# Mbed TLS test framework This document is an overview of the Mbed TLS test framework and test tools. This document is incomplete. You can help by expanding it. ## Running tests ### Outcome file #### Generating an outcome file Unit tests and `ssl-opt.sh` record the outcome of each test case in a **test outcome file**. This feature is enabled if the environment variable `MBEDTLS_TEST_OUTCOME_FILE` is set. Set it to the path of the desired file. If you run `all.sh --outcome-file test-outcome.csv`, this collects the outcome of all the test cases in `test-outcome.csv`. #### Outcome file format The outcome file is in a CSV format using `;` (semicolon) as the delimiter and no quoting. This means that fields may not contain newlines or semicolons. There is no title line. The outcome file has 6 fields: * **Platform**: a description of the platform, e.g. `Linux-x86_64` or `Linux-x86_64-gcc7-msan`. * **Configuration**: a unique description of the configuration (`config.h`). * **Test suite**: `test_suite_xxx` or `ssl-opt`. * **Test case**: the description of the test case. * **Result**: one of `PASS`, `SKIP` or `FAIL`. * **Cause**: more information explaining the result.