang)"
    # default config, in particular without MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    msg "test: main suites, Valgrind (default config)"
    make memcheck

    # Optional parts (slow; currently broken on OS X because programs don't
    # seem to receive signals under valgrind on OS X).
    # These optional parts don't run on the CI.
    if [ "$MEMORY" -gt 0 ]; then
        msg "test: ssl-opt.sh --memcheck (default config)"
        tests/ssl-opt.sh --memcheck

    if [ "$MEMORY" -gt 1 ]; then
        msg "test: compat.sh --memcheck (default config)"
        tests/compat.sh --memcheck

    if [ "$MEMORY" -gt 0 ]; then
        msg "test: context-info.sh --memcheck (default config)"
        tests/context-info.sh --memcheck

component_release_test_valgrind_psa () {
    msg "build: Release, full (clang)"
    # full config, in particular with MBEDTLS_USE_PSA_CRYPTO
    scripts/config.py full
    CC=clang cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:String=Release .

    msg "test: main suites, Valgrind (full config)"
    make memcheck