# Random seed file created by test scripts and sample programs seedfile # MBEDTLS_PSA_INJECT_ENTROPY seed file created by the test framework 00000000ffffff52.psa_its # CMake build artifacts: CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles CTestTestfile.cmake cmake_install.cmake Testing # CMake generates *.dir/ folders for in-tree builds (used by MSVC projects), ignore all of those: *.dir/ # MSVC files generated by CMake: /*.sln /*.vcxproj /*.filters # Test coverage build artifacts: Coverage *.gcno *.gcda coverage-summary.txt # generated by scripts/memory.sh massif-* # Eclipse project files .cproject .project /.settings # Unix-like build artifacts: *.o # MSVC build artifacts: *.exe *.pdb *.ilk *.lib # Python build artifacts: *.pyc # CMake generates *.dir/ folders for in-tree builds (used by MSVC projects), ignore all of those: *.dir/ # Microsoft CMake extension for Visual Studio Code generates a build directory by default /build/ # Generated documentation: /apidoc # PSA Crypto compliance test repo, cloned by test_psa_compliance.py /psa-arch-tests # Editor navigation files: /GPATH /GRTAGS /GSYMS /GTAGS /TAGS /cscope*.out /tags # clangd compilation database compile_commands.json # clangd index files /.cache/clangd/index/ # VScode folder to store local debug files and configurations .vscode